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international / consumer issues / news report Wednesday January 18, 2023 22:20 by 1 of Indy 1 attached file
You read that right. The EU has done all the legal work to allow crushed and powdered insects -namely house Crickets to be mixed in with all sorts of food ingredients and a soon as next week, Jan 24th it can start being used in foods like breads, pastas, soups, meats, snacks, chocolates, beers and a whole host of products. Much of this is all under the guise of saving the planet and eating less meat but it is nothing of the sort and is simply a plan to get the plebs to eat from the bottom of the food chain while the rich and powerful will continue to dine on steaks as the whiz from one conference to the next around the world in their private jets. Read on for more and for a link to the EU legal documentation confirming these underhand changes read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / news report Thursday October 27, 2022 21:08 by 1 of Indy 1 attached file
Tesco is pushing card to usher in the cashless technocratic society and they are a key pillar of that effort. Once the cashless society is here then the corporate and banking elite will have full control over everything you do. Time to reject this future. In recent days Tesco has ramped up its tactic so much so that the Irish Council for Civil Liberties has begun to take notice and have written a letter to Tesco CEO. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues / news report Thursday January 07, 2021 21:32 by 1 of indy
One of the biggest scandals of the COVID Plandemic is the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people who died needlessly because the FDA refused to issue off-label emergency use for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe drug whose patent ran out years ago, and that thousands of doctors around the world have used effectively, often with a 100% success rate, in treating COVID patients. And it was reported back in late December that the world's second largest supplier of raw materials to make HCQ blew up. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Friday November 20, 2020 03:53 by SNS
The filthiest places in any country are the slaughterhouses. Animals are defecating and urinating in terror. Their blood spills everywhere. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Thursday November 12, 2020 23:19 by T
It was announced on Monday by BillBoard the music industry website that Ticket Master is rolling out a system whereby you will have to prove you were vaccinated before you could go to any concert organised by them. Ticket Master control probably close to 60% of all concert sales in the USA and Europe. In other news it was announced something similar would be rolled out for attending Premier League football matches. What we see here is the full rollout of the Global Totalitarian Police State. In a very short span of time this will apply to everything from staying in Hotels, using AirBnB, travelling by plane, train, ship and bus. In fact it will be everywhere. It amounts to complete and utter control of each person. These vaccine certificates will be digital which means they are a way of tracking each person. You might think well sure, I will just take the vaccine but already the media are letting it be known, that the vaccine will wear off and you will have to get regular boosters. You will also be tested regularly. None of this is in anyone's interest. The question is why are they so desperate to do this? It is certainly about the opportunity to make billions, but it is more than that. Once you submit to total control like this, you are a prisoner no matter what they tell you. And who knows what on Earth they will be jabbing in your arm. One day in the far future, it could contain something to sterilize you or perhaps give you chronic illness. You will never know. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / press release Friday July 12, 2019 22:06 by Kate Zeller
Washington, DC - As Democratic presidential candidates debate student debt, States attempt to tackle what they see as a debt problem impacting their economies. read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Friday May 11, 2018 22:13 by Joe Terry
Flashback to a July 28th, 2012 media report: Tony O’Brien, who led a special unit charged with reducing hospital trolley numbers and waiting lists over the past year, is the new head of the HSE. read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Wednesday June 21, 2017 13:36 by Paula
We all know that fruit is good for us. Recent studies suggest we should be eating up to ten portions of fruit and veg each day. But how much is too much? read full story / add a comment
galway / consumer issues / news report Saturday October 01, 2016 09:48 by Hibernian Scribe
ESB does not patrol power lines or check transformers and only change them when the horrendous gales force the ESB to do so read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / news report Thursday August 18, 2016 22:49 by anon
The Irish Cancer Society are organising two talks to promote the unsafe HPV vaccine and thereby are implicated in promoting this dangerous vaccine. The talks are titled: 'The HPV Vaccine – Warts And All' and will take place in Galway on August 23 and Cork on August 24. The Gardasil / HPV vaccine which has been pushed on first year secondary school girls around this country (and elsewhere) for the past number of years has destroyed the lives so far of over 300 girls leaving them with debilitating conditions. A parents support group called R.E.G.R.E.T. (Reaction and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma) has formed to provide support and document the damage. However this vaccine has been pushed by the Dept of Health on unsuspecting parents who foolishly put their trust in these authorities who told them and continue to claim the vaccine is safe. And all of this for a condition that is not even contagious. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Sunday August 23, 2015 19:31 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin
Recent reports have suggested that Ireland is set to become the most obese country in Europe. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / consumer issues / feature Friday February 20, 2015 16:29 by missing our buses already
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Just three weeks ago the National Transport Authority (NTA) officially started the tendering for 2016 of initially 10% of Dublin Bus routes and a further 10% of all Bus Eireann routes with most of the routes in Waterford City, and a number of Dublin commuter routes are to be privatised. In the original plan a number of Cork City routes were to go but these will probably happen later. This process has been the culmination of a relentless effort by Fine Gael (FG) in the present government and their predecessors and fellow Neo-Liberal ideologists, Fianna Fáil (FF) in the last government where they have consistently pushed for the break up of both Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann so that it can be handed over to their friends in the private sector to run on a profit basis. The NTA is used as a sort of cloak of respectability to give the impression that they will actually be a regulator with teeth of which we know very few regulators have any teeth, with the banking regulator during the Celtic Tiger coming to mind, plus many other examples and the function of NTA is really for propaganda value to convince the middle class. However this whole scheme is about ideology and is NOT about competition but about privatisation. read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / press release Tuesday October 07, 2014 15:16 by AIMS Ireland
The Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services Ireland (AIMS Ireland) are demanding an immediate response from the Government in budget 2015 on calls for a review into patient safety and appropriate care models in Irish maternity services. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Saturday January 25, 2014 19:25 by S Shriver
![]() ![]() Homocysteine, uric acid, animal fat or cholesterol, mercury, lead, and many other metals are some of the many compounds present in meat and fish which harm the brain. Aluminum compounds and alcohol consumption as well cause loss of brain function. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Wednesday December 11, 2013 23:15 by Carol S. Kopf, BS, MA
By mistakenly focusing on the drug fluoride, since 1945, dentists missed the opportunity to reduce tooth decay by promoting tooth-required nutrients such as calcium, Vitamins A, C and D. Could the current tooth decay epidemic in the US be attributed to that blunder? read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Friday November 01, 2013 18:22 by Helen Prentice
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In May 2013 TV Star Eddie Hobbs' Company, Brendan Investments, publicly backed Metro Property Group in Detroit following news reports of a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed in Federal Court against Metro.The statement, published on Brendan Investments website, claimed that Metro Property Group had been transparent with them and they had no cause for concern. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues / news report Tuesday October 15, 2013 20:25 by brionOcleirigh
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I couldn't help but notice, the difference in one of Ayman Al Gilmore's old parties alternative budget and his government's budget today. He is obviously a me feiner, riding the Irish working class and feeding off old comrades wounds but then that's the story of Ireland, isn't it? The Labour party have no shame have they? They are an obvious gang of fatbarsturds, who people are stupid enough to vote for and are prime meat for a revolution! Anyway here's a summary: read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues / news report Wednesday October 02, 2013 09:50 by Brian Clarke
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George W Bush economic adviser Dr Pippa Malmgren, speaking in Dublin yesterday, said Ireland faces 20 years of “no growth,” because of the European Central Bank She was speaking at a Davy Stockbroker conference in Dublin, saying Ireland should leave the euro and devalue the punt. Of course Irish politicians on the Euro gravy train will disagree. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Sunday March 24, 2013 20:32 by Gale Vogel
The enthusiasm of people at a recent business offer presentation in the Dublin hotel was contagious. The queues for foreign jobs at a job fare was the opposite. A constant contagion of exploitation of those in need is evident in offers for opportunities offered. Job offers implied following training, the costs invested and the disappointment following discovering it to be not quite accurate have lead to increases in suffering and stress. The promise of cheap holidays and earnings from investing in this hope is growing tiresome. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues / news report Wednesday September 12, 2012 01:15 by BrianClarke
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The Irish Department of Health says it hopes to bring legislative proposals this year or early next year to enable cannabis-based medicine to be prescribed in the Irish free state. They should hurry up and save al lot of people an awful lot of pain. Experts have advised that Sativex contains a cannabis extract which “is a valid treatment option”. It took them awhile didn't it. like hundred years late maybe. "Sativex is used for the relief of symptoms of multiple sclerosis patients and other ailments. It is already available on prescription in British Occupied Ireland. read full story / add a comment |