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People Are Still Believing Absurdities
In Spite Of Glaring Evidence
Why are people still terrified and scared of an illusory virus?
 On a recent walk through my hometown here in Ireland, I very quickly discovered which high street business was doing the best trade. Try it yourself. Take a stroll along the main street of your town or city and pay attention to how many customers there are in each outlet. You would expect to find that most patrons are spending their money in a coffee shop or a restaurant, a hair salon, a boutique or a minimarket. Perhaps even in a betting shop, a bar or in a book shop.
But no. From the evidence that lay before my eyes, the busiest stores in the nation - judging merely from my own observations - are the pharmacies. Boots chemist, here in the town I live in, is choc-a-bloc every time I walk past. People are queuing outside, standing in the rain, masked up, staring into space as they line up - physically distanced from their fellow hypochondriac - to get their hands on the latest pharmaceutical products on the market. Dozens and dozens of them form a human chain in front of this store as they await their ‘remedies’ every single day.
The population is either terribly sick or is of the opinion that it is. Or, more likely, it is expecting to be - someday, at an unknown time and date, as per the prophecies of a priestly person in a white coat who can do no wrong. So in preparation and in dread of the only thing in life that is guaranteed - kicking the bucket - people find solace in consuming large quantities of pills and potions that they do not know the first thing about - nor do they ever plan to learn anything about them. In what is nothing more than an elaborate scam, the pharmaceutical companies are selling people drugs for diseases that they do not have, telling patients that the drugs will prevent them somehow from succumbing to those very diseases in the future.
God knows, doctors have a great way of talking the healthy into being ill - even if they are in the prime of their life and fit as a fiddle. It is how they make their living after all. They spend their entire careers convincing people that they will keep them away from the pearly gates and the majority are happy enough to go along with that, regardless of the cost to their lifestyle and general contentment. If people can be assured that they will live as long as is humanly possible, they are very willing to spend their time avoiding anything that might actually constitute living. They will unquestioningly take their orders from a trusted physician and submit willingly to the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. Those who do not do the same, they hold in utter contempt.
I wonder how many realise that the medicine they are going inside Boots to purchase is, in actual fact, not designed to cure them? How many understand that it is a moneymaker for Big Pharma and, although the prescribed medicine may suppress a few symptoms, it will not bring you good health? Rather, in the long run, it will most probably make you sicker. It’s a bit like drinking a bottle of whiskey to cure depression. People use to do that but now they give their money to Boots instead. It works - but only to a certain extent and for a short while. Plus, the after-effects of consumption are not very nice and will most probably make your illness worse than it was before. But at least you’ll have had some enjoyment while drinking the whiskey.
I suspect that this unhealthy obsession with ‘health care’ was always present. Perhaps until the fake pandemic, I hadn’t noticed. But, for certain, it can be said that there are far more pharmacies and chemists in an average Irish town than are needed. Sure, there are people who frequent these outlets for genuine reasons, such as diabetics who require insulin, for example. But I don’t believe that there are untold numbers of pharmacies on our nation’s streets just to serve people who are sincerely in need of medical products. To be successful, these businesses have to convince the able-bodied that they need to be treated for some type of illness. They cannot survive unless health care and allopathic medicine is forced upon healthy people. Their business models fail unless the well are coerced into being unwell. That is exactly what they do, hence their presence is ubiquitous. Big Pharma has well and truly invaded and most of its support comes from the occupied.
Is it any wonder then that the country is said to be the most vaccinated in all of Europe? According to mainstream media and government sources, Ireland has a 92% COVID-19 vaccination rate. Incidentally, the same mainstream media and government sources have also said that COVID-19 vaccinations are not effective at stopping the transmission of disease and any immunity provided by them is quickly waning. Despite this, we are told that the 92% are somehow at risk because of the 8% that refuses to be jabbed - not because of the inefficacy of the vaccine. Many, many people across Ireland, and in countries all over the world, choose to believe that their vaccine will not be effective until it is administered to all of us - even though we have been told in the first place it does not stop you catching COVID-19 anyway. This is the type of belief system that has now been adopted by a severely confused and frightened populace - one that has lost the ability to think critically.
The majority of traumatized people whom we see, wandering fearfully in a government-imposed, perpetual state-of-panic, we can safely assume, are double vaccinated. Yet, even though they are told that the ‘miracle jab’ will supposedly reduce their symptoms and keep them out of the hospital, they are still petrified.
I stopped at a pedestrian crossing at one stage during my recent stroll and carelessly stood too close to a lady who was, like me, waiting to cross the road. She reacted like she had an encounter with Typhoid Mary and leapt as far away from me as she could. Bear in mind, this person was a complete stranger. Can you imagine her reaction if she knew I was unvaccinated? I imagine she could not fathom that someone walking the streets of her town could be unjabbed. In her mind, most probably, the unvaccinated are people she hears about on the evening news or people that exist in lands far away. Or perhaps she equates them with people depicted in fictional horror movies or on Netflix TV drama series - like, say, terrorists or mass-murdering cannibals. I bet she would never imagine for a moment that something so hideous could actually be encountered in real life.
This is what we are now faced with in our world. We are surrounded by denizens of a dystopia who have been wangled into an inhumane way of living by people they think have their best interests at heart. They have become so afraid of dying from a disease they believe to be lethal, that they have not noticed the very life being sucked out of them by a machine of propaganda and fear-mongering. They have replaced friendly smiles and warm handshakes with a false sense of security that somehow still leaves them deathly scared. Their fear of death has made them resemble the walking dead. That which terrifies them is consuming them so much they are becoming it.
Every so often they are given a glimmer of hope and told that they can go back to normal soon - once the cases are down, once the majority is vaccinated, once the medical system can cope, once the elderly are shielded, once the children are jabbed, etc. etc. etc. Of course, then, just as this is about to come to fruition, they are given a healthy dose of RTE COVID-19 fear porn right before bedtime to remind them of how dangerous their once peaceful world has become. They are then thrust back into a state of abnormality and the nightmares resume. What is so hard to believe is that they keep falling for this, time and time again.
Truthfully though, most of them, having been so disturbed, may not even remember what ‘normal’ is. Others may not be able to function any longer in a ‘normal’, pre-2020 world. They have been so completely distressed and psychologically injured that they may never be the same again. What is even sadder is that many of them will never want to be the same again. They have embraced their newfound apocalyptic hysteria and are offended by anyone who does not adhere to the same illogical commandments that they do.
Of course, what makes all this even more mournful is the recent news coming out of the US state of Florida. This story highlighted - once again - the sheer foolishness of the preposterous behaviour we see among so many and reinforced the fact that the entire COVID-19 falsity has been, from day one, a farcical, shady, crooked racket, with no science to support the claim that there is, or has ever been, a pandemic. It demolishes any hint or suggestion that human beings should live their lives socially or physically distanced, petrified of their neighbour or gagged with useless face masks. It flies in the face of any notion that we should be reduced to mindless entities who stand around frantically scrubbing our hands every 10 minutes with toxic chemicals while agreeing to be injected with dangerous mRNA vaccines every 6 months. It shows, again, that the descent of society into wretched pandemonium over the past 20 months has been senseless and needless and that those who have demanded it are criminals and liars who deserve to be stuck inside a prison cell for the rest of their miserable lives.
As the den of villains that is Ireland’s government threaten to cancel Christmas, the people of Florida are partying like it’s 2019. The state that has opposed and rejected mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for workers, thrown out mask mandates, outlawed vaccine passports and kept their businesses open throughout the ‘pandemic’ can boast today of having the lowest COVID-19 case rates in the United States. As COVID cultists and vaccine zealots warned of doom and gloom for the state, Floridians refused to live by the diktats of neurotic maniacs and carried on with living their lives as human beings should live. Despite the ominous alerts of supposed experts, the Sunshine State is now reporting much lower COVID-19 cases than even California and Michigan - states that were plunged into full-blown medical Fascism from day one.
So what does this tell us? For myself and the people who read my articles, it doesn’t tell us anything that we don’t already know. However, for the many, such as the masked patrons of Boots, who live in fear every single day and spend every waking minute complying with nonsensical regulations and pointless public health orders, it should tell them that, now, we are seeing even further proof that everything told to us since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ has been a lie. It should tell them that every word that has come out of the mouths of the elect has been a word of deception. It should tell them that there is no pandemic, there never has been and thus, there is no need - under any circumstances - to continue living life like they are in a scene of the movie, Contagion. It tells them that facemasks and vaccines should be abandoned immediately and that they should go on living their lives in joy and comfort, instead of needless fear and anxiety. It should tell them that it is time to stop fretting over an illusory virus that has never been shown to exist in the first place. It should tell them that it is time to stop following orders, stop conforming, stop complying and stop contributing to the construction of a hellacious prison for the minds of themselves and their families. It should indicate to them that it is time to ignore the mandates set by madmen. It should be evident to them now that it is time to stop buying into the lies. It should tell them that it is now time to stop acquiescing to the demands of tyrants.
And they should know that it is high time they stopped believing absurdities.
Gary Jordan
The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies
Contributor to The Irish Sentinel