News Round-UpMon Mar 10, 2025 00:57 | Richard Eldred A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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Trans Doctors Can Use Lavatories of Their Choice, Says Hospital TrustSun Mar 09, 2025 19:32 | Richard Eldred A London hospital trust is letting trans staff pick their own toilets and changing rooms despite Health Secretary Wes Streeting vowing that biological sex would matter under a Labour government.
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How to Earn More in the BBC?s Top Ranks: ?Don?t Be Straight, White or Male?Sun Mar 09, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred Despite its commitment to equal pay, the BBC pays senior managers who are LGBT, ethnic minorities, disabled or female more than their straight, white, male counterparts.
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Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate ChoiceSun Mar 09, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred Britain's self-inflicted decline began in March 2020 when our leaders surrendered to lockdown hysteria instead of standing firm, says Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph.
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Carbon Budget MisinformationSun Mar 09, 2025 13:00 | David Turver The latest Carbon Budget is not just chock full of misinformation ? from lowballing renewable costs to wild predictions on heat pumps and EVs ? it also wants us to eat bugs! says David Turver.
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Is the Irish social welfare system for the birds??
Below is the first in a series of articles relating to social welfare within the twenty six counties. Amongst the specific issues dealt with will be cutbacks, 'fraud' and the broken promises and hypocrisy of the Fine Gael/Labour coalition less than 100 days after taking office
A recurring (and generally unchallenged) theme that emanates from the political and media establishment is the notion of widespread social welfare 'fraud'.
If we were to take at face value the claims of politicians, employers groups, right wing economists, journalists and commentators, the cost to the state is colossal. If we were to believe them, there would have been no need for social welfare cutbacks in the first place if it wasn't for this 'fraud'.
Over the past week as the Social Welfare & Pensions Bill 2011 has been debated in Leinster House, speaker after speaker from the Fine Gael/Labour coalition made reference to this 'fraud'.
Minister for Social Protection Labour's Joan Burton said that “every euro saved on fraud is money that could be given to legitimate social welfare beneficiaries and to pensioners who need income support.”
While Fine Gael TD Patrick O Donovan was preparing the ground to justify another U-Turn by his party with more social welfare cuts by saying that “if the area of social welfare fraud was adequately tackled it would be possible to leave social welfare rates as they are.”
It is an appalling but clever tactic to avert the gaze of people from the true causes of the economic crisis and the savage cutbacks that are causing so much hardship and poverty. It is a long established deliberate attempt to paint an image in the public mind of every social welfare recipient as being somehow a 'sponger' that doesn't want to work or a downright 'fraudster'. This is then used to justify cutting social welfare rates, pushing people even further into poverty.
The media, as on so many other issues, are willing accomplices in keeping this narrative of 'widespread fraud' circulating while refusing to properly question or analyse the accuracy of the claims being made. But is there the widespread 'fraud' they suggest or is it a different kind of fraud and deception, one directed by the politicians in Leinster House and the Department of Social Protection itself?
For example, a recent article in the Donegal News (June 2) entitled “Over €6 million detected in social welfare fraud” quotes the Department of Social Protection as saying that these 'savings' resulted from anti-fraud measures and reviews carried out by welfare offices and inspectors. Such newspaper articles and tv programmes such as the recent TV3 documentary and the RTE Prime Time programme in the run up to the Budget in 2009 when welfare cuts were to be first introduced are commonplace in highlighting this supposed widespread 'fraud'.
There are a number of problems with assuming that all this, or even a significant amount of it, is fraud related. What the department, or the media, doesn't tell you is how many of these people will in all likelihood have their payment returned to them following appeal. In other words they don't tell you how many of them have had their payment stopped unfairly in the first place.
They don't tell you how this will impact on people who are already struggling to survive on pitiful social welfare rates. They don't tell you the hoops these people are forced to jump through and the lengthy delays they will endure to eventually get what they were entitled to all along.
Closer analysis of the Departments claims of fraud and fraud detection tell a very different story to the official narrative.
Over the past decade, of those who have had their welfare benefits withdrawn, cut or refused in the first place, every year between 40% and 50% of those who appeal that decision have those decisions overturned in their favour.
In other words, the fraud and deception taking place is that by those in government trying to portray these people as fraudsters when in fact it was the department of social protection defrauding those people entitled to their benefits. In 2003, the numbers of those who appealed that won their cases was 44%. By 2009 the numbers had risen steadily year in year out to 48%.
Successful Social Welfare Appeals 2003 – 2009 (%)
2009 - 48%
2008 - 47%
2007 - 47%
2006 - 46%
2005 - 47%
2004 - 46.5%
2003 - 44%
This is clear evidence of something fundamentally rotten with a system that year after year gets virtually 50% of such potentially life changing decisions wrong. Yet year after year the only 'reforms' we see implemented are those that make it harder for people in need of and entitled to benefits to secure those benefits.
Many of those who initially have their claims refused or cut do not appeal the decisions for a variety of reasons. In many instances people believe that having been refused that they are not entitled to their payment even though in reality they are.
Between 10 and 15% of those who appeal withdraw that appeal before it is heard. Not surprising considering social welfare appeals can take anywhere between six and twelve months to be heard.
For many people, their circumstances will have changed. For many others, it is the final straw. Fed up and in financial difficulties as a result of being unemployed yet being denied their entitlements many have opted for emigration, a situation that the department and the government as a whole wont lose any sleep over.
The reality is that the vast vast majority of people on social welfare would much prefer to have a job despite the best efforts of the political and media classes to suggest otherwise. During last weeks debate a Fine Gael TD Andrew Doyle said that the government needed to “give people an incentive to stop relying on social welfare.”
The clear implication of that is that people are on welfare either by choice or due to lack of motivation or 'incentive' to find themselves a job. It is part of a pattern by the political and media classes to demonise those forced onto social welfare through no fault of their own, and to justify cutting welfare rates and benefits. It is also complete nonsense as there are no jobs out there for people to be “incentivised” to secure, as more than 460,000 unemployed people can attest to.
The statistics for employment growth and long term unemployment also expose the lies that the unemployed don't want to work or need to be pushed and cajoled into taking up employment. Throughout the 'celtic tiger' era, from the mid-nineties right through to 2007, employment grew annually here in the twenty six counties. At the same time long-term unemployment fell to very low levels and remained at those low levels right up until 2007.
More recently, throughout 2009 and 2010 growth in employment plummeted. As a result long term unemployment has soared to record highs in those years. What it reveals is that when there are jobs for people to take up, they will do so No amount of 'incentives' or intimidation from the department can make people take up jobs that just do not exist.
High unemployment has nothing nothing to do with people being lazy and not wanting to work. It has to do with a lack of jobs. But should we be surprised at the successive governments and the media promoting this notion of 'laziness' and 'fraud'? Of course not. It suits them to put the blame for unemployment on those unfortunate enough to lose their jobs rather than those who are actually responsible for the job losses and unemployment crisis – the politicians themselves.
Before the recent general election, Fine Gael and Labour promised us all real change from the politics of Fianna Fáil who had held the reigns of power for more than a decade. Less than 100 days into office, it is crystal clear that the Fine Gael/Labour coalition are more than happy to jettison their pre-election promises.
They are proceeding along the same path as that of their predecessors in Fianna Fáil, bowing to their masters in the IMF and ECB, scapegoating and targeting low paid workers and social welfare recipients, while protecting the assets of the wealthy. The agenda remains the same. All that the general election has changed is the names and faces implementing it.
Typical Mainstream media social welfare hatchet job complete with sinister music and compulsory well paid neoliberal right wing hack from university of limerick
As recession / depression for the many again stalks the land, there is a so called "war on welfare fraud" with the media being the organ to deliver the message loud and clear and unremittingly.
As you correctly point out there is no analysis or getting under the statistics as presented and the outcome of appeals are ignored in the context of "savings to the exchequer a result of investigations."
There were in excess of 600 officers in welfare (in 2006) whose sole function was investigating and "eliminating" fraud.
Corporate, banking, legal, accounting and other hyper fraud, takes a back seat as we well know. In effect, it is a policy of social class apartheid, if that is a correct formulation , seperate and distinct legal development, for different social classes of persons in the State.
Perhaps the group formed in Cork: Social Welfare Defenders, might link up with Eirigi and others, in a campaign to expose the frontline of the war, ie the media spin, which will be ramping up it's activity between now and the budget.
Expect more Prime Time investigates programmes in late November / early December.
All RTE 'current affairs' are obnoxious. Such programmes resemble Pravda before Glasnost. Anyway people on welfare do not have to worry, Comrade Burton is in charge.
According to minister Burton there is 1-3% fraud in the social welfare system. If you look at it the other way round, there is 97-99% compliance! That's very high. I wonder what are the stats's for bakers, politicians and so on. I think we already know.
Of course there is some fraud in the system, it would be very naive to assume otherwise, however, there is no reason to think it is significant.
My last post should have read " bankers, politicians....'. Apologies if offence was caused to any bakers. My experience has been that they are very good at managing dough!!
I've only just found this article, and was nodding my head throughout, I was on Carers Allowance for 10 years looking after two elderly relatives.
Due to some "clerical error" I was only ever paid for one of them, and nothing was done about it - other than being sent a form every time I enquired about it, the second person refused to sign any more forms as they'd "already signed for that!".
The first person passed away, so I tried to apply for C.A. for the second person, I managed to 'explain' that they had to sign the form this time, and they did. Form was sent off and I was denied. I was told I could appeal, but not told how to. I was also told that I should go to the Community Welfare Officer to receive a payment in the meantime. She refused to give me any money and said I'd fail in my appeal anyway(!)
I finally found out that I should have filled out a form (from the Dole Office), filled it out, and sent it away with a 3 page letter explaining my circumstances. A few weeks later I was given C.A. (backdated to when the first caree had died) without having to go to the Appeals Court.
I have had my Household Benefits package stopped, my 'patient' is over 80y/o and not getting it either, I'm not sure if it's worth my effort trying to apply for it...
Ring Citizens Advice centre in Dundrum, (number is in yellow pages under Citizens Advice Centres) and explain your case, they're helpful and quite informed.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7The pre budget prime time special was particularly obnoxious and no coincidence in its timing.
Well done on this article.
As recession / depression for the many again stalks the land, there is a so called "war on welfare fraud" with the media being the organ to deliver the message loud and clear and unremittingly.
As you correctly point out there is no analysis or getting under the statistics as presented and the outcome of appeals are ignored in the context of "savings to the exchequer a result of investigations."
There were in excess of 600 officers in welfare (in 2006) whose sole function was investigating and "eliminating" fraud.
Corporate, banking, legal, accounting and other hyper fraud, takes a back seat as we well know. In effect, it is a policy of social class apartheid, if that is a correct formulation , seperate and distinct legal development, for different social classes of persons in the State.
Perhaps the group formed in Cork: Social Welfare Defenders, might link up with Eirigi and others, in a campaign to expose the frontline of the war, ie the media spin, which will be ramping up it's activity between now and the budget.
Expect more Prime Time investigates programmes in late November / early December.
All RTE 'current affairs' are obnoxious. Such programmes resemble Pravda before Glasnost. Anyway people on welfare do not have to worry, Comrade Burton is in charge.
According to minister Burton there is 1-3% fraud in the social welfare system. If you look at it the other way round, there is 97-99% compliance! That's very high. I wonder what are the stats's for bakers, politicians and so on. I think we already know.
Of course there is some fraud in the system, it would be very naive to assume otherwise, however, there is no reason to think it is significant.
My last post should have read " bankers, politicians....'. Apologies if offence was caused to any bakers. My experience has been that they are very good at managing dough!!
I've only just found this article, and was nodding my head throughout, I was on Carers Allowance for 10 years looking after two elderly relatives.
Due to some "clerical error" I was only ever paid for one of them, and nothing was done about it - other than being sent a form every time I enquired about it, the second person refused to sign any more forms as they'd "already signed for that!".
The first person passed away, so I tried to apply for C.A. for the second person, I managed to 'explain' that they had to sign the form this time, and they did. Form was sent off and I was denied. I was told I could appeal, but not told how to. I was also told that I should go to the Community Welfare Officer to receive a payment in the meantime. She refused to give me any money and said I'd fail in my appeal anyway(!)
I finally found out that I should have filled out a form (from the Dole Office), filled it out, and sent it away with a 3 page letter explaining my circumstances. A few weeks later I was given C.A. (backdated to when the first caree had died) without having to go to the Appeals Court.
I have had my Household Benefits package stopped, my 'patient' is over 80y/o and not getting it either, I'm not sure if it's worth my effort trying to apply for it...
Ring Citizens Advice centre in Dundrum, (number is in yellow pages under Citizens Advice Centres) and explain your case, they're helpful and quite informed.
Michael Connolly