Press Release: The Secret Of The Indomitable Strength Of Israel's Barbarianism Upon Palestinians And World's Impotency
international |
anti-war / imperialism |
press release
Monday November 06, 2023 23:28
by Mr Nobody Zahir Ebrahim

How Can Israel Get Away With It?
If the world public really wants to understand the secret of the indomitable strength of Israeli barbarism upon unarmed Palestinian civilian men women and children with such impunity before the impotent world, fully aided and abetted by Western governments, with full propaganda cover by the Western news media, they have to understand the power of the name Rothschild and its ability to hide in plain-sight because it owns all governments and all news media...

Image 1 Balfour Declaration
Press Release: The Secret Of The Indomitable Strength Of Israel's Barbarianism Upon Palestinians And World's Impotency
Statement on Israel-Palestine by mr nobody justice activist Zahir Ebrahim
United States of America
Monday, November 6, 2023
If the world public really wants to understand the secret of the indomitable strength of Israeli barbarism upon unarmed Palestinian civilian men women and children with such impunity before the impotent world; carried out with direct American and Western European governments' aiding and abetting; executed by the indoctrinated foot soldiers of Zionism to save the Jews from the Amalekites, no differently from the indoctrinated foot soldiers of the Third Reich who carried out unspeakable horrors upon civilian populations under the blaring national trumpet of Lebensraum, and also not any differently from the unspeakable horrors inflicted upon civilian populations by the American and British Allied bombers from Dresden to Tokyo, not to forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki under their own blaring national trumpets; while the international banksters and Wall Street profited from enabling both sides in the merciless killings not just of the foot soldiers of nationalism and patriotism, but the millions of unarmed civilian populations treated as dispensable cattle, burnt and obliterated alive in an unparalleled real Shoah for which the heavens too must shed tears in shame at its own criminal culpability for exiling such an inhuman monstrous species to earth and calling this ugly creature "al insaan", human being; the world public must first get acquainted with the god-like power of the name Rothschild. And its ability to hide in plain-sight because it owns all Western governments, all politicians, and all news media.
Even today very few Westerners have actually ever seen the Balfour Declaration, let alone know that it is addressed to Lord Rothschild. Forget about ever understanding its short treacherous proclamation by the British empire to the Jews. If they did, they'd at least wonder WHY; ask WHY? Ask who is this Rothschild character? Does it still exist? Why has no one from high school student of world history to university student of any discipline has ever actually read the short few sentence long Balfour Declaration?
See image1 Balfour Declaration
Very few people in the world have also ever seen this map of Eretz Yisrael.... for then they'd stop listening to their criminal news media and criminal politicians in suits waving Israeli propaganda of anti-Semitism and selfdefense against the Amalekites in the world's silly ignorant face with such arrogance.
See image2 The Promised Land
Also, let's stop fictitiously separating Jews from Zionists, and The Jewish State from The Zionist State for cowardly political correctness.
And just because there are some handful of vocal outstanding moral Jews among the 20 million or so total number of Jewry in the world --- from few hundred to few thousand, less than one percent, for even if their conscience was at least 1 percent strong, that would have seen 2 million Jews protesting worldwide against Israeli barbarism --- who don't treat goy as inferior to them, and value their life as much, and at times even more than their own; including the handful of secular Jews such as the Jewish Voices for Peace, and the tiny Neturei Karta Anti-Zionist Jewish orthodox sect, who rise-up in protest marches, and even a tinier handful in Jewish organizations like International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who actively stand up in the Holy Land of Jewish oppression to defend the Palestinians and take IDF sniper bullets to their head like the young 22 years old British activist and photo journalist Tom Hurndall , or mercilessly and deliberately butchered under IDF Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers like the courageous young 23 years old American activist Rachel Corrie... all shouting Not In Our Name in virtually every Western country, including in Israel itself; and I of course salute these handful of real human being Jews as the real "Yahweh's Chosen People" for they are better than us comatose 1.6 billion cowardly Muslims who all seem to be WAITING FOR ALLAH... ; let's not forget that All Zionists in Israel are JEWS... and they claim so themselves, and most Jewry outside Israel, all mostly in important economic positions (none flip burgers in McDonald's) support The Jewish State.
Let's just have at least this little self respect and moral decency left among the spectating world to call a spade a spade!
To really figure out why Israel can get away with its barbarism ... and why wars are necessary ... as David-Ben Gurion had famously explained the utility of revolutionary times to remake world order :
"What is inconceivable in normal times is possible in revolutionary times; and if at this time the opportunity is missed and what is possible at such great hours is not carried out - a whole world is lost.",
see my attached book to this Press Release, Al Nakba 2020: World Order / Zionism - Palestinian-Goyim Studies | Yet Another Report on the Banality of Evil by Zahir Ebrahim
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Image 2 The Promised Land : Eretz Yisrael