ALBA Movimientos | International |
FIAN International | International |
foodwatch international | International |
GRAIN | International |
Greenpeace | International |
ISP Interamericas | International |
OMCT – World Organisation Against Torture | International |
Plataforma América Latina mejor sin TLC | International |
Alianza Biodiversidad | International |
PSI Public Service International Américas | International |
ACT Alliance EU | Europe |
CIDSE – International family of Catholic social justice organisations | Europe |
Climate Alliance | Europe |
Corporate Europe Observatory | Europe |
EU-LAT Network | Europe |
European Coordination Via Campesina | Europe |
European Environmental Bureau | Europe |
Fern | Europe |
Food & Water Europe | Europe |
Friends of the Earth Europe | Europe |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Europe | Europe |
S2B network | Europe |
Slow Food Europe | Europe |
Acción por la Biodiversidad | Argentina |
Amigos de la Tierra Argentina | Argentina |
AMUMRA – Asociación Civil de Derechos Humanos Mujeres Unidas Migrantes y Refugiadas en Argentina | Argentina |
Asamblea Argentina mejor sin TLC | Argentina |
ATTAC Argentina | Argentina |
COMUNA (Colectiva en Movimiento por una Universidad Nuestramericana) en el FPDS-CN | Argentina |
Diálogo 2000 – Jubileo Sur Argentina | Argentina |
Frente Patria Grande | Argentina |
Frente Popular Dario Santillan | Argentina |
Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo | Argentina |
INPADE / FOCO | Argentina |
Resumen Latinoamericano | Argentina |
Vamos- Frente Patria Grande | Argentina |
Anders Handeln | Austria |
Attac Austria | Austria |
Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour/AK Europa | Austria |
Climate Alliance Austria | Austria |
Coordination office of the Austrian episcopal conference for international development and mission (KOO) | Austria |
DKA Austria | Austria |
globalista | Austria |
Grüne Bildungswerkstatt NÖ | Austria |
Grupo Encuentro Austria Argentina – GEAA | Austria |
HORIZONT3000 | Austria |
Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika (IGLA) | Austria |
International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria | Austria |
Jahoda -Bauer Institut | Austria |
NeSoVe / Network Social Responsibility | Austria |
ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria | Austria |
Parents For Future Vienna | Austria |
proge Union | Austria |
Selbstbesteuerungsgruppe Bischof Kräutler | Austria |
transform!at | Austria |
vöwg | Austria |
ELA | Basque Country |
Mugarik Gabe | Basque Country |
TRADENER | Basque Country |
Commission Justice et Paix | Belgium |
11.11.11 | Belgium |
Broederlijk Delen | Belgium |
CNCD-11.11.11 | Belgium |
Commission Justice et Paix | Belgium |
Entraide et Fraternité | Belgium |
FIAN Belgium | Belgium |
FIAN Belgium | Belgium |
Indignez-Vous | Belgium |
Fundación Solón | Bolivia |
Centar za zivotnu sredinu/ Friends of the Earth Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Justiça nos Trilhos | Brazil |
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – MAB | Brazil |
AMAST RJ | Brazil |
AMAU (Articulação Metropolitana de Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana) | Brazil |
Associação Alternativa Terrazul | Brazil |
Asssociação para Recuperação e Conservação do Ambiente – ARCA | Brazil |
Campanha Antipetroleira “Nem um poço a mais!” | Brazil |
Caritas Arquidiocesana de Brasília | Brazil |
Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT | Brazil |
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Seguridade Social da CUT | Brazil |
Convívio Slow Food Parahyba | Brazil |
FASE – Solidariedade e Educação | Brazil |
Fasubra sindical | Brazil |
Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro – FOIRN | Brazil |
Federação Nacional dos Enfermeiros | Brazil |
Fórum da Amazônia Oriental – FAOR | Brazil |
Grupo semente | Brazil |
INESC | Brazil |
INESC – Instituto de Estúdios Socioeconômicos | Brazil |
İnstituto EQUİT – Gênero, Economia e Cidadania Global | Brazil |
Instituto Floresta de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Sustentável | Brazil |
Jubileu Sul Brasil | Brazil |
Justiça Global | Brazil |
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra – MST | Brazil |
Movimento Urbano de Agroecologia – MUDA | Brazil |
OLMA – Observatório Nacional de Justiça Socioambiental Luciano Mendes de Almeida | Brazil |
Operação Amazônia Nativa | Brazil |
REBRİP- Rede Brasileira pela İntegração dos Povos | Brazil |
Rede Jubileu Sul | Brazil |
Slow Food Brasil | Brazil |
Tribunal Populr | Brazil |
Za Zemiata – Friends of the Earth Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine – CDHAL | Canada | – Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global | Catalunya |
Plataforma Chile mejor sin TLC | Chile |
Coordinación social y política Marcha Patriótica | Colombia |
Marcha Patriotica | Colombia |
Proceso de Comunidades Negras | Colombia |
Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia | Croatia |
Friends of the Earth Cyprus | Cyprus |
Ekumenicka akademie | Czech Republic |
Global Aktion | Denmark |
NOAH – Friends of the Earth | Denmark |
Verdens Skove | Denmark |
Oficina de Derechos de la Nauraleza | Ecuador |
Colectiva Feminista para el Desarrollo Local | El Salvador |
Fundación de e Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho -FESPAD | El Salvador |
Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho -FESPAD- | El Salvador |
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland | England, Wales and Northern Ireland |
Estonian Forest Aid (Eesti Metsa Abiks) | Estonia |
Estonian Society for Nature Conservation | Estonia |
Friends of the Earth Finland | Finland |
Friends of the Landless | Finland |
TTIP Network Finland | Finland |
ActionAid France | France |
Aitec | France |
alofa tuvalu | France |
AMAR Brasil | France |
Attac France | France |
Bloom | France |
cedetim/ipam | France |
collectif anti ogm 66 | France |
Collectif Causse Méjean – Gaz de Schiste NON ! | France |
Collectif Stop TAFTA / CETA | France |
Comité Pauvreté et Politique | France |
Commitee in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (CSIA-Nitassinan) | France |
Confederation paysanne | France |
Confédération Paysanne Tarn | France |
Emmaüs International | France |
FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) | France |
France Amerique Latine | France |
France Nature Environnement | France |
LDH pays Rochefortais | France |
Le Lien 26 | France |
Les Amis de la Terre (Friends of the Earth France) | France |
Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique | France |
Les Amis du Mouvement des Sans Terre | France |
MNLE | France |
Parents For Future France | France |
ReAct | France |
Réseau européen pour la Démocratie au Brésil ( | France |
réseau Roosevelt | France |
Sherpa | France |
Solidaires | France |
Veblen Institute | France |
Bizi! | France / Basque country |
AG Recife e.V. | Germany |
Agrar Koordination | Germany |
Agrecol e.V. | Germany |
Andy Gheorghiu Consulting | Germany |
ARA e.V. | Germany |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) | Germany |
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR | Germany |
Brasiliengruppe Tübingen | Germany |
Brasilieninitiative Freiburg e.V. | Germany |
Brasiliennetzwerk Niedersachsen | Germany |
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) / Friends of the Earth Germany | Germany |
BUND Laichingen | Germany |
Campact | Germany |
Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren | Germany |
DEAB e.V. | Germany |
Die AnStifter | Germany |
Die AnStifter Stuttgart | Germany |
Dona Flor e.V. | Germany |
Eine-Welt-Verein Pachamama Stuttgart | Germany |
Elternseminar Stuttgart | Germany |
Erich Fromm Institute Tuebingen | Germany |
FDCL – Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America | Germany |
FIAN Deutschland | Germany |
Forum Ökologie & Papier | Germany |
GegenStrömung – CounterCurrent | Germany | | Germany |
German NGO Forum on Environment and Development | Germany |
Health and Environment Justice Support International | Germany |
Informationsbüro Nicaragua e.V. | Germany |
Initiative kikuna e.V. – Zukunft Nachhaltig Gestalten | Germany |
just human e.V. | Germany |
Kaite-ZIM e. V. | Germany |
Kölner Bündnis für gerechten Welthandel | Germany |
Kolumbienkampagne Berlin | Germany |
Kooperation Brasilien e.V. | Germany |
Lernen im Aufbruch | Germany |
mediation and project management agrobiodiversity | Germany |
mediation and project management agrobiodiversity | Germany |
Naturfreunde Württemberg e.V. | Germany |
Naturschutzbund Deutschland | Germany |
Netzwerk Gerechter Welthandel | Germany |
Parents For Future Bensheim | Germany |
Parents for Future Freiburg | Germany |
Parents for Future Stuttgart | Germany |
POEMA – Armut und Umwelt in Amazonien | Germany |
PowerShift e.V. | Germany |
Pro REGENWALD | Germany |
ROBIN WOOD | Germany |
Save Our Seeds | Germany |
Society for Threatened Peoples | Germany |
Stiftung Solidarische Welt – Berta Kühnle | Germany |
Verein für eine gerechte Welt e.V. | Germany |
WEED – World Economy, Ecology & Development | Germany |
Welthaus Fürth | Germany |
Weltladen Rottenburg | Germany |
Weltladen-Dachverband e.V. | Germany |
Women Engage for a Common Future | Germany |
Wuppertaler Aktionsbündnis gegen TTIP und andere Freihandelsfallen | Germany |
Energeno | Germany |
Parents for Future Dortmund | Germany |
Consumer association for quality of life- ekpizo | Greece |
Asociación Comunitaria para el Desarrollo ASERJUS | Guatemala |
Comité de Unidad Campesina | Guatemala |
consejo de investigaciones en desarrollo | Guatemala |
Servicios Jurídicos y Sociales, S.C. | Guatemala |
Observatorio Sociolaboral y del Diálogo Social Ecuador | Ecuador |
Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif | Haití |
DIAKONIA | Honduras |
Clean Air Action Group | Hungary |
Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége (Friends of the Earth Hungary) | Hungary |
My Right To Breathe | India |
An Claíomh Glas | Ireland |
forest friends ireland | Ireland |
Guarani-Kaiowa Solidarity Ireland | Ireland |
Icsa | Ireland |
Irish Cattle & Sheep Farmers’ Association | Ireland |
Latin America Solidarity Centre | Ireland |
Leave No Trace Ireland | Ireland |
Peoples Movement – Gluaiseacht an Phobail | Ireland |
Radio Latina | Ireland |
ZWAI | Ireland |
Stop Ceta Alliance | Ireland |
Fair watch | Italy |
Parents For Future – Turin | Italy |
Stop TTIP Italia | Italy |
ASTM (Action Solidarité Tiers Monde) | Luxembourg |
Bio-Lëtzebuerg asbl | Luxembourg |
Mouvement Ecologique | Luxembourg |
natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. | Luxembourg |
Nature Trust – FEE Malta | Malta |
Unam | Mexico |
Red Mexicana de Acción frente al libre Comercio | Mexico |
Heñói | Paraguay |
Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales DAR | Peru |
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH) | Peru |
CooperAcción | Peru |
La Junta | Peru |
Movimiento Nacional de Mujeres Todas Somos Micaela | Peru |
Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad – RedGE | Peru |
Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad RedGE | Peru |
Federación de Trabajadores del Agua Potable del Perú – FENTAP- | Peru |
Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO) | Poland |
ROZRUCH | Poland |
Associação de Combate à Precariedade – Precários Inflexíveis | Portugal |
Circo de Sonho | Portugal |
Climáximo | Portugal |
Corporations- Zero Tolerance | Portugal |
GEOTA | Portugal |
Glocal Faro | Portugal |
Glocal Faro | Portugal |
Mafra sem Glifosato | Portugal |
MAPA – Movimento de Acção Política | Portugal |
Palombar – Associação de Conservação da Natureza e do Património Rural | Portugal |
Parents For Future Portugal | Portugal |
plataforma algarve livre de petroleo | Portugal |
plataforma algarve livre de petroleo | Portugal |
Porto Sem OGM | Portugal |
Quercus, Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza | Portugal |
SOS Racismo Portugal | Portugal |
Teachers for Future | Portugal |
TROCA- Plataforma por um Comércio Internacional Justo | Portugal |
ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System | Portugal |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | Russia |
Slow food Salvador | Salvador |
Amigas de la Tierra | Spain |
Amigos de la Tierra | Spain |
ASiA- Associació Salut i Agroecologia | Spain |
Attac Spain | Spain |
Campanya Catalunya No als TCI | Spain |
COAG | Spain |
Col.lectiu Agudells | Spain |
CONGD-IB | Spain |
DES DE BAIX (Asociación para el debate y la Acción Ciudadana) | Spain |
Ecologistas en Acción | Spain |
Ecologistes en Acció Catalunya | Spain |
Economistas sin Fronteras | Spain |
Enginyeria Sense Fronteres | Spain |
Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriarte | Spain |
Iniciativa Cambio Personal Justicia Global | Spain |
INTUMA SL | Spain |
ISCOD – Instituto Sindical de Cooperación al desarrollo de UGT | Spain |
Marxa Mundial de Dones-Catalunya | Spain |
Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina – Paz con Dignidad | Spain |
Podemos Centro | Spain |
SETEM Catalunya | Spain |
SOLdePaz.Pachakuti | Spain |
SUDS | Spain |
UGT | Spain |
FIAN Sweden | Sweden |
FIAN Sweden | Sweden |
Jordens Vanner | Sweden |
Latinamerikagrupperna // Solidaridad Suecia-América Latina (SAL) | Sweden |
Parents For Future Sweden | Sweden |
Bruno Manser Fund | Switzerland |
Centre for Developmet and Environment, University of Bern | Switzerland |
Pro Natura / Friends of the Earth Switzerland | Switzerland |
Solifonds | Switzerland |
Arisa | The Netherlands |
Both ENDS | The Netherlands |
Commons Network | The Netherlands |
La Chispa, digitaal platform over Latijns Amerika | The Netherlands |
Milieudefensie – Friends of the Earth Netherlands | The Netherlands |
Platform Aarde Boer Consument | The Netherlands |
Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie | The Netherlands |
SOMO | The Netherlands |
Transnational Institute | The Netherlands |
Vrijschrift | The Netherlands |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom dutch section | The Netherlands |
Banana Link | United Kingdom |
CORE Coalition | United Kingdom |
EcoNexus | United Kingdom |
Farms not Factories | United Kingdom |
Global Justice Now | United Kingdom |
Globalizations journal | United Kingdom |
Health and Trade Network | United Kingdom |
Health and Trade Network | United Kingdom |
London Mining Network | United Kingdom |
Parents For Future UK | United Kingdom |
Traidcraft Exchange | United Kingdom |
War on Want | United Kingdom |
Rethinking Value Chains | United Kingdom / France |
Forest Peoples Programme | United Kingdom and the Netherlands |
REDES-Amigos del Tierra (FoE) Uruguay | Uruguay |
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Comments (3 of 3)
Jump To Comment: 3 2 1water vapour is the dominant greenhouse gas.
The jetstream largely drives weather behaviour here.
The sun drives the perturbations in the jetstream. And climate chamge.
FG carbon taxes will do nothng to address any of that.
unless they plan to buy something to partially cover the sun
using our carbon taxes!! :-D
Taxing the poor in Ireland in order to somehow alter the world's weather is a fools errand.
Climate change will happen no matter what taxes we pay to FG
Our weather will not be altered one bit by any of this
yet they have people in the street thinking it will.
our input as a nation into the system does not even register.
The EU have yet again pulled a fast one on Ireland with carbon fines
and calls to limit our agriculture
Meanwhile they line their pockets helping to fell the rainforests
with Mercosur.
It's a scam. Those in power know they can't change the climate.
But it is still a useful thing to pretend they can and scare people
into agreeing to nonsensical government overreach
and foolish compliant behaviour.
Of course nobody at all talking about shutting down unnecessary nonsense such as all the US military bases whose combined carbon footprint is actually bigger than several countries. Just stuff like taxing poor people in Ireland
And in fact the EU now want an army that may cost us billions every year on top of our carbom taxes.
What about it's carbon footprint?? Crickets.
Your pointless google searches for cats on the toilet are are probably your biggest carbon crime.
That's not really in the discussion either!
That graphic makes no sense.
CO-2 is the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere by amount although it is not the strongest greenhouse gas but the fact that the other greenhouse gases are present in much smaller quantities means collectively they contribute about 25% of the warming compared to CO-2.
The next point is also wrong to say human contributions of CO-2 to the CO-2 in the atmosphere are wrong.
If we take the CO-2 level in 1950 it was at about 310 ppm. Now it is at about 413pm which is an increase of 103 since then and that's not even pre-industrial. Putting 103/413 gives ~25%. And that's a big increase by any measure in such a short time.
And while people tend to assume something in such a small amount can't possibly have a dramatic effect, one needs to think twice as this is often the case in physical chemicals systems. For example just a few parts per million of testosterone in the body can have dramatic differences.
Nevertheless the point about the EU profitting can still be valid because the capitalist system in general is only willing to try and address this problem in terms of the 'market' which to them really means making money out of it. But it can't and won't be solved within the framework of the capitalist logic and system.
Now we will see what really matters to the elites in the EU
Profits or their "climate change" scam.
I'm betting profits!
The entire excess of CO2 in the atmosphere from ALL sources
amounts to 0.04% of the atmosphere (400ppm), of which a mere 3.4% is as a result of all human activity.
That includes all the major polluters in China and the US
Viewed from this pespective, FG's carbon tax is a joke on the poorest in society!
It won't change a thing. It can't possibly. it's just a gnat's fart in the scheme of things.
The EU's decision to favour more juicy corporate profits from the mercosur deal will
make it seem even more farcical