ALBA Movimientos | International |
FIAN International | International |
foodwatch international | International |
GRAIN | International |
Greenpeace | International |
ISP Interamericas | International |
OMCT – World Organisation Against Torture | International |
Plataforma América Latina mejor sin TLC | International |
Alianza Biodiversidad | International |
PSI Public Service International Américas | International |
ACT Alliance EU | Europe |
CIDSE – International family of Catholic social justice organisations | Europe |
Climate Alliance | Europe |
Corporate Europe Observatory | Europe |
EU-LAT Network | Europe |
European Coordination Via Campesina | Europe |
European Environmental Bureau | Europe |
Fern | Europe |
Food & Water Europe | Europe |
Friends of the Earth Europe | Europe |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Europe | Europe |
S2B network | Europe |
Slow Food Europe | Europe |
Acción por la Biodiversidad | Argentina |
Amigos de la Tierra Argentina | Argentina |
AMUMRA – Asociación Civil de Derechos Humanos Mujeres Unidas Migrantes y Refugiadas en Argentina | Argentina |
Asamblea Argentina mejor sin TLC | Argentina |
ATTAC Argentina | Argentina |
COMUNA (Colectiva en Movimiento por una Universidad Nuestramericana) en el FPDS-CN | Argentina |
Diálogo 2000 – Jubileo Sur Argentina | Argentina |
Frente Patria Grande | Argentina |
Frente Popular Dario Santillan | Argentina |
Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo | Argentina |
INPADE / FOCO | Argentina |
Resumen Latinoamericano | Argentina |
Vamos- Frente Patria Grande | Argentina |
Anders Handeln | Austria |
Attac Austria | Austria |
Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour/AK Europa | Austria |
Climate Alliance Austria | Austria |
Coordination office of the Austrian episcopal conference for international development and mission (KOO) | Austria |
DKA Austria | Austria |
globalista | Austria |
Grüne Bildungswerkstatt NÖ | Austria |
Grupo Encuentro Austria Argentina – GEAA | Austria |
HORIZONT3000 | Austria |
Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika (IGLA) | Austria |
International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria | Austria |
Jahoda -Bauer Institut | Austria |
NeSoVe / Network Social Responsibility | Austria |
ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria | Austria |
Parents For Future Vienna | Austria |
proge Union | Austria |
Selbstbesteuerungsgruppe Bischof Kräutler | Austria |
transform!at | Austria |
vöwg | Austria |
ELA | Basque Country |
Mugarik Gabe | Basque Country |
TRADENER | Basque Country |
Commission Justice et Paix | Belgium |
11.11.11 | Belgium |
Broederlijk Delen | Belgium |
CNCD-11.11.11 | Belgium |
Commission Justice et Paix | Belgium |
Entraide et Fraternité | Belgium |
FIAN Belgium | Belgium |
FIAN Belgium | Belgium |
Indignez-Vous | Belgium |
Fundación Solón | Bolivia |
Centar za zivotnu sredinu/ Friends of the Earth Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Justiça nos Trilhos | Brazil |
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – MAB | Brazil |
AMAST RJ | Brazil |
AMAU (Articulação Metropolitana de Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana) | Brazil |
Associação Alternativa Terrazul | Brazil |
Asssociação para Recuperação e Conservação do Ambiente – ARCA | Brazil |
Campanha Antipetroleira “Nem um poço a mais!” | Brazil |
Caritas Arquidiocesana de Brasília | Brazil |
Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT | Brazil |
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Seguridade Social da CUT | Brazil |
Convívio Slow Food Parahyba | Brazil |
FASE – Solidariedade e Educação | Brazil |
Fasubra sindical | Brazil |
Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro – FOIRN | Brazil |
Federação Nacional dos Enfermeiros | Brazil |
Fórum da Amazônia Oriental – FAOR | Brazil |
Grupo semente | Brazil |
INESC | Brazil |
INESC – Instituto de Estúdios Socioeconômicos | Brazil |
İnstituto EQUİT – Gênero, Economia e Cidadania Global | Brazil |
Instituto Floresta de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Sustentável | Brazil |
Jubileu Sul Brasil | Brazil |
Justiça Global | Brazil |
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra – MST | Brazil |
Movimento Urbano de Agroecologia – MUDA | Brazil |
OLMA – Observatório Nacional de Justiça Socioambiental Luciano Mendes de Almeida | Brazil |
Operação Amazônia Nativa | Brazil |
REBRİP- Rede Brasileira pela İntegração dos Povos | Brazil |
Rede Jubileu Sul | Brazil |
Slow Food Brasil | Brazil |
Tribunal Populr | Brazil |
Za Zemiata – Friends of the Earth Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine – CDHAL | Canada | – Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global | Catalunya |
Plataforma Chile mejor sin TLC | Chile |
Coordinación social y política Marcha Patriótica | Colombia |
Marcha Patriotica | Colombia |
Proceso de Comunidades Negras | Colombia |
Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia | Croatia |
Friends of the Earth Cyprus | Cyprus |
Ekumenicka akademie | Czech Republic |
Global Aktion | Denmark |
NOAH – Friends of the Earth | Denmark |
Verdens Skove | Denmark |
Oficina de Derechos de la Nauraleza | Ecuador |
Colectiva Feminista para el Desarrollo Local | El Salvador |
Fundación de e Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho -FESPAD | El Salvador |
Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho -FESPAD- | El Salvador |
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland | England, Wales and Northern Ireland |
Estonian Forest Aid (Eesti Metsa Abiks) | Estonia |
Estonian Society for Nature Conservation | Estonia |
Friends of the Earth Finland | Finland |
Friends of the Landless | Finland |
TTIP Network Finland | Finland |
ActionAid France | France |
Aitec | France |
alofa tuvalu | France |
AMAR Brasil | France |
Attac France | France |
Bloom | France |
cedetim/ipam | France |
collectif anti ogm 66 | France |
Collectif Causse Méjean – Gaz de Schiste NON ! | France |
Collectif Stop TAFTA / CETA | France |
Comité Pauvreté et Politique | France |
Commitee in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (CSIA-Nitassinan) | France |
Confederation paysanne | France |
Confédération Paysanne Tarn | France |
Emmaüs International | France |
FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) | France |
France Amerique Latine | France |
France Nature Environnement | France |
LDH pays Rochefortais | France |
Le Lien 26 | France |
Les Amis de la Terre (Friends of the Earth France) | France |
Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique | France |
Les Amis du Mouvement des Sans Terre | France |
MNLE | France |
Parents For Future France | France |
ReAct | France |
Réseau européen pour la Démocratie au Brésil ( | France |
réseau Roosevelt | France |
Sherpa | France |
Solidaires | France |
Veblen Institute | France |
Bizi! | France / Basque country |
AG Recife e.V. | Germany |
Agrar Koordination | Germany |
Agrecol e.V. | Germany |
Andy Gheorghiu Consulting | Germany |
ARA e.V. | Germany |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) | Germany |
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR | Germany |
Brasiliengruppe Tübingen | Germany |
Brasilieninitiative Freiburg e.V. | Germany |
Brasiliennetzwerk Niedersachsen | Germany |
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) / Friends of the Earth Germany | Germany |
BUND Laichingen | Germany |
Campact | Germany |
Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren | Germany |
DEAB e.V. | Germany |
Die AnStifter | Germany |
Die AnStifter Stuttgart | Germany |
Dona Flor e.V. | Germany |
Eine-Welt-Verein Pachamama Stuttgart | Germany |
Elternseminar Stuttgart | Germany |
Erich Fromm Institute Tuebingen | Germany |
FDCL – Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America | Germany |
FIAN Deutschland | Germany |
Forum Ökologie & Papier | Germany |
GegenStrömung – CounterCurrent | Germany | | Germany |
German NGO Forum on Environment and Development | Germany |
Health and Environment Justice Support International | Germany |
Informationsbüro Nicaragua e.V. | Germany |
Initiative kikuna e.V. – Zukunft Nachhaltig Gestalten | Germany |
just human e.V. | Germany |
Kaite-ZIM e. V. | Germany |
Kölner Bündnis für gerechten Welthandel | Germany |
Kolumbienkampagne Berlin | Germany |
Kooperation Brasilien e.V. | Germany |
Lernen im Aufbruch | Germany |
mediation and project management agrobiodiversity | Germany |
mediation and project management agrobiodiversity | Germany |
Naturfreunde Württemberg e.V. | Germany |
Naturschutzbund Deutschland | Germany |
Netzwerk Gerechter Welthandel | Germany |
Parents For Future Bensheim | Germany |
Parents for Future Freiburg | Germany |
Parents for Future Stuttgart | Germany |
POEMA – Armut und Umwelt in Amazonien | Germany |
PowerShift e.V. | Germany |
Pro REGENWALD | Germany |
ROBIN WOOD | Germany |
Save Our Seeds | Germany |
Society for Threatened Peoples | Germany |
Stiftung Solidarische Welt – Berta Kühnle | Germany |
Verein für eine gerechte Welt e.V. | Germany |
WEED – World Economy, Ecology & Development | Germany |
Welthaus Fürth | Germany |
Weltladen Rottenburg | Germany |
Weltladen-Dachverband e.V. | Germany |
Women Engage for a Common Future | Germany |
Wuppertaler Aktionsbündnis gegen TTIP und andere Freihandelsfallen | Germany |
Energeno | Germany |
Parents for Future Dortmund | Germany |
Consumer association for quality of life- ekpizo | Greece |
Asociación Comunitaria para el Desarrollo ASERJUS | Guatemala |
Comité de Unidad Campesina | Guatemala |
consejo de investigaciones en desarrollo | Guatemala |
Servicios Jurídicos y Sociales, S.C. | Guatemala |
Observatorio Sociolaboral y del Diálogo Social Ecuador | Ecuador |
Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif | Haití |
DIAKONIA | Honduras |
Clean Air Action Group | Hungary |
Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége (Friends of the Earth Hungary) | Hungary |
My Right To Breathe | India |
An Claíomh Glas | Ireland |
forest friends ireland | Ireland |
Guarani-Kaiowa Solidarity Ireland | Ireland |
Icsa | Ireland |
Irish Cattle & Sheep Farmers’ Association | Ireland |
Latin America Solidarity Centre | Ireland |
Leave No Trace Ireland | Ireland |
Peoples Movement – Gluaiseacht an Phobail | Ireland |
Radio Latina | Ireland |
ZWAI | Ireland |
Stop Ceta Alliance | Ireland |
Fair watch | Italy |
Parents For Future – Turin | Italy |
Stop TTIP Italia | Italy |
ASTM (Action Solidarité Tiers Monde) | Luxembourg |
Bio-Lëtzebuerg asbl | Luxembourg |
Mouvement Ecologique | Luxembourg |
natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. | Luxembourg |
Nature Trust – FEE Malta | Malta |
Unam | Mexico |
Red Mexicana de Acción frente al libre Comercio | Mexico |
Heñói | Paraguay |
Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales DAR | Peru |
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) | Peru |
CooperAcción | Peru |
La Junta | Peru |
Movimiento Nacional de Mujeres Todas Somos Micaela | Peru |
Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad – RedGE | Peru |
Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad RedGE | Peru |
Federación de Trabajadores del Agua Potable del Perú – FENTAP- | Peru |
Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO) | Poland |
ROZRUCH | Poland |
Associação de Combate à Precariedade – Precários Inflexíveis | Portugal |
Circo de Sonho | Portugal |
Climáximo | Portugal |
Corporations- Zero Tolerance | Portugal |
GEOTA | Portugal |
Glocal Faro | Portugal |
Glocal Faro | Portugal |
Mafra sem Glifosato | Portugal |
MAPA – Movimento de Acção Política | Portugal |
Palombar – Associação de Conservação da Natureza e do Património Rural | Portugal |
Parents For Future Portugal | Portugal |
plataforma algarve livre de petroleo | Portugal |
plataforma algarve livre de petroleo | Portugal |
Porto Sem OGM | Portugal |
Quercus, Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza | Portugal |
SOS Racismo Portugal | Portugal |
Teachers for Future | Portugal |
TROCA- Plataforma por um Comércio Internacional Justo | Portugal |
ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System | Portugal |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | Russia |
Slow food Salvador | Salvador |
Amigas de la Tierra | Spain |
Amigos de la Tierra | Spain |
ASiA- Associació Salut i Agroecologia | Spain |
Attac Spain | Spain |
Campanya Catalunya No als TCI | Spain |
COAG | Spain |
Col.lectiu Agudells | Spain |
CONGD-IB | Spain |
DES DE BAIX (Asociación para el debate y la Acción Ciudadana) | Spain |
Ecologistas en Acción | Spain |
Ecologistes en Acció Catalunya | Spain |
Economistas sin Fronteras | Spain |
Enginyeria Sense Fronteres | Spain |
Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriarte | Spain |
Iniciativa Cambio Personal Justicia Global | Spain |
INTUMA SL | Spain |
ISCOD – Instituto Sindical de Cooperación al desarrollo de UGT | Spain |
Marxa Mundial de Dones-Catalunya | Spain |
Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina – Paz con Dignidad | Spain |
Podemos Centro | Spain |
SETEM Catalunya | Spain |
SOLdePaz.Pachakuti | Spain |
SUDS | Spain |
UGT | Spain |
FIAN Sweden | Sweden |
FIAN Sweden | Sweden |
Jordens Vanner | Sweden |
Latinamerikagrupperna // Solidaridad Suecia-América Latina (SAL) | Sweden |
Parents For Future Sweden | Sweden |
Bruno Manser Fund | Switzerland |
Centre for Developmet and Environment, University of Bern | Switzerland |
Pro Natura / Friends of the Earth Switzerland | Switzerland |
Solifonds | Switzerland |
Arisa | The Netherlands |
Both ENDS | The Netherlands |
Commons Network | The Netherlands |
La Chispa, digitaal platform over Latijns Amerika | The Netherlands |
Milieudefensie – Friends of the Earth Netherlands | The Netherlands |
Platform Aarde Boer Consument | The Netherlands |
Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie | The Netherlands |
SOMO | The Netherlands |
Transnational Institute | The Netherlands |
Vrijschrift | The Netherlands |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom dutch section | The Netherlands |
Banana Link | United Kingdom |
CORE Coalition | United Kingdom |
EcoNexus | United Kingdom |
Farms not Factories | United Kingdom |
Global Justice Now | United Kingdom |
Globalizations journal | United Kingdom |
Health and Trade Network | United Kingdom |
Health and Trade Network | United Kingdom |
London Mining Network | United Kingdom |
Parents For Future UK | United Kingdom |
Traidcraft Exchange | United Kingdom |
War on Want | United Kingdom |
Rethinking Value Chains | United Kingdom / France |
Forest Peoples Programme | United Kingdom and the Netherlands |
REDES-Amigos del Tierra (FoE) Uruguay | Uruguay |
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