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Trans Doctors Can Use Lavatories of Their Choice, Says Hospital Trust Sun Mar 09, 2025 19:32 | Richard Eldred A London hospital trust is letting trans staff pick their own toilets and changing rooms despite Health Secretary Wes Streeting vowing that biological sex would matter under a Labour government.
The post Trans Doctors Can Use Lavatories of Their Choice, Says Hospital Trust appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
How to Earn More in the BBC?s Top Ranks: ?Don?t Be Straight, White or Male? Sun Mar 09, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred Despite its commitment to equal pay, the BBC pays senior managers who are LGBT, ethnic minorities, disabled or female more than their straight, white, male counterparts.
The post How to Earn More in the BBC?s Top Ranks: ?Don?t Be Straight, White or Male? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate Choice Sun Mar 09, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred Britain's self-inflicted decline began in March 2020 when our leaders surrendered to lockdown hysteria instead of standing firm, says Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph.
The post Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate Choice appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Carbon Budget Misinformation Sun Mar 09, 2025 13:00 | David Turver The latest Carbon Budget is not just chock full of misinformation ? from lowballing renewable costs to wild predictions on heat pumps and EVs ? it also wants us to eat bugs! says David Turver.
The post Carbon Budget Misinformation appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Church Issues ?Anti-Racist? Guide With Baffling Prayer Suggestions Sun Mar 09, 2025 11:00 | Richard Eldred The Church of England has issued an "anti-racist toolkit", urging churches to avoid "Eurocentric" prayers and promote diversity ? even in parishes with no diversity.
The post Church Issues ?Anti-Racist? Guide With Baffling Prayer Suggestions appeared first on The Daily Sceptic. Lockdown Skeptics >>
Voltaire, international edition
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Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en
Everything is falling apart between the United States and the EU Fri Feb 28, 2025 11:50 | en Voltaire Network >>
Belgian MP speaks mind to Israeli ambassador over the Gaza genocide
Stand With Palestine Events and Workplace Day of Action on Naksa Day
Click Through to see list of Emergency Protests for Palestine Around Ireland
The C19 Shot Is 'the Biggest Biological Pharmaceutical Safety Disaster in the History of Mankind'
"Many tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, and potentially millions of people have lost their lives with the vaccine," grieved Dr. McCullough.
"This will go down as the biggest biological pharmaceutical safety disaster in the history of mankind — by a mile. This will go down worse than most wars in terms of mortality."
Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America and is now serving as the Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company.
Report by World Council for Health referred to in the video.
Download Report
A doctor discusses the widespread horrific and deadly effects of the Covid Vaccine on large numbers of people.
Click to play or right-click and save to
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Col. Douglas MacGregor debunks the Ukrainian narrative including Zelenskyy’s recent remarks on a “preemptive nuclear strike", on whether Russia is losing the NATO war in Ukraine and the fate of Germany and Europe with it.
|  |
The Covid-19 vaccines (aka the experimental gene therapy) are a Trojan horse for two reasons. One is because they have the potential to cause great harm and long term chronic health and even death and the second because they are a key part of "vaccine passports" that are central to forming the global identification and control system of a worldwide totalitarian technocracy. The media, Big Tech and government have made no effort to hide the fact that they intend vaccine passports to be permanent and expanded to all aspects of life from travel to public events, to entry to work, cafes, restaurants and even pubs although these measures will come later once they get the travel part locked in and accepted.
Related Links:
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming |
12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” |
British funeral director: ‘Number of deaths skyrocketed after start of corona vaccination |
How much!!?? Government spends 1.6 billion on psychological warfare as the War on Democracy grinds on |
Inside Australia’s zero COVID nightmare: Isolated, Fearful and Unfree — Australia May Never Be the Same Again. | Indymedia Vaccine Deaths Tracker | Indymedia Covid Links | The Road To Nuremberg | Tens of thousands marched last Sat in London. No coverage by MSN | Excusing The Inexcusable | The Dark, Fascist Connections of the UK's Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi | State Terror and Kidnapping | Policing Their Way Into Slavery | Choosing Your Place In History In The COVID Era | Digital Green Certificates | The Healthy Debate -Episode 19 Protecting Our Vulnerable | How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness” | Israeli People Committee’s Report Find Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body | Leaks show UK govt had planned back in Oct 2020 to keep the lockdown until April | Stop the Vaccine Passport NOW! | "The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms" | Italian Woman 55 Years of Age Dies of Blood Clots from Experimental Vaccine | The Healthy Debate – Episode 17 The Post Pandemic Economy | Parents against masks for our Secondary School children Campaign Launched | Why Is Everyone in Texas Not Dying? | MIT Researchers Infiltrated Anti-Lockdowners. Had to Admit They’re More Versed in Science Than the Lockdown Lemmings. "For these anti-mask users, their approach to the pandemic is grounded in more scientific rigor, not less" | In Canada Schools Can Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent. 12-15 year olds to be injected with an 'emergency use authorization' vaccine that the manufacturer doesn't want liability for, against a virus that does not threaten them |
Renowned Texas Professor and Doctor: COVID-19 Shots are “Bioweapons thrust upon the Public!” |
Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking out about COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects
If you examine footage & pics carefully
there is no riot just an baton charge against
peaceful protesters with trouble
caused by a few hired thugs
working for the state's agenda
Sat 27th Feb. Today's long planned anti-lockdown protest that was due to take place in Stephens Green was prevented from entering the park because it was closed by the government and all roads leading to it were sealed off by a massive police operation.
Despite the fact there were was an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 who were marching and the vast majority were regular people and were peaceful, the media insists it was a riot and was only attended by thugs. This is the image that they not only want to present but they do present. The only mainstream media images are of lines of cops with smoke from the one firecracker by the lunatic and some discarded litter on the ground.
This report of the protest critically looks at what happened and how the agenda of the government has been cynically served. It is so coincidental that the incident with the firecracker perfectly fitted the narrative they wanted to portray and portray it they did in every report and mention.
The current shutdown of the economy and lockdown of society all around the world is unprecedented and it is very clear that the media are talking up the number and trying to instil panic and fear in the people. This is true not just in Ireland but everywhere else. What all the media reports have in common is that not a single one of them puts the numbers into perspective. All we see are league tables of infections and deaths for this country and others and how it is all going to get worse.
The purpose of this article is to introduce some rational discussion of these numbers and show how it all relates to each other.
Regular Yearly and Daily Deaths in Various Countries
So for example in the case of Ireland the headline screams today (Sat 4th Apr) 17 more deaths and 331 new cases for a total of 4,604. Anyone following the news will know this daily death rate has risen over the last week or so and 17 people is quite alot and brings the total so far to 137. So now we will put this in context.
Update: Important Links:
The Lockdown-Fueled Covid Panic Is Already Killing More People Than the Actual Virus |
Austrian Doctors Warn of Lockdown Cost for Heart Attack and Cancer Patients |
There Is Now a Staggering Amount of Evidence That Ventilators Are Killing More COVID Patients Than They Save |
Funeral Home Lady Bursts Media’s New York COVID Corpse Porn (VIDEO) |
Bill Gates’ IHME Covid-19 Model Uses Flawed Methods, Is Without Value and Shouldn’t Guide Anyone’s Policies | Trust WHO documentary - A damming Investigation... Trailer -if you can locate the full version contact us via contact form
Consider a country with a population of 100 million and in it, there are an equal number of people at each age group. And lets assume the number of people born is more or less the same as the number who die. This would mean a growth rate of zero percent. We know most Western countries have a growth of anywhere from 1% to 2%. So now assume most people in this country live on average for 100 years. In fact the average expectancy in Ireland is 81.5. But lets stick with 100 for now. Then if you only last 100 years this would mean in a population of 100 million that each year (which is 1% of 100 years) that 1% of the people die. Well 1% of 100 million is simply one million. Therefore the number of people who die per day is 1,000,000 / 365 or 2,739 people per day. Now applying this logic to the USA with a population of approximately 331 million means 3.3 million die a year or 9,068 deaths a day. Italy has a population of 60m. This would then be 600,000 per year or 1,643 per day and for Ireland with a population of 4.9 million, the above would suggest about 49,000 deaths per year.
Other Coverage
Sweden’s Dangerous Experiment (Not Committing Social & Economic Suicide) Is Still Working |
Covid Doomsday Cult Said Sweden Would Be Drowning in Bodies. It’s Doing Better Than Lockdown Britain | Ohio Citizens Stage a Spirited Protest Against the Covid Rouge Lockdown (VIDEO)
| Irish Independent: (Apr 13th) We have sleepwalked into a police state - it's vital we have right to question State's actions |
Slovenia’s Official Antibodies Study Implies COVID Infection Fatality Rate Just 0.15%, Comparable to Seasonal Influenza
Infection is far more widespread (and far less lethal) than captured by PCR tests (15 to 58 times more so)
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