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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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Public Inquiry >>

Human Rights in Ireland
Indymedia Ireland is a volunteer-run non-commercial open publishing website for local and international news, opinion & analysis, press releases and events. Its main objective is to enable the public to participate in reporting and analysis of the news and other important events and aspects of our daily lives and thereby give a voice to people.

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

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Voltaire Network
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United Kingdom G8 Protest(English) (Italiano) (Français) (Svenska)

category international | anti-capitalism | press release author Sunday November 28, 2004 16:49author by G8 - Dissent Report this post to the editors

United Kingdom G8/No War Protest (English) (Italiano) (Français) (Svenska)

United Kingdom G8 Protest Protest

A Call out,

The final plenary of the European Peoples' Global Action Conference, which took place in Belgrade, Post-Yugoslavia from 21st-29th July 2004, is calling for a Global Day of Action on July 6-8th 2005 - the opening day of the 2005 G8 Summit to take place at Gleneagles, Perthshire, United Kingdom (Scotland, around 40 miles/70 km from Edinburgh).

They have called for people to join the convergences in Scotland being called for by the Dissent! Network in the UK (www.dissent.org.uk) to disrupt the Summit, and for people to organise and take part in simultaneous actions in villages, towns and cities around the world.

The Call Out will be published soon on: www.agp.org or www.pgaconference.org and on the Dissent! Network website: www.dissent.org.uk

If you are in the UK and want to get involved in the Dissent! Network, go to the Dissent! website and find out how to contact your nearest local group. If there isn`t one near you, set on up!

If you are based outside of the UK, contact: reshape@riseup.net

SPREAD the word!

Protesta anti G8 nel Regno Unito (Italiano)


L'ultimo Congresso plenario di People Global Action Europa, che si è tenuto a Belgrado, Ex Jugoslavia dal 21 al 29 luglio 2004, sta chiamando ad una Giornata di Azione Globale per il 6-8 luglio 2005 - durante i giorni di apertura del Summit G8 che avrà luogo a Gleneagles, Perthshire, Regno Unito (Scozia, a circa 40 miglia/70 Km da Edimburgo).

PGA ha chiamato la gente a confluire in Scozia, richiedendo al Network Dissent! (http://www.dissent.org.uk) di portare scompiglio al Summit in Inghilterra, e a tutte le persone in ogni parte del mondo di organizzare e prendere parte ad azioni simultanee in villaggi, paesi e città.

L'appello sarà presto pubblicato su: http://www.agp.org o http://www.pgaconference.org e sul sito del Network Dissent!: http://www.dissent.org.uk

Se vivi nel Regno Unito e vuoi prendere parte al Network Dissent!, vai al sito di Dissent! E scoprirai come contattare il gruppo locale più vicino. Se non ce n'è uno vicino a te, crealo!

Se vivi fuori dal Regno Unito, contatta: reshape a riseup.net

Diffondi al mondo intero!

Royaume-Uni G8 Protestation (Français)


Un Appel,

Le final plénier de la Conférence européenne d'Action Mondiale des Peuples, qui a eu lieu dans Belgrade, le ex-Yougoslavie, de 21st-29th le juillet 2004, appelle un Jour Global d'Action sur le juillet 6-8 2005 - le jour d'ouverture du 2005 G8 Sommet pour avoir lieu à Gleneagles, Perthshire, Royaume-Uni (l'Ecosse, autour de 40 miles/70 km d'Edinbourg).

Ils ont appelé des gens pour joindre les convergences étant appelées en Ecosse par le réseau Dissent! dans le Royaume-Uni (www.dissent.org.uk) interrompre le Sommet, et pour les gens pour organiser et prendre la partie dans les actions simultanées dans les villages et les villes autour du monde.

L'Appel sera publié bientôt sur : www.agp.org ou www.pgaconference.org et sur le site web de réseau Dissent!: www.dissent.org.uk

Si vous êtes dans le Royaume-Uni et le besoin pour obtenir impliqué dans le réseau Dissent!, aller au le site web Dissent! et la découverte hors comment contacter votre groupe local le plus proche. S'il n'y a pas un près de vous, l'un créez !

Si vous êtes basé l'extérieur du Royaume-Uni, le contact : reshape@riseup.net.


ETALER le mot !

Storbritanien G8 (Svenska)

En Upmaning.

Den slutgiltiga sammanfattningen av The European Peoples´ Global Action Conference(Översättning:det Europeiska folkets globala handlings konferens) som hölls i Belgrade, Post-Jugoslavien från den 21a-29e Juli 2004 upmanar till en världsomfatande dag av handling den 6-8 Juli 2005. - Samma datum som 2005 G8 ska äga rum i Gleneagles, Pertshire, England)scottland 4o mil/70 km från Edinburgh).

Dom har upmanat folk att antingen medverka i den sammanstrålningen i Skottland som "the Dissent network! in the UK" uppmanar till för att upplösa G8-mötet eller organisera sig och samtidigt som G8mötet organisera och delta i aktivism i länder, byar och städer över hela världen.

"En Uppmaning" kommer snart att publiseras på: www.agp.org eller www.pgaconference.org samt på hemsidan för the Dissent! Network: www.dissent.org.uk

Befinner dig i England och vill vara involverad i the Dissent Network? Gå isåfall till the Dissent! websida för att få veta hur du går till väga för att kontakta din närmaste lokala grupp.Bilda din egen grupp om det inte finns några lokala grupper i ditt närområde.

Om du bor utanför England kontakta då: contact: reshape@riseup.net.

För budskapet vidare!

author by Cian FNBpublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 16:57author email evilbulliton at hush dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dublin G8 2005 local group..is anyone interested. Maybe a meeting next week. Perhaps at the Social Centre meeting??
I've got loads of posters and literature for this.
Get in touch..


author by karen fallon - fASLANE PEACE CAMP/T.P./PITSTOP PLOUGHSHARESpublication date Fri Dec 03, 2004 15:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

people should be aware that activists have already been detained and questioned at airports and ferry terminals going into Scotland and in England in regard to the upcomming G8 in Scotland.

author by dunkpublication date Fri Dec 10, 2004 14:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You could be part of a fighting force armed with ruthless love and fully trained in the ancient art of clowning and non-violent direct action.

You could learn ingeniously stupid tactics that baffle the powerful.

You could uncover your inner clown and discover the subversive freedom of fooling.

Follow your nose and join CIRCA (Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army)!
http://www.clownarmy.org "

wandering the hills with color
wandering the hills with color

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