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offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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The Daily Sceptic

offsite link French State Regulator Hits Broadcaster with ?20,000 Fine for Climate ?Misinformation? Sun Sep 15, 2024 07:00 | Chris Morrison
The French state regulator has hit popular Right-of-centre broadcaster CNews with a ?20,000 fine for climate 'misinformation'. So long, Enlightenment, says Chris Morrison. Welcome to the authoritarian new dark age.
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offsite link News Round-Up Sun Sep 15, 2024 01:07 | Will Jones
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Commonwealth Chief Candidates All Back Slavery Reparations Sat Sep 14, 2024 15:00 | Will Jones
All three candidates running to succeed Baroness Scotland as Secretary-General of the Commonwealth have backed the idea of making amends for slavery and colonialism.
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offsite link U.S. Government Invited U.K. Counter Disinformation Unit to High Level Meeting for Tips on How to Ce... Sat Sep 14, 2024 13:00 | Will Jones
The U.S. Government invited the U.K. Counter Disinformation Unit to a high level meeting in summer 2021 to gain tips on how to censor the public, new documents reveal.
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offsite link Fiat Suspends Production of Electric Car for Month Due to Slump in EV Demand Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:00 | Will Jones
Italian car maker Fiat has told the workforce on its electric 500 assembly line to down tools for a month due to lack of demand for the battery-powered city cars.
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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°99 Sat Sep 14, 2024 06:54 | en

offsite link The financial lobby pleads for European integration by the bankers Fri Sep 13, 2024 15:38 | en

offsite link Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas, by Th... Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:17 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°98 Tue Sep 10, 2024 06:35 | en

offsite link Keir Starmer, agent of the Trilateral Commission Sat Sep 07, 2024 06:05 | en

Voltaire Network >>

international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Tuesday June 27, 2023 20:05 by mXZP5T_^   image 5 images
Ein Klimaaktivist wurde zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt. Als Antwort haben wir das BMW-Symbol mit Farbe angegriffen. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday June 26, 2023 23:34 by 1 of Indy   text 1 comment (last - thursday november 16, 2023 15:46)   image 1 image

The NATO proxy war in Ukraine is not going well and the latest incarnation of it, in the form of the counter offensive has failed. The Ukrainian army is badly depleted and all the best troops long used up. The NeoCons who are in power and the real force behind NATO are desperate since the decades long plot to destroy Russia via Ukraine is looking like a complete failure and is their last chance to remain the dominant power. What they don't realize is their uni polar world is already gone.

But they are not about to give up easily and it has been long predicted they would try something stupid like a nuclear false flag incident where they would blame Russia on blowing up the huge Zaporozhye NPP nuclear plant and causing widespread radioactivity and then this could be a pretext for a state of emergency and an excuse for NATO to get involved directly in the war. This would be easily sold to the public but would be a massive and dangerous escalation.

Ovr at the Simplicius The Thinker blog, he takes up the story below

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national / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Tuesday June 20, 2023 12:52 by Joe Terry   text 1 comment (last - monday june 26, 2023 21:37)
Observations and a suggestion regarding the recent Defence Forces Commission report. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Friday June 09, 2023 16:57 by Anjoulie Woodhead
New York State lawmakers extended their legislative session into the weekend as a vote on the New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act remains pending. read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / other press Thursday June 01, 2023 23:55 by 1 of Indy   video 1 video file
If you’re following government guidelines for food and health, watch this episode very carefully, as the industry and policy lies being exposed are triggering. Calley Means has been advising politicians and prominent food and pharma companies and has founded his own company, TrueMed, to expose and change the food industries causing harm that the healthcare industry is profiting heavily. Calley shares from experience working with big food industries and losing his mother to a succession of foodborne illnesses that have everything to do with food that’s leading to cancer, Alzheimers, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune conditions,and depression. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Monday May 22, 2023 14:29 by Ex-Trump attorney explains why he left Trump's legal team
Former Donald Trump attorney Timothy Parlatore, who departed the former president’s legal team earlier this week, said Saturday he left because of infighting among the group. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Tuesday May 02, 2023 20:52 by Anjoulie Woodhead
Largest New York Labor and Religious Groups Support the New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / other press Tuesday April 18, 2023 23:13 by 1 of Indy

Irish Journalist Declan Hayes has written a brilliant insightful article on Joe Biden's presidential visit to Ireland and reveals who is ancestors really were and cuts through the fawning BS that spewed from RTE and the rest of the MSN media covering his recent visit. He writes:

Thank God and His Holy Mother they are gone. Hunter and Joe Biden have left the Emerald Isle and flown back to America.

Thank God and His Holy Mother they are gone. Hunter and Joe Biden have left the Emerald Isle and flown back to America. But not before visiting The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Knock Shrine, which Our Lady herself, Queen of Ireland, visited in 1879, a mere generation after Edward Blewitt, Biden’s direct ancestor, was directly implicated in the Irish genocide of Black ‘47 which still cuts very deep (scratch an Irishman’s imagination and you get a black potato) and which, thanks to scum like Blewitt, was particularly pronounced around Knock.

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galway / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday April 13, 2023 19:57 by Fred Johnston

A poem retrieved from memories of my teenage years listening to tales of The Great War from my grand-uncle, Paddy Caffrey, who remained affected by it decades afterwards. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Thursday April 06, 2023 21:05 by Jubilee USA Network
Global Growth Remains Low Amidst Debt Concerns, War and Inflation, Says IMF read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday April 01, 2023 11:54 by Sean Crudden   text 1 comment (last - thursday july 27, 2023 23:43)
It is an arresting coincidence that the course of Enoch Burke's trial is in full flow at this time. The Burke case echoes the gospel readings for Holy Week which is now almost upon us. read full story / add a comment
dublin / health / disability issues / news report Friday March 03, 2023 22:47 by Anon   text 1 comment (last - saturday march 11, 2023 06:53)   image 1 image   video 2 video files
This protest took place last week where evidence was brought to the HPRA about the deadly vaccines that are leading to the huge rise in excess deaths in this country and everywhere else/

Delivery today at the HPRA HQ, Dublin to Lorraine Nolan CEO of the Health Products Regulatory Authority, Ireland (HPRA),
and Chairwoman of the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Is she somehow unaware of the current risk/benefit analysis data for the jabs ... Especially re healthy children and young people.
If so that can only be, at the VERY LEAST, CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE

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international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday February 27, 2023 23:19 by 1 of Indy   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 07, 2023 22:19)   image 4 images   video 2 video files
Last weekend was a busy weekend as protests got underway that brought tens of thousands of people onto the streets to in the case of Italy demand an end to weapons delivery to Ukraine to Anti NATO protests in France and Germany and a rally for peace in Ukraine in Berlin

As is normal anything not fitting the narrative does not get covered in the MSM.

Below are a snippets of reports from each of the demonstrations read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Thursday February 23, 2023 21:28 by INCotp   2 attached files
We must keep working to stop America from being destroyed from within. To stop the cesspool so called American Government?, from destroying us too. That is what real men and women do in these situations, not just constantly complain about it. Here is a situation where actions say far more than any words. Especially form all who know and or claim to know what and where the problems are. We don’t wait for government to fix it, we fix it ourselves. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday February 13, 2023 23:30 by 1 of Indy   image 1 image

Seymour Hersh the veteran US investigate journalist who in the past broke many major stories from the Watergate, CIA Assassinations, My Lai Massacre, Israeli nuclear weapons, Abu Ghraib, Syrian False Flag Chemical Weapon, Killing Bin Laden. And now he strikes again with an article on how the Americans carried out the destruction of the Russian-German Nordstream I and II pipelines.

Nordstream I was supplying the German economy with huge quantities of gas and Nordstream II which had been completed but not yet put into action was permanently put of action by the sabotage. This forced Germany to buy far more expensive liquidified natural gas, making their industry far less competitive and cutting off any reapproachment with Russia. The US government had repeatedly tried to block the construction of NordStream II and had stated one way or another it would not go ahead. Yet when the pipeline was blown up, Germany did nothing and took in lying down. An once proud nation reduced to an obedient subservient vassal state

In Hersh's article which he published on his substack because mainstream media has long ceased to carry any truth and this was the most effective way to get the story out, documents step by step on how they planned, implemented and carried out the attack. The consequence of this news story have rippled around the world but not in the collective West that have done their level best to make sure the news was not reported. The opening paragraph begins:

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now

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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday February 07, 2023 22:25 by Wake Up Ireland   image 1 image
Please join us at 1 pm This Saturday to gather as a nation & join in unison with our brother's & sister's around the globe in calling out RTE & MSM for the lying , fear mongering , scumbag Traitor's that they are. They are Complicit in the Medical Genocide of our people including young people & babies, They must be held to account & brought to justice for their crimes against the humanity of eiRe & their empire of corruption & lie's must be dismantled for Good . read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / opinion/analysis Sunday January 29, 2023 17:12 by John Fitzgerald
The so-called national hare coursing festival will be held held next week... read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Tuesday January 24, 2023 20:19 by Sean Crudden
Not enough is known about the withdrawal effects of neuroleptics read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Wednesday January 18, 2023 22:59 by 1 of Indy   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 22, 2023 11:54)   image 1 image   video 2 video files
On Dec 13th 2022, Andrew Bridgen UK MP finally had enough and decided he could no longer stay silent and gave a speech in the British Parliament. Since that day for the crime of breaking the narrative the establishment has carried out a witch hunt to vilify him and to throw destroy his career and slandering and spreading lies and mistruths about him since.

The whole point of the witch hunt is to send a warning to anyone else to not even think about breaking ranks because this big huge open secret about the dangers and terrible harm caused by the Covid vaccine must not be spoken.

There was widespread coverage that he had said something upsetting to the system but for those searching it would be hard to find out what it was he said so to redress the balance we carry the text of his speech and the video and audio as well as a link to an interview he did sometime later where he gave some background to the whole affair. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Wednesday January 18, 2023 22:20 by 1 of Indy   1 attached file
You read that right. The EU has done all the legal work to allow crushed and powdered insects -namely house Crickets to be mixed in with all sorts of food ingredients and a soon as next week, Jan 24th it can start being used in foods like breads, pastas, soups, meats, snacks, chocolates, beers and a whole host of products.

Much of this is all under the guise of saving the planet and eating less meat but it is nothing of the sort and is simply a plan to get the plebs to eat from the bottom of the food chain while the rich and powerful will continue to dine on steaks as the whiz from one conference to the next around the world in their private jets.

Read on for more and for a link to the EU legal documentation confirming these underhand changes
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