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Hoe to steal Sudanese oil

category international | environment | opinion/analysis author Wednesday August 04, 2004 00:18author by Hilaal Report this post to the editors

while pretending to be a "humanitarian"

According to Walter Kansteiner, US Under-secretary of State for African affairs, African oil "has become a national strategic interest". Ed Royce, the influential Republican senator for California and chairman of the Congress African subcommittee, maintains "African oil should be treated as a priority for US national security post 9-11" . Congress and the White House have yet to make this strategy official.

During the presidential election campaign the little Bush said, "there is a firm economic basis for US interest in the continent (Africa)." . The UN Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) estimates Africa's total oil reserves as 80bn barrels, 8% of the world's crude reserves. According to National Intelligence Council forecasts, the US could be importing as much as 25% of its oil from central Africa by 2015 .
With output of more than 4m barrels a day, sub-Saharan Africa already produces as much as Iran, Venezuela and Mexico combined.
Sudan, which started exporting oil three years ago, now outputs 186,000 barrels a day.
Nigeria, Africa's leading exporter of crude oil, is set to increase daily output from 2.2m to 3m barrels, rising to 4.42m by 2020.
By 2020 Angola it is expected to double output to 3.28m barrels a day.
Equatorial Guinea currently holds the record (alongside Angola) for oil prospecting permits.
The Gulf of Guinea, with estimated reserves of 24bn barrels.
The Chad-Cameroon pipeline will carry a further 250,000 barrels a day to the Atlantic.
Sudan has long been a target for foreign oil bloodsuckers and their lies about "Arab militias" and "ethnic cleansing" are as real as their "weapons of mass destruction" lies. The truth is that the western intelligence agencies including Mossad have been stirring unrest near Sudan's massive oil fields and pipeline in order to destabilise the Islamic government and steal their oil. Chad which is also vital to US and western oil interests is next door to Sudan, a country which the US has declared it wants to invade to "fight terrorists". Sudan and it's Islamic people pose a major problem for the entire African pipe dream. And Christian/Zionist Crusaders find an added motivation in seeing it's Islamic people die in great numbers.
The Chad-Cameroon pipeline was conceived in 1996 with support from the Clinton administration and developed by an international consortium, with ExxonMobile holding a 40 percent stake, Malaysia's Petronas 35 percent, and ChevronTexaco 25 percent. Funded in part by the World Bank (3%), the oil pipeline project is , "aimed at developing West African oil as an alternative to Mideast supplies" . Backers say daily production will hit 250,000 barrels at peak and revenues could reach $2 billion for Chad and $500 million for Cameroon over the projected 25-year production period.

June 23rd, 2004: India's ONGC Videsh Ltd started talks to buy the 35% stake of French petroleum major Total S.A. in an onshore oil exploration block in Sudan's Muglad basin, investing close to $750 million in constructing a product pipeline from Khartoum refinery to Port Sudan and in revamping the Port Sudan refinery. The deal was signed with the Sudanese government on July 2nd 2004, while we were all being shown pictures of Africans on camels supposedly being "Arabs" and engaged in "ethnic cleansing". Did you fall for it?
January 2004, Sudan's estimated proven reserves of crude oil stood at 563 million barrels, more than twice the 262 million barrels estimated in 2001. By June 2004, Sudanese crude oil production was averaging about 345,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), up from 270,000 bbl/d during 2003.
June 28th, 2004: The Sudanese Minister of Energy and Mining, Dr. Awad Ahmed Al-Jaz, announced that the country's oil production will increase to 500,000 barrels per day during the coming year.
July 29th, 2004: The Russian company Stroitransgaz will take part in the construction of oil pipeline in Sudan. Stroitransgaz has won the tender for construction of the 366-kilometre-long section of the oil pipeline Melut Basin Oil Development Project.

The Institute for advanced strategic and political studies is the group involving CIA and Mossad who advise the US government on African developments and then , some would say, to institute actions on the ground with spies and mercenaries bribing, corrupting and murdering their way to ,"achieving their full potential".


IASPS is a think-tank set up in Jerusalem in 1984 and has close links with the Likud party. In January 2002 IASPS organised a symposium attended by members of the Bush administration , Lt-Col Karen Kwiatkowksi, an airforce officer seconded to the defence secretary and senior executives from oil firms and investment funds. The meeting marked the start of the African Oil Policy Initiative Group (AOPIG) set up to interface between private and public sectors and agencies to, implement (terrorist) actions, global propaganda and the hiring of mercenaries to push through US policy on the ground in Africa.

What you see on television is the result of these people and not some "Arab militia". They are liars, thieves, corrupters and murders who have only their own interests at heart. They will leave Africa in dust and death to fill their oil tankers.

Related Link: http://www.iasps.org/http://www.islamonline.net/English/Science/2002/09/article08.shtml



author by Noelpublication date Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Let me get this straight.
The world's ills are caused by the Zionists (that's code for Jews, right?).
The Jews cause Palestinians to kill busloads of kids.
The Jews keep the arabs of the Middle East in hopeless poverty.
Now, the genocide in Sudan is the fault of the Jews too?

Are Arabs ever to blame for anything?

You'll be saying September 11 was a Jewish conspiracy next. Hey wait a minute......

author by julianpublication date Wed Aug 04, 2004 14:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Looks like indymedia is becoming a forum for genocide apologists.

author by augustinepublication date Wed Aug 04, 2004 15:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

then yes a forum is opened on at least one page, if you do not, then it is just another page of millions, and considering its summer these pages are harder to overlook.

Think on your opinion and post something.
= Make another page.

author by Noelpublication date Wed Aug 04, 2004 19:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What's with the 'don't open dialogue with them' thing?
Is it the Spanish approach, 'don't upset the bad guys and they'll go away'?

author by whatpublication date Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If oil is at stake, its not the big bad US that is doing the killing. The Sudanese government is cleansing potential troublemakers out of the way.

Unfortunately some peoples views are so dogmatic that they cant see a clear case for foreign intervention.

author by Marwanpublication date Sat Aug 07, 2004 04:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, come to steal Sudanese oil, please try. You may be lucky this time since you are suffering humiliating defeats in Iraq. The deserts of Sudan will welcome the blood of the thieves and their slaves. It would be nice to see the Crusaders fight themselves instead of sending local surrogates to kills, maim and blow up the pipeline.

Send your soldiers , please. Osama said you would be so upset when your towers were destroyed that you would come to fight in such places where your defeat is assured.

Send soldiers, lots of oil thieving soldiers , and find the people of Sudan ready to take good care of you.

Send more soldiers as your economies are destroyed by you own anger and fear.

author by Hilaalpublication date Sat Aug 07, 2004 05:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Regional overview


Oil Concessions and companies involved


Oil Activity


Armed groups-2001


Satellite view of US backed terrorist sabotage 1999


author by Ibidpublication date Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The US are trying to seal the border with Sudan near their beloved oil fields. It is of course NOT to do with oil!!!

US Marines train in Chad
US Marines train in Chad

Related Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3537714.stm
author by Noelpublication date Sat Aug 07, 2004 20:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Perhaps once, just once, Arabs may admit that America is not always the villain of the piece.

I guess the presence of oil close to the genocide in Sudan is a convenient excuse to yet again direct the blame at the US.
The presence of a genocide perpetrated by the peace loving Arabs is coincidental.

But then again, of course I forgot; IT'S THE JEWS!

author by benpublication date Mon Aug 09, 2004 00:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

how many of the posters here have actually done something themselves like give some money to the aid agencies involved with trying to cope with the mess in Sudan? It's like "let's have an indy political debate" instead of keeping silent and just using the goodness of one's heart to donate a bit of cash to help feed those poor souls and get medicines to them. I'm all for debate but not as an exercise for its own sake.
I always suspect that there is a certain latent yet potent complacency amongst us (westerners) here when it comes to these things, especially amongst the intellectual/political community. Concern seems to manifest only in empty rhetoric about a crisis situation instead of concrete action first. 'Humanity' doesn't need a debate. The truth is silent and doesn't desire 'observers'' as it has no ego to attend to.
What particularly scares me are they types of other-than-prudent remarks that are given which don't actually mean anything, like suggesting that certain 'groups' are responsible for something. In the end, we're all responsible through our inaction and pettiness, and we don't lead by example enough to make any real difference. We blame, counter-blame, pontificate, offend others and generally just spout a lot of hot air. We don't effect real changes, or innovate in terms of solutions (or clear our heads enough for possible solutions to be realised). I've noticed that in Ireland a lot (including with myself sometimes). A good start would be agreeing with yourself to just have a good heart and to do something real that will help your fellow man (like donating your beer money). It's an 'actions, not words' thing.
PS I won't be drinking tonight.

author by Smashypublication date Mon Aug 09, 2004 16:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yeah Nicey.

We do a lot of work for chaaa-ree.
Don't like to talk about it.

author by Hilaalpublication date Tue Aug 10, 2004 00:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Leaders of a rebel group in the western Darfur region of Sudan have made regular visits to Israel and have ties with the Jewish state.

Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail told reporters in Cairo some leaders of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) had split from the group two days ago over ties between its leadership and Israel.

Ismail said those who had broken away from the group, "confirmed that the leadership of the movement make regular visits to Israel".

Related Link: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L08672302.htm
author by Hilaalpublication date Fri Aug 13, 2004 07:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has accused Western nations of interfering in Sudan's troubled western Darfur region to try to exploit the country's gold and oil resources.

See link for story. Also the denial from the US


"The U.S. State Department Thursday dismissed Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's claims the West was intervening in Darfur because it wanted oil and gold."

"US Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli dismissed those claims."

"Oil and gold is not the issue here, he said. The issue is saving people from disease, starvation, rape and murder.

Related Link: http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsPackageArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=564091
author by davepublication date Tue Aug 17, 2004 23:10author email djd53 at optonline dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Henry Makow is a Jew but not a Zionist. See savethemales.ca. 911 was a Zionist/Jewish plot. The true torah jews are not zionist.

author by Justinpublication date Wed Aug 18, 2004 17:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Personally, i am tired of this whole blame on the jews, arabs, christian right (insert religious group here) The political purpose of religion is to divide groups of people against one another. By blaming world conflicts on a religious group we are simply falling into a way of thinking that distracts us from the real problem...You think this is about religion ? its bigger than that ! this is about vested interests and a push towards a globalist agenda, which pretty much means that the world is controlled by the few while the rest of us, depending on how much of us are still around then, play the role of serfs. Arabs, Jews, Christians, whites, Blacks, Chinese, it doesn't make a difference because in the long run we are all going to get f*cked so we can either sit around and point fingers at one another or we can see what is going on around us and decide amoungst ourselves that we dont want any part of it. In the long run we have noone to blame but ourselves!

author by k-dubpublication date Wed Aug 18, 2004 18:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Finally someone with some clarity of thought.
I agreee that globally we all have a common enemy in those who would divide us in order to eventually conquer us. The people behind this strategy do so knowing full well that if you lie to brown to hit white, then white will hit brown back, black will defend brown, so white will hit black as well, etc. Pretty soon all are fighting over something that none of them caused in the first place. The actual cause of the whole mess sits back and laughs, sells them all weapons to kill eachother with and gets rich doing so. It happens over and over and gets more convoluted and complicated along the way, until we have the situation we see today. Rise when you see with your eyes open wide.

author by Nadiapublication date Wed Aug 18, 2004 19:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I totaly agree with what you have written.

Have you ever thought of what Israel is going to do with all its weapons of mass distruction and 200 war heads?

author by alesiapublication date Wed Aug 18, 2004 19:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

they'll probably do the same thing any other state with WMD or warheads does.
That is to say "absolutely nothing".

author by Brendonpublication date Thu Aug 19, 2004 03:01author email brendon1970 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just as The CIA and probably MI6 are involved. It's just business baby. Israel has always been the Wests "Thug" in the area just as my country of Australia is gearing up to be.
"Black" people have been killing each other in Africa for years. Suddenly the "White" man has found a deep compassion for his fellow "Black" man who happens to reside over 250,000 barrels of oil a day. How touching. All we need now is for the Burmese people to find some black gold and maybe they too will be liberated from one of the most vile regimes ever to grace Asia.
One lives in hope.

author by Brendonpublication date Thu Aug 19, 2004 03:04author email brendon1970 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's called divide and conquor.
Ever notice how children squabble amongst themselves in a dysfunctional family? They cant confront the adults power directly so they attack each other.
That being said...Israel is still involved and "it's just business baby".

author by Justinpublication date Thu Aug 19, 2004 15:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

CIA + Mossad + MI6 = al CIAda

author by Orpheuspublication date Thu Aug 19, 2004 20:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Read "King Leopolds Ghost," by Adam Hochschild; same story yesteryear as today (excerpt from a reviewer: " The rarely told, indeed deliberately forgotten, tale of the greed of King Leopold II, who through hypocrisy, false promises, obfuscations and outright lies, took possession of the Congo. Under his rule, which he tried to depict as beneficial to the natives (bringing the savages the ennobling light of civilization, the typical Victoriam delusions), a sadistic form of slavery was the order of the day. Leopold's reign, offically endorsing mutilation, whipping, massacre and kidnapping, oversaw the killing of fully half the Congo's population").

The Gods of war and misery which are the transnational corporations and Military Industrial Complex, trample, mutilate, burn, rape the bodies of brown and black people and steal their resources and then turn around and market their diamonds to the pretty white house wives and sell us their oil so that we may drive our SUVs.

The media once again, controlled by the war gods, frames the story as a black on black, arab on black, African against muslim picture, purposely obfuscating the truth from the consumer-driven, drug-induced American public.

We all need to hammer on this issue incessantly. Call the media and tell them they are lying to the American public; expose this material on news blogs sites; send emails to friends.

Don't let these murderous assholes get off the hook.

Related Link: http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_11049.shtml
author by 52 centspublication date Thu Aug 19, 2004 20:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

oh no Israel would never use WMDs, yeh right everyday Palestine and its people are being destroyed what is your definition of MASS DESTRUCTION?The unprecedented scape of this global crisis is spreading like the plague. If youre talking about NBC's (nuke,bio,chem) I guess we will have to wait and see next year with the IRAN scenerio planned to unfold after the US election.
(skull and bones for president!!)

author by obviouspublication date Fri Aug 20, 2004 14:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There's loads of stuff written about that. The film Apocalypse Now has brought people into contact with the subject in a tangental way. Hardly "secret history". Anyway don't forget it was the British Empire and the not yet republican (not yet Sir) Roger Casement who helped expose what was going on.

Sudan? People being wiped out (possible genocide) and it has to stop now, whatever it takes.

author by R3D - R3D Partypublication date Mon Aug 23, 2004 23:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have no doubt that the American tyrants who live so dependant on the suffering of less economically developed nations, such as Sudan and Chad, who so greedily desire copious amounts of crude oil for their own personal business interests will find it neccesary to embark on a campaign of terror within the countries mentioned.

Well let them try, for now it is time for the free, democratic nations of this almighty planet to rise up and strike forth into the very heart of the American tyranny. Let none who support this merciless slaying of innocents survive our wrath.

American blood shall spill like great torrents of an ocean possessed, and the tyrant Bush shall have his giblets and nerves strewn from end to end of our mighty empire of freedom, with the symbol of our anger and hatred at his evil doing hoisted upon great poles at each end of this monlithical line of destruction. At either end shall fly the Red Flag!

author by nedpublication date Mon Sep 13, 2004 01:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

IMO this is a good thing as it will stabilise the region, bring employment to the natives and bring investment into their economies

author by R3Dpublication date Sat Sep 18, 2004 19:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How exactly does it stabilise an economy to steal their only natural resource?

author by A. Ramon - Peak Oil Newspublication date Tue May 30, 2006 21:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Maybe the United States thinks that occupying the Sudan will be easier than Iraq. The US is already spread too thin and cannot possibly secure African oil supplies, it would be ill-advised to think that America could use force on the African continent especially considering the current situation in the middle east.

However, we cannot dismiss the importance of African Oil in the context of the global peak oil situation. As supplies tighten there will be greater pressure on Africa to extract its remaining oil reserves. If we are worried about african oilpolitics after the peak we should take a closer look at China's growing energy needs. China is in a much better geopolitical position to be able to take advantage of african petroleum resources.

The United States would be wiser to put more effort into research and funding for alternative energy technologies as a replacement for foreign oil imports.

Online Resources:

Related Link: http://www.peak-oil-news.info/news2006-03-11.php
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