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offsite link News Round-Up Wed Oct 23, 2024 01:06 | Will Jones
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offsite link Democrats Are No Longer Hiding Their Plan to Censor America Tue Oct 22, 2024 20:00 | Will Jones
Democrats are no longer hiding their plan to censor America, with the First Amendment seen as a major barrier to "hammering disinformation out of existence" and not fit for purpose, says Andrew Doyle. We have been warned.
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offsite link ?Big Up Keir Starmer!?: Prisoners Toast the PM as Hundreds Celebrate Early Release Tue Oct 22, 2024 18:19 | Will Jones
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Covid Vaccines are the Trojan Horse leading us to Tyranny

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | feature author Monday May 31, 2021 00:34author by 1 of Indy Report this post to the editors

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The Covid-19 vaccines (aka the experimental gene therapy) are a Trojan horse for two reasons. One is because they have the potential to cause great harm and long term chronic health and even death and the second because they are a key part of "vaccine passports" that are central to forming the global identification and control system of a worldwide totalitarian technocracy. The media, Big Tech and government have made no effort to hide the fact that they intend vaccine passports to be permanent and expanded to all aspects of life from travel to public events, to entry to work, cafes, restaurants and even pubs although these measures will come later once they get the travel part locked in and accepted.

The Lies and Scare Campaign

We are hurtling towards a dystopian tyranny on the back of constant fear and propaganda and all in the name of protecting us and that vaccine passports are our way back to freedom. But make no mistake it is all based on lies and manipulation and freedom was willingly given up by people because of of this and in a certain measure by their own naivety for we cannot place all the blame on the psychopaths in power and have to accept we were collectively duped. The power to overcome it is in each one of us and that is why we have to admit part of the problem lies there.

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In case you haven't noticed there is only one item on the agenda these days and it is that you must take the vaccine. The public have been under a full psychological warfare type of assault for months and all elements of the state, medical establishment, media and social media and more recently celebrities have been brought to bear to urge or really coerce you and if that doesn't work, shame you into taking what they call the Covid-19 vaccine. What they neglect to tell you is, it is not a vaccine as is conventionally known and is actually experimental gene therapy. It is experimental due to the fact proper clinical and animals studies have not been done and it has been brought in under contrived emergency measures and it is gene therapy because it inserts messenger RNA (mRNA) into your cells to get your own body to make a copy of the Covid viral spike protein. Or at least that is what is stated but there could be easily all sorts of different mRNAs carrying instructions for any kind of protein and there may be errors or problems with the production process itself that result in an unknown range of mRNAs. These are nano-meter in scale, meaning billions are contained in each droplet. They are all 100% correct? I doubt it.

At this stage at least half the population has rather foolishly taken the vaccine and they are busily working their way down the age group. The UK is further along in this madness than this country. The public think they have been informed about it but they haven't. They have been kept completely in the dark although some are aware of rumblings on the sidelines but rather than investigate, prefer denial and belief in the current system because that is less scary than facing the truth and shattering the delusional world view of the mainstream narrative. Besides the psychopaths running this show have created a situation where you now run the risk of social ostracization if you were to admit that you used your better judgement and refused the jab. Only those with a strong will are able to resist.

What the government has done in Ireland and every other country is that they have hyped up the fear of death from Covid and downplayed the risks of vaccines and at the same time scrupulously denied that Covid is treatable despite being very curable using cheap, patent free, generic drugs like Ivermectin. The backbone of the Covid scare or hoax has been the use of the PCR test which is unreliable as the technique is more suited to research settings than mass testing in carparks. It can easily be manipulated to find anything you want to paraphrase the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis. This is because it is based on doing multiple cycles of DNA amplification with each cycle doubling. Anything over 34 cycles is considered highly unreliable and with each cycle representing a doubling; testing for Covid has regularly used up to 44 cycles making the results utterly unreliable and at that level running with 90% false positives. The governments claim much lower false positives but that is when it is run at far fewer cycles (around 33) in a very controlled and clean setting. In this way they have generated the "case" numbers which are a meaningless statistic and used the same test to claim someone has died of Covid and grotesquely inflate the Covid death numbers. For example few people are aware that the governments own statistics from the Central Statistics Office (CSO ) show more people died in all of 2017 than in all of 2020 whilst we were in the "pandemic". Even the definition of pandemic was manipulated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) currently headed by a corrupt official Tedros Ghebreyesus who has had charges of genocide levelled against him due to his role in political violence in Ethiopia. because weeks before the WHO declared a Covid pandemic they had updated the definition of pandemic to be so meaningless that even a normal flu year could be called a pandemic. The government fail to emphasize that the average age of people dying from Covid is over 80 years of age AND that over 92% already have 2.5 comorbidities which means they would be at least two life threatening conditions or diseases. For the past year the nightly news has carried the useless and meaningless case numbers and quote a mean age for "cases" usually in the 30 to 40 year age range and followed seconds later with a daily death count. The daily death count itself on close examination is often anything but and is not at all transparent, but by announcing death counts so close in time to the mean age of cases, vast swathes of the population have been misled passively into thinking it was the mean age of death when it wasn't and thereby spent months thinking it was striking down much younger period and this greatly added to the fear of the population and manic behaviour of jumping out of the way, holding their breath or turning their back to you when they pass by and all the over the top hand washing and scrubbing surfaces. For a good overview of hype, propaganda, the actual real science and facts and so forth, see the Wake-Up-Ireland PDF attached here.

Vaccine Risks

So what are the risks of the vaccine then? Most are aware that there have been reports in the media of blood clots but they have implied this is at the level of one in millions. It is better for them to pretend they are upfront and to admit minor problems and that is why their deceit is so clever. What most people including many medical people (who should know better) are not aware of is that in most countries there is a system for reporting vaccine adverse events that has in place for many years no doubt originally due to public pressure. In the UK this is known as the Vaccine Adverse Reactions (VARs also known as Yellow Card system) and the figures for each of the different vaccines is published and available. This is not something governments like doing. As always they are very clever at co-opting this type of thing and turning it to their advantage. So to help with the deceit, they place statements with the data implying the reported events are just coincidences and the reactions and death may not be linked to vaccines and really it is not worth looking at the data anyhow. Funny the way, if you are dying of heart failure or stage 4 cancer and die, yet had a positive Covid PCR test 6 weeks prior, then it is definitely a Covid death. Whereas you can die the next day after a vaccine and it is just conjecture. Another trick they do with the VARs data is to make it harder to get a grip on total figures because the publications are for different time periods and the split it out into as many different reaction types as possible and that way it is hard to put all the numbers together. It would be trivial for whoever maintains these systems to produce concise and clear statistics and still keep the detail too. But they don't.

The EU VARs system Eudra Vigilance actually as of this date shows 12,000 vaccine related deaths but nowhere on their website is it easy to find this out in one place. Only the diligent work of a researcher going through all their tables and reports has managed to collate all the results. (Ref 1). So a system designed to monitor negative effects makes it impossible to get summary results. It is worth visiting the site to see how hard it is to find anything. This is the way with all forms of coverup. Bury the data in huge obscure reports and places that only the most dedicated, diligent and those with time on their hands can dig out, piece together and discover. That is the reason every government inquiry to any scandal produces final reports often years later that are thousands of pages long.

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The VARs numbers for the UK already show over 1,180 deaths from Covid-19 experimental vaccines/gene therapy. And given this is perhaps only 10% of the figures at most this means the real figure is at least 11,000 or possibly considerably higher. But as with all things in life whenever there are casualties where there is one death there will generally be anywhere from 4 or 5 to 10 serious injuries. Thus along with that 1,180 official UK deaths are 1000s of serious injuries covering a huge range of conditions which can be found in the reports attached to this article. They range from blood disorders to neurological problems and even blindness. I guess you never heard that on BBC, RTE or any of the mainstream media. That is a far cry from just one or two "suspected" blood clots among millions, so nothing to worry about, move along. Back in mid April several NHS staff came forward to whistle-blow on what is happening and in this interview (audio here), this NHS board member stresses over and over again that medical staff and NHS officials are REFUSING to report vaccine adverse reactions to the VARS/Yellow Card system and it was not normal for people to be confined to bed for two days after receiving a vaccine and such reaction would never have been tolerated in normal years if that had happened with the flu vaccine. She calls out the whole mess as criminal for that is what it is? In another interview a NHS whistleblower said that those who are being admitted to hospital in serious condition often days and weeks after the vaccine, where they have got worse from the day of the jab, that the families have often demanded that the hospital investigate the link with the vaccine but they have been threatened that if these patients show up positive on a (unreliable) Covid PCR test that the patients will have to be isolated and no further visiting will be allowed. Obviously people get the threat as they did not want their visiting rights taken away and the hospital -probably really management, successfully resist doing any investigation. More data missed from VARs. As you can see implicit in these threats is the common knowledge all these people know, which the Covid PCR test is just a propaganda tool and they can find whatever they want. Just change the number of PCR cycles and bingo, you get what you want.

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Death statisics for 60 Irish Nursing Home from Jan 2020 to Jan 2021. See here

But what about the situation in Ireland. As usual the government here are always quick to be ahead of the game and have it covered. The answer is it's secret although they did contribute data to EU but most likely scrubbed of anything useful. Incidentally they did the same with the HPV vaccine here denying there was any adverse reactions despite over 200 serious injuries to teenage girls in Ireland and widely demonstrated by the support group Eventually Clare Daly managed to get the government to reveal a summary to the Dail and indeed show there were serious effect. (See here for coverage of that). However in an attempt to get a handle on the number of vaccine deaths here, Health Freedom Ireland produced a chart (see below) using death statistics from over 60 nursing homes in Ireland. Back in April 2020 is when we are led to believe was the first and only big spike in Covid deaths although it is likely a good many of the deaths in nursing homes then were not Covid ones but were because elderly people were dumped out of the hospitals and whatever treatments they were on, withdrawn and put into nursing homes. (Ref 2). Oddly the statistics show the death rates in nursing homes (where average duration is 3 years) is whilst indeed increasing in March/April 2020, were otherwise fairly constant all year varying from 185 to 96. Then in Jan 2021 when the mass role out of experimental vaccines/gene therapy got under way, lo behold the death jumped massively to 557. Many will say this was the Covid January spike. The way Covid stats were presented then were deeply misleading, for they announced a daily figure that was really a 14 day figure, thereby making it 14 times higher. Although it is true, every January when Vitamin D levels are at their lowest, there is an increase in deaths (Ref 3). The nursing home death jump this January though is highly likely from death by vaccination and would have been as a result of their immune system completely over-reacting on their ailing bodies and basically pushing them over the edge. It is well known in the medical community that due to deteriorating immune systems in elderly people, vaccines are less effective with them and they always run the risk of significant over-reaction to them. If you are in the last few months of your life, this could be enough to overwhelm your body. The question then is, if there was this many deaths in the homes how many in the wider community? Chances are they would label them Covid-19 deaths. More on that aspect later. In addition take on board that it many people far younger who have received the experimental gene therapy have had very severe reactions lasting days from it and it is common for people to take strong pain killers in advance of going for their vaccination such is the widespread knowledge of it's effects.

And the situation in other countries? Well in Israel where the Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body and has estimated over 300 deaths which they know is an underestimate and reckon the true death rate is far higher. The equivalent VARS system of the UK in the USA has already clocked up 6,000 deaths and tens if not hundreds of thousands of serious side effects. In a report to the US Dept of Health (Ref 4) investigating under reporting of vaccine adverse reactions, in it's findings it states "less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.". It is not unreasonable to then realize that the true number of vaccine deaths are 100 times higher than these official figures from the different national VARs reports.

What is different about the statistics of these deaths to Covid ones is that the mean age for Covid is over 80, while these vaccine deaths are spread more evenly across all age ranges as reported by the IPC. The naysayers try to discredit the figures usually by saying given the huge number of people vaccinated, you would expect a certain amount of deaths. That might be true but most of those would be at the mean age for the country so most of the deaths in any large group would cluster around the 80 years of age mark or so. Yet there are many reports of perfectly healthy people in their 20s, 30s 40s and 50s dying. Just page through the PDF of such vaccine news reports here for a flavour of it.

Box 1: Vaccine Adverse Reactions Not Being Reported

This is a must listen of the Delingpod podcast where the discuss how a GP practice is getting thousands of reports of adverse effects of vaccine in the UK yet no Yellow Card reports are being made to the UK VARs system. And lots more. Please support this podcast as he is one of the few bringing out this information Jump to about 16 mins 34 sec for the part on vaccines.

Update 2: Must listen interview of Dr Reiner Fuellmich

He discuss the major class action legal case he is taking, how the target is the destruction of small businesses, genocide program and why those involved in the Coronavirus scare should be tried for crimes against humanity.

One of the NHS whistleblowers, a nurse with 20+ years experience, interviewed by the UK Column on April 14th, who is responsible for reviewing safety data and writing public safety leaflets for vaccines pointed out that many of the medical staff are completely unaware that the vaccine is really gene therapy, that no proper safety trials have been done, the trial to test the effectiveness of it was rigged, nor are they aware that people are dying and getting very serious reactions from these vaccines, (see Ref 5, VARs reports). Where is medicine's motto of "Do No Harm" she asks. ( It seems the new motto of the medical establishment which has long since been hijacked and co-opted by Big Pharma (Ref 6) has changed the motto to "Do Not Harm to Pharma's profits!" ). She stated that people receiving a vaccine are not being given the vaccine safety leaflet warning them of side effects so that they understand the risks. Nor are they being told that it is supposed to be their decision to take it as many feel they have to and it is somehow mandatory. She also states that she has tried to raise her concerns many times and she has been both silenced and threatened by upper management. You can listen to a recording of her full interview here and another whistleblower here

Experimental Gene Therapy, Not Vaccines

So why are the vaccines really gene therapy? Answer is because they modify your genes and the pharmaceutical companies are not denying that. They proudly proclaim it, yet use the term vaccine. Up to now vaccines were generally were made up of parts of dead bacteria or viral fragments which were injected into you along with a bunch of substances known as adjuvant which are used to aggravate the immune system so that it would associate the presence of the bacteria or viral fragments with the irritation & inflammation response to the adjuvant otherwise how will your body know it is bad to it? That is why in previous controversies, the focus is on the adjuvants because they are nearly always made up of toxic substances designed to get a reaction out of the immune system. Typical ingredients for adjuvants are things like tiny amounts of metal which are toxic to the body and many other nasty chemicals. The idea then was when the body saw these bacteria or virus again, it would recognize them biochemically and deal with them quickly based on the theory that the initial jab with the adjuvants triggers an immune reaction then which is remembered as it were through antigens. Or so that is the theory. In the case of the Covid vaccines, the scientists seem themselves as smarter than nature and have somehow improved on the mammalian immune system which has evolved over the last 60+ million years. They don't even understand it properly. The idea then is to inject the messenger RNA (mRNA) into the body where it is supposed to be taken up by a vast number of human cells and it would integrate with them and start producing the Covid-19 spike protein continuously. The theory then is because it makes the protein, somehow when the real virus arrives, it will attack that. One of the underlying assumptions is that this protein is unique. Biology reuses proteins all over the place for different uses. Linear thinking scientists years ago thought one gene creates one protein for one function. Not so simple. There is a risk that the body could instead attack the cells making the protein. This is what auto-immune diseases do; they mistakenly attack the self, your own body. Examples are Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Type 1 diabetes mellitus. They are often referred to disorders which may be more correct, since clearly there is a malfunction in your immune system occurring. The mRNA gene therapy vaccine relies on the assumption that the immune response hinges on recognizing this protein in isolation as opposed to real immunity you would acquire when a fully functional virus invades and the full biochemical dynamics are initiated and would very likely have multiple unique signatures that a functioning immune system could reliably recognize into the future. That is what mammals have been doing quite well for millions of years without any help, thanks. A vaccine is supposed to simply trigger the immune system and it does all the work. This risky mRNA gene therapy looks like it is more likely to completely confuse the immune system with it's simplistic single protein approach and has the potential to destabilize the ordinarily functioning of the cellular processes. Any theory relies on real world data to prove or disprove it and biology unlike physics is a lot more complicated and messy. Well some of the real world data is in and people are dying and having severe reactions. And these are only the relatively short term ones. Big Pharma,, Big Tech, Big Capital and their political lackeys don't like the results and prefer you didn't know them and through their near total control of the media have largely succeeded in their aim.

But wait didn't vaccines rid humanity of plagues and widespread disease? Well that's what we all believe but it turns out when you go looking for that bullet proof evidence it is as not there. What made a difference was the huge civilian projects during the Industrial Age with the building of sewers, provision of clean running water, regular garbage collection and better housing. Once this got under way, the massive death counts from all the famous disease of industrial Europe started to plummet. Much later when the trends were heading down, vaccines arrived and claimed credit for these successes. The chart here shows deaths from various diseases going back to 1848 for England and Wales and the arrows show when different vaccines were introduced. This is counter to what has been drummed into all our heads. Save the image, because every attempt will be made to scrub from the internet. This by the way is called looking at the data and is how science used to be done.

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Deaths in England and Wales from 1848 for various disease and dates of vaccine introductions

Big Pharma who stand to make billions, have done limited testing and have gotten indemnity from national governments everywhere that they will NOT be liable for any harm done and people will have to take any legal actions and proofs against their own government. This means they are immune from you (Ref 7). So why would they worry about negative effects particularly since governments are doing all the marketing for the products. What a wonderful product to have if you are in the businesses of making money. On a technical level there are many issues with injecting the mRNA into humans. As Mike Yeadon former scientist for Pfizer says, what types of cells are supposed to uptake the mRNA. What sort of tests have done to measure this. Also what is the level of uptake. Is it 10%, 50%, 100%. Will the cells reject the mRNA and integrate it long term. How long will it produce these Covid-19 spike proteins for? Normal vaccines present a consistent dose with a consistent uptake. Once again we are reliant on voluntary and or independent scientists and civilians to do the real science as government sponsored scientist either refuse or are prevented from looking into what is happening and the IPC already cited above has published its April report (Ref 8) into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body. What is in it for Big Pharma. It turns out mRNA are easier and far quicker to make than regular vaccines and it is easy to tweak the mRNA. This means you can create thousands of different mRNA sequences. In short a huge new market, not withstanding any sinister objectives that could also be easily enabled in a quite controlled way with this technology.

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Little do the public know that scientists have been trying to create vaccines for 20 years for corona type viruses with no success. Covid-19 is not the first corona virus ever. What people don't know was that in one animal trial a few years back (Ref 9) with cats which are supposed to be a good model of the human immune system since they are mammals too, the cats received their two doses of the mRNA to produce the spike protein and were okay. The interesting part was when they were all later re-exposed to the virus to see if they had immunity. The results were that they all died various causes. It seems the immune didn't recognize the virus as a threat and allowed it to replicate unchallenged and thereby killed them. A different study several years before but with ferrets had a similar result, all the ferrets died but apparently in that experiment they react to the virus but massively over-reacted. In a way that makes sense because if the body is triggered to react to the spike protein and then it correctly attacks the virus producing it, there is no reason and over reactive immune response will also attack the cells producing it which depending on the uptake of the original jab could be a considerable fraction of the cells. Or even just a considerable fraction for one type of organ and any resulting failure of that would be enough to kill the animal or in our case the humans. You get a sense then of the sort of challenges the mammalian immune system has been facing for millions of years. You can't ignore a threat and you have to be careful in how you react and do not over-react or at least do only when required. And here we are poking into this delicate system insisting on being better when there are cheap available and effective treatments and no need for any of this potentially very damaging idiotic interference with the immune system.

This is combined with the concern that the very idea of getting the body to produce the spike protein is the basis for many of the more grave warnings made by various scientists who are NOT in the pocket of either Big Pharma or the government and have the courage to speak out. For example, this recent article from UK written by Dr Mike William (Ref 10) points to research showing it is the spike protein that leads to clots and bleeding into the lungs of some of the few but seriously ill Covid patients or those who died. So if it is not the actual virus leading to clotting problems in some people and just the spike protein itself, then why on Earth would you be injecting mRNA designed to produce that very spike protein into basically the entire population. Suddenly these reports of blood clots due to vaccines make a lot more sense. A common term for that sort of experimentation on uninformed humans would be criminally reckless. But hey Big Pharma has indemnity so what's the problem?

It is amazing that so many think they are informed simply because a wide selection of clueless politicians, medical people in the pocket of big pharma or engrossed in their own egos and celebrities say it is safe even though none of them have any idea what they are talking about. But we are highly social animals and it is well known that in the face of fear, the group will tighten closer and it becomes far less tolerant of any sort of dissent from the group. What are the grave warnings though one might ask?

Well they are simply that millions could die from these experimental gene therapy vaccines particularly when they get re-exposed to the virus and that over the medium to long term (months to 20+ years) they are likely to trigger longer term debilitating and possibly fatal auto-immune diseases. People are actually already well aware of these types of predictions in the periphery of the media and their mind but the government, media and big pharma, through a highly successful and effective psychological war campaign have consigned all such utterances to the fake news camp. And since social ostracization is worse than death, virtually no-one will dare read or listen to what they actually have to say and are even less likely to discuss it with others in case they are "outed" as a conspiracy theorist. It is likely a significant fraction of people are taking the vaccine even though their gut instinct says no, because not taking it, in the eyes of the media means you have to be a member of the demonized group or because they want to get the "life back to normal" which is actually the least likely thing that will happen. Everyone knows people who through weariness of lockdowns and a desire to holiday abroad again are getting the jab. Given how the woke culture is terrifying people into silence for even minor misdemeanors, they can clearly see they would be a target for shaming and rejection too, especially if others they know have caved in to the coercion. What all this means is if you know it is dangerous and you still take the jab just to get along then you are a coward by any measure for you don't have the guts to stand up for yourself or beliefs. That's not something people like to admit to in our hero culture. And denial doesn't really clear your conscience. Ultimately it has been all driven by fear, the denial is based on fear and they give into the coercion because of social fear and fear of the woke culture which so handily has been so prominent for the last few years, might turn on them.

All life strives to pass on it's genes. That is the very basis of the theory of evolution and this applies to not just all creatures, but to plants, bacteria and viruses. If a new viruses kills the host that it infects too quick, it burns itself out too fast and limits its own spread of it's genes. The ideal is not to kill the host so it has more time and opportunity to spread wider. It is the consequences of a bacteria or virus entering the body and disturbing the bio chemistry there in the process of acquiring resources for itself that leads to disease and ill effects. It has been observed for a very long time across a huge range of viruses that they always evolve to be LESS deadly but possibly more infectious over time. And all viruses are constantly mutating from day one and it is a very normal process. It seems the word "mutation" has become a trigger word for fear itself these days. [During evolution viruses have been so good at this game, that it has been found while sequencing the genomes of numerous species of animals including humans, that long strands of DNA are effectively long dead or inactive sequences of viruses that infected these creatures long ago, but they are now integrated with them and have been hitch hiking along with the host DNA ever since, in the process of fulfilling their objective of spreading their genes. There is even a name for them which is human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs).]

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However this rush to vaccinate everyone is potentially having the opposite effect to the normal expected evolutionary trends. This is what Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has to say regarding how the vaccines are facilitating the development of deadlier strains of the virus.

De plus, le virus variant résiste ŕ la vaccination: les nouveaux variants sont créés par la sélection des anticorps produits par la vaccination

C’est une énorme erreur, c’est une erreur scientifique et une faute médicale inexplicable, l’histoire fera le bilan un jour de tout ça, car c’est effectivement la vaccination qui a créé le variant.


Moreover, the variant virus is resistant to vaccination: "The new variants are created by the selection of antibodies produced by vaccination.

It is a huge mistake, it is a scientific error and an inexplicable medical fault, history will take stock of all this one day, because it is actually the vaccination that created the variant.

He argues the vaccines don’t stop the virus, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

Montagnier also said that the mutation and strengthening of the virus occurs owing to the phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease. ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

This is why what Prof Luc Montagnier has to say above is very disconcerting because the mass vaccination changes the ecosystem and dynamics for the virus radically such that it actually could encourage the virus to go down an evolutionary path making it more dangerous. It just goes to show the extraordinary level of dangerous and reckless idiotic behaviour by governments, Big Pharma and their shrills in the WHO, on medical "expert" panels like NPHET in Ireland, SAGE in the UK, and others.

In conclusion of this section it is perhaps easy to see now why one can say the vaccine is like a Trojan horse released into your body and like the way the sieged city of Troy was lain waste to, so it could do the same to you sometime from the moment you get the jab to decades later.

Vaccine Freedom/Totalitarian Passports

Unless you have been asleep for the last six months or hiding under the bed, it has been made quite clear that Big Pharma and their lackeys in the government want you to take the vaccine every year from here on to the end of time. The psychopath Hancock in the UK has even suggested you might need two vaccines a year. The corporate compliant Irish government recently announced they had ordered several million experimental gene therapy vaccines for 2022 and 2023. The Canadian government made similar announcements covering an even longer period into the future. And so have other governments. In fact central to the "vaccine passports" is this notion that your vaccine can expire after say six months and for Big Brother to grant your freedom back, you have to get another top-up jab. The alleged reason is because of all the new viral strains (or mutants which the media and government prefer to use being in the public mind, thanks to Hollywood films, a much scarier word). This of course completely ignores the fact that 99.99% of people get over this disease, those under 60 years of age are barely affected and the young not at all. But so far these mutations according to Mike Yeadon who has read the science, only differ by a tiny 0.3% in the genome and would have no functional effect and any effective ordinary vaccine would still be effective with such tiny variation. But lets not forget these experimental vaccines according to the Big Pharma's own literature at best only reduce symptoms and don't stop the disease so it is all just deception and manipulation in the way it is all spun. A common feature of the mutations we hear about is that they come from distant exotic lands with scary looking sequences of letters. How about the Uzbekistan HK1163Z mutation? Sounds deadly doesn't it? It's not because I just made that one up but it is not a far cry from what we hear in the media that passes for news but is nothing more than pure propaganda. The other feature of the mutations is that they all have characteristics such that it may be necessary to continue lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing and of course laying the groundwork for you to get next years or maybe sooner, next Autumns new vaccine. If you listen carefully to the news, note how they say the current vaccines aren't fully effective against these mutations. Then wait a few hours and days and listen again and things have got worse. Don't worry by end of the summer Big Pharma will have come to the rescue with new improved vaccines.

Anyhow, the key point is that you will get a new chance every year to put this ticking biological timebomb into your body. So if it didn't harm you this year perhaps because your cellular uptake of the mRNA didn't really work, there is always next year. Keep this up long enough and you increase the odds of major problems. Perhaps some people who have already been duped and coerced into the experimental gene therapy are now wondering what to do. Is there any way to undo the potential damage. The short answer is probably not. Nobody really knows. The worse part is that nobody knows what disruptive effects of this mRNA inserted into certain types of cells could do to send their bio-chemistry haywire or haywire later when some unusual bio-chemical event occurs. They simply don't know and there are no long term studies. The long term studies have begun and the guinea pigs are the bulk of the human population. It should be noted that it is highly likely that people of real importance in the billionaire class who appear on TV taking the jab will have got just a harmless saline solution or it was just plain faked with actors or fake needles. You have no way of knowing despite what comes out of the mouth of the news reader or whatever the headline says.

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If lots of people and I mean lots, do die from the vaccine this is how it will play out. They will say they died of Covid and it was one of the new strains for which the vaccine appears to be not effective against. There have been some stark warnings about what might happen when people are re exposed to the virus next winter and that is when huge number of deaths could occur. It remains to be seen but were it to happen, then the fear levels and lockdowns would go through the roof. The gloves would really come off big time then and the iron fist of the state would become very evident. In that scenario they will very likely, using the fear instilled in the populace, force those who have refused the jab until now, into taking the new improved jab against the "deadly strain". The more people who take it the more will die and round and round it will go until through lockdowns they will have extinguished all small and most medium sized businesses. At a later point the economy will be allowed to collapse possibly with the help of some "Russian" cyber attacks launched to wipe out financial records such that they won't be able to sort out the mess and they will start over again. It will just so happen you will lose all your savings, your pension fund will likely go belly up and you will be at the complete mercy of the state for handouts. If you are still not going along with things, this state dependency will bring a whole new level of control over you. All of this though may or may not happen, or maybe not for awhile yet. For the moment they remain possibilities but very useful ones for members of the financial elite especially if they plan to hold onto their positions of power and wealth. Keep in mind the golden rule. The very wealthiest in society always get bailed out. That's as sure as day follows night.

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With that potential backdrop in mind, it is time to discuss the second reason why these experimental vaccines or gene therapy are a Trojan horse. Just like in the original legend when the Greeks hid in the great wooden horse which was presented as a gift to the be-sieged city of Troy which the weary Trojans gladly received and wheeled inside the city gates, later that night while the Trojans slept, the Greeks climbed out and opened the city gates to let the invaders in and proceeded to destroy the city. In the case of the vaccine, once you take the jab you then are entitled to your vaccine passport. What a lovely gift after the long and weary lockdowns? This vaccine id, for COVID is an acronym for Certification of Vaccine Identification, though is the very tool that will permanently remove all your freedoms and lay waste to the last remains of freedoms and democracy which indeed has been under siege by corporate capital for many decades now. Every person taking the jab it is like an extra Greek soldier inside the Trojan horse.

The vaccine passports will only become workable, that is for your masters, if most people go along with it. There may be people who take the jab but don't really think the vaccine passports are such a good idea, but if they are given one anyhow and they want to travel then they are hardly going to refuse their vaccine passport if they are told they cannot travel without it, especially since they went to the trouble of getting the jab. It is easy to see how insidious it becomes. Another carrot and stick approach being used by governments and which appears to be the sole purpose of the "quarantine hotels" or more accurately quarantine prisons which cost a small fortune for you to be forced to stay in. And remember it is all based on bogus statistics backup by over a year of relentless propaganda and fear mongering. By introducing the rule that if you are vaccinated you don't have to stay in these "hotels" but without the jab, you have to pay for expensive (and useless) PCR tests and €1800+ to stay in quarantine prison, then it is easy to see what people will do. And remember the vaccine is free, well sort of. The governments pays for it with your tax money, so you pay for it anyhow. What is really happening here is that they are holding a gun to your head and asking you by taking the vaccine, to put on a handcuff but they are calling it a lovely freedom card, but make no mistake, it is an electronic handcuff which you will never ever be able to take off. All that the system requires is your identify. The rest is online in the cloud.

Afterall the legislation for vaccine passports has already been passed in the EU parliament and each country is preparing their own national legislation for the same. Initially it is for just travel, but a few minor tweaks during a parliamentary session a few weeks or months later can easily add extra clauses to make them mandatory for all public events, like sport stadiums, work, school, college, concerts, buses, trains, taxi, GP visits, theatre and of course across the hospitality industry simply by mandating that all hotels, restaurants, cafes and pubs. It will require a stroke of the pen. This is not conjecture. This is what is being pushed and talked about in the media and there has been no effort to hide it. Earlier last year in 2020, the global corporation Ticketmaster which is estimated to sell the ticketing for perhaps 50% of the concerts and gigs across the world, were implementing a vaccine passport system. When the story (Ref 11) broke, there was a huge backlash and they denied it but they still kept progressing their plans. Now at this stage, because the population have been softened up they no longer have to deny it. It will soon be ready to go. Software companies are working feverishly for this new "market" in every conceivable human sphere of operation. It won't take long to be fully rolled out and if anyone has notions of just getting fake vaccine passports, they can forget it because the entire global system will be online and impossible to circumvent. Once this is rolled out everywhere and up and running, we are finished as a free people.

There has already been many trials and demos of the system in operation. The mobile phone versions of vaccine passport has features that change your status from "green" to "orange" which means your vaccine has expired and it is time to get another. No doubt if you don't re-jab quick enough, the orange status changes to red and suddenly you will find you can't do anything. Perhaps you will lose your job or maybe your bank account won't work. Or suppose you get a throbbing toothache and you need to see a dentist urgently but you are told: "sorry you must be vaccinated before I can see you". The possible scenarios are endless. Or better still you receive an alert your grandchild has not received their regular vaccine because your daughters thinks it is a bad idea and you are having doubts too for your grandchild after hearing from friends through the grapevine of all sorts of strange deaths and illness despite a blackout of such reports in the media and now that the alternative press and private websites and blogs reporting this "non authorized" news have shutdown due to the new licensing and anti-terrorism laws to protect the public have been passed, but now your status goes to red and you are "invited" to encourage them to change their minds.

Now if anyone thinks that such a system is going to retain your freedom, freedom that can be turned on or off or just finely controlled at the end of your electronic tether, then you must be smoking crack or something.

Freedom of course is supposed to be an inalienable right along with your right to choice over control of your body. What this means you are born with these rights and they are not granted or taken away from you by governments or any other authority despite what some people think. It is surprising how many people are unaware of this. There are those who seem to think kindly politicians granted them to us.

Lets for a moment then examine the Nuremberg Code (1947) regarding medical experiments and this relates very much to being coerced into you accepting the gift of a global identifier so much beloved and essential to the totalitarian elite. For the code states the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

  • The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  • The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  • The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.
  • The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  • No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  • The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  • Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
  • The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  • During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  • During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

Nevertheless it is important to illustrate where all of this can go. For example there is no reason in the world, for it would be incredibly easy with just the right software controlling this system, to declare a regional lockdown because of some mutation or whatever you care to dream up and confine everyone in that region or zone. You could electronically shutdown whatever you wanted just in that selected area. If we move to the cashless society, it would be even easier. Simply deny all payment transactions to all business except food outlets in that mutant district. Those in charge would have endless fun. After awhile since Covid Freedom Passports or are they now called Green Passports work everywhere the concept of nation state would begin to break down and once the health commission into natural bio-regional boundaries commission delivered and decide to remap the whole country and Europe and beyond into different "districts" why all that would matter is what district you belong to. Now this seems a little odd and obscure but over the long run it would be useful because if you can break down the common bonds among people then it is harder for them to come together to find for a common cause. And the rallying call around the fighting for freedom of "our" nation may have so weakened that it is no longer a strong enough mechanism to be of any use.

The vaccine passport system being of course fully computerized and seamlessly inter-working across the world in the same way your phone does, will by being an unique global identifier for every individual is, as Mike Yeadon in a recent interview stated, the very tool that enables a worldwide totalitarian control system.The media of course will deny any of this and distract and misdirect with nonsense about how the privacy of your data will be protected. But that has no relevance whatsoever. It is the central control over everything that you do, is what matters and if you can't see that then you are in denial of the potential horror and too afraid to accept we are right on the cusp of a global tyranny. This is the most common reaction by people, deny it, all of it. The denial stems from deep fear and ultimately it is cowardice to not face up to it and for going along with things so far. Your moment to stand up and be counted has arrived and that is to outright reject this madness, regardless of whether you took the jab already or not. Forget about appealing to what the next generation will think, appeal to yourself. If this comes to pass and everything is showing it has been plain sailing so far, then the next generation won't know the difference because they will know no different. You however will be a complete failure for you will have passed up the opportunity to make a difference and help carry humanity down a more enlightening, interesting and meaningful future.

Nominally the people running the system will be national governments but the on the ground reality is that global Big Tech corporations will physically run the system and between just a handful of them they will run it in every country. This de facto gives the real control to them, even though national government have amply proven they are despotic enough on their own. Given social media and global communications -think WhatsApp, Messenger, email is already in their hands including what is in or out of the news and at the same time they will be in charge of deciding what is fake or not, along with the "fact" check sites they run, do people really think even now today that your average TD (in case of Ireland) or MP (UK) has any sort of say or control over the bigger political picture considering if they step out of line they can be quickly publicly destroyed through social media, shaming and scandal and that these companies, with their already existing, massive data mining operations backed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) software, don't have an insight into what every single family and person is discussing or saying. Who has the power then? There will be people who will attempt to label this as conspiracy (as usual) yet the same people have no problem accepting that your emails, conversations at home, WhatsApp messages, web browsing are all regularly data-mined today to figure out what you are planning to purchase next and present you with adverts in advance. Huge numbers of people have already experienced these eerie spooky occurrences. It is all in place already and has been for several years!

For the very wealthiest and most powerful in the world, a global tyranny which they control, is a huge prize. In fact the biggest prize in the entire history of mankind and the technology is here to enable it. In the past, throughout the span of history, many wars have been fought and millions have been slaughtered; these wars were always because at least one side was trying to pursue their own power and objectives. Yet what they were fighting over is puny compared to what is at stake now and without doubt they have thrown everything into the ring, in pursuit of this goal. When was the last time -never -has there been such a literally worldwide shutdown of everything, massive reduction in travel, months of house arrest for billions of people and so forth? And all the pubs shut for months too? It used to be a near national calamity when they shut for one day at Christmas a few short years ago. The elites will not accept failure because already everything has been committed to the battle. Were it to fail the backlash would be enormous for the entire credibility of the media, medical establishment, scientific establishment in some ways and of course the political establishment would be shredded to bits. The massive disruption to peoples lives the abandoning of treating the (regular) patients while hospitals are reserved for Covid, the disruption of education and culture events and the enormous mental health crisis and spiraling suicide rate and of course reckless damage to the economy along side the endless talk from the World Economic Forum (WEF) about the Great Reset shows, all shows that they are quite willing and plan to remake the very workings of the entire global economic system.

As their famous essay published on the WEF website describing life in 2030, a mere 9 years away, says "you will own nothing...and rent everything...". People need get that into their heads. If you own nothing who owns the stuff you will be renting. Amazon, Google, who? It also says "every aspect of your life will be controlled". Does this not correspond exactly to what the vaccine passports are? Are you waiting for RTE or BBC or SkyNews to tell you hey it's all a police state and you been lied to and you should now go out and protest to end it? Do you think they are going to announce it is a police state so that the clueless recognize it? Is that what you are waiting for and then it will be true? Do you have any initiative? Some have argued the WEF are simply taking advantage of the crisis except for the fact the WEF represent the wealthiest people and corporations in the world -i.e. the people who own most of it anyhow.This would also ignore the fact that the global financial system was in a very perilous state already in Oct 2019 just at the time when the famous Event 101 (Ref 12) took place attended by hundreds of top officials from many countries and which went through a simulation of a global pandemic caused by a virus and which killed millions. Many of the same officials who took part in this exercise then became leading figures when the real fake pandemic was rolled out.

If it is not clear now how the Covid Freedom Passports are not a Trojan horse to take your freedoms for good, then it will never be evident. You only have two choices to do something about it or deny it and do nothing -out of fear.

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1. 12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”


3. Autumn COVID-19 surge dates in Europe correlated to latitudes, not to temperature-humidity, pointing to vitamin D as contributing factor

4. Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Final Report

5. UK VARs reports. Separate reports for each vaccine. Reports are for partial periods so you need to get all reports for all vaccines to work out the total number of deaths and adverse reactions. For example see:

6. See: John P. A. Ioannidis, PLOS 2005, Why Most Published Research Findings Are False and John P. A. Ioannidis, J Clin Epidemiol, 2016 Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked: a report to David Sackett and read the book: Can Medicine Be Cured? The Corruption of a Profession by Dr Seamus O'Mahony

7. Why AstraZeneca Insisted on Exemption From Liability


9. Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection

10. Clotting and Covid Vaccine "Science"

11. How Ticketmaster Plans to Check Your Vaccine Status for Concerts: Exclusive

12. Pandemic simulation exercise spotlights massive preparedness gap and

. Short Film called: Utopia -A man lives in a society where citizens police each other with their mobile phones. and






author by smallpoxpublication date Wed Jun 02, 2021 04:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Looks like the theory that SARS-COV-2 is a man made GOF experiment which leaked from a lab
has started to gain a lot of momentum.

Fauci funded it to the tune of 3.5 million.

Maybe now they'll jail that stupid fucker and close all these biowarfare labs before something much worse gets out
and kills us all. We were lucky this wasn't much worse.

author by anonpublication date Thu Jun 03, 2021 00:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

against people who do not want to take the untested experimental gene therapy


author by Tpublication date Fri Jun 04, 2021 00:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is his bio

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.

He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel.

On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.


  • Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
  • Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
  • President Cardiorenal Society of America
  • Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
  • Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology

For more information about Dr. McCullough, please visit:

Watch this short clip from Fleccas Talks’ Rumble channel at The original full interview is here.


Caption: Video Id: vf328h Type: Rumble

author by joepublication date Mon Jun 07, 2021 21:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

nails it


author by 1 of Indypublication date Tue Jun 08, 2021 22:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A well-known Indian actor and state health ambassador died just one day after getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus, reports indicate.

Vivekh, a comedian and the Tamilnadu state’s ambassador for public health messages, had pushed his followers to get the jab, touting it as “safe and effective.” He then got jabbed himself, only to die of cardiac arrest less than 24 hours later.


Related Link:
author by jamespublication date Mon Jun 21, 2021 17:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Listen to Rachel Elnaugh former investor in original Dragon's Den series speaks out about the plan and events this coming autumn

author by Tpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is the vaccination that is creating the variants

Caption: Video Id: rsyveegVCzbV Type: BitChute

author by Pandemic podcastpublication date Fri Jul 02, 2021 22:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

WHY WE MUST HALT THE GLOBAL ROLLOUT NOW - with Dr Peter McCollough - LIVE at 16:00 BST

When one of the world’s most highly-qualified and respected medical professionals is consistently questioning how the response to the SARS-COV-2 pandemic has been handled, you have to sit up and pay attention.

My guest is Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine in Dallas. He’s also the editor-in-chief of two prestigious cardiology journals and associate editor of another, and he has testified at the US Senate.

Dr McCullough has already published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers on managing Covid-19 and has become fearless in taking on the medical establishment and US authorities, using what he calls ‘open-eyed’ journalists in mainstream American media to get his message across, one sound bite at a time.

His key focus is on doing all in his power to halt the vaccine roll-out while continuing to campaign for the effective, low-cost, early medical interventions that have seen 85% of the over-50s who have benefited from these treatments avoid hospitalisation.

Join me at the new rescheduled time of 4pm BST when Dr McCullough will be talking us through the highly effective protocols and strategies he and colleagues across the US and beyond have developed and why he believes this has been eclipsed by the quest for mass vaccination. We’ll also look at the differences in how the US and UK have managed their pandemic responses, and what — if anything — we can learn from them.


Tune in on FB LIVE via @makelockdownshistory:


PS Have you registered for the Lockdowns Summit? Join us on 17th July where will critically evaluate the response to Covid-19 and explore responsible exit strategies that seek to minimise total harm. Register here now:

author by Colleen Huber, NMDpublication date Thu Jul 15, 2021 23:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I compare the abortion effect of the COVID vaccine with the morning after pill.

When 827 pregnant women who took the COVID vaccine were studied, the authors of the study linked below don't show it clearly, but only 127 (827 - 700) were vaccinated in the first two trimesters (all the rest in the last trimester). Of those 127, there were 104 miscarriages. This is a miscarriage rate of 82%.

Now the morning-after abortion pill, RU-486, has an efficacy rate of 80% to 90%. (RU-486: An overview of mifepristone and its potential applications. Contracept Rep 1993 May;4(2):7-9.)

Therefore, the two drugs have comparable abortion potential, and must carry black box warnings and must be used only after ample warnings are given, and only with fully informed consent.

Related Link:
author by Tpublication date Fri Jul 16, 2021 00:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Text in the screenshot is

Things are just beginning today in France. Vaccine passports (PassSanitaire) checkpoints have been setup to try and make it more difficult for the protestors to enter. A heavy military style presence has been deployed. Protestors who have hit checkpoints are looking for alternative ways to enter. Today could escalate as Macron is threatening vaccine passports everywhere including supermarkets August 1st. Macron has declared war on the French people by threatening to cut off their food and freedom if they don't take the vaccine



author by 1 of Indypublication date Sat Jul 24, 2021 01:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

KunstlerCast 347 — Chatting with David E. Martin About Covid-19, Vaccinations, and Other Mass Casualty Events

KunstlerCast 347 — Chatting with David E. Martin About Covid-19, Vaccinations, and Other Mass Casualty Events

Related Link:
author by DMpublication date Wed Jul 28, 2021 23:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Effective 25 August 2021, only vaccinated persons, upon presentation of their vaccination cards shall be allowed to enter public and private markets including department stores, supermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores."

Filipinos to be starved into submission to take the vaccine
Filipinos to be starved into submission to take the vaccine

author by fmpublication date Fri Aug 06, 2021 00:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Neil Oliver speaks out about the Coronavirus tyranny

Click to Play Video   or   download   18.48 Mb

Download: VID_Speech_by_Neil_Oliver_About_Coronavirus_tyranny.mp4 18.48 Mb

author by Dr Naomi Wolfpublication date Fri Aug 13, 2021 22:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Researchers from Germany have conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that prior to death had been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). They found that every single organ of the now-deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins due to the jab.

About one month prior to his death, the 86-year-old man had received his first dose of a Fauci Flu shot. He later became infected with Chinese Germs and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

It was already too late, though. The man’s body was overtaken by the Vaccine spike proteins that ate up his vital organs and left him for dead. According to reports, the man had received a “lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a 30 ?g dose.”

“On that day and in the following 2 weeks, he presented with no clinical symptoms,” reads a paper about the case that was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.

“On day 18, he was admitted to hospital for worsening diarrhea. Since he did not present with any clinical signs of COVID-19, isolation in a specific setting did not occur. Laboratory testing revealed hypochromic anemia and increased creatinine serum levels. Antigen test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 were negative.”

By day 25, the man finally tested “positive” for Chinese Germs

It took all the way until day 25 for the man to finally test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. Just one day later, he died in the hospital of kidney and respiratory failure caused by the vaccine.

Researchers later found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins. The man was clearly killed by the jab.

“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,” the study concluded.

While it was discovered that the lethal injection did trigger an immune response inside the man’s body, it did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the virus or the spike proteins that caused his organs to fail.

What this all shows, of course, is that the Vaccines are doing more harm than good – if they are doing any good at all. They also appear to be accelerating the spread of the Chinese Virus and its associated illnesses.

This is why we are urging our readers to just say no to experimental drug injections from the government. There is simply no need for anyone to take these shots unless they have some kind of death wish, in which case there are suicide help lines available to talk them out of taking their own lives with Fauci’s lethal injections.

“Sadly, after a few months, the truth will be revealed, and then those who took the jabs will become the pariahs of society!” wrote one commenter at Infowars. “Remember, this whole fake vaccine affair violates every single article of the Nuremberg Code, which the U.S. adopted decades ago.”

“What’s incredible about this whole thing, is that the drug inventors, nor the manufacturers are liable for any adverse consequences related to their Covid-19 vaccines, because they were created under an emergency declaration and considered immune to any irregularities, because their intention was to save humanity,” noted another, suggesting that this format of pushing deadly, liability-free drugs on the masses is part of the “new normal.”

“Sound familiar? Get used to it because intention covers a multitude of sins.”

author by Tpublication date Tue Aug 17, 2021 00:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As predicted in the article above the tyrannical nature of these lockdowns have come back with full force as right now in Australia they are going back into lockdown because of a few phony cases and claiming covid deaths using the of course phony PCR test to say so. Actually recently the CDC have come out and admitted the PCR test cannot test specifically for Covid and is detecting the common cold.

In this story at they report on the new regime in the Sydney area:

Under the latest changes to the lockdown rules, residents of several areas of Greater Sydney, including Cumberland, have had their permitted travel radius reduced by half. Those wishing to go beyond that would have to apply for a permit. Only one person from each household, except in special circumstances, is allowed to leave home at any one time to undertake essential errands. Hundreds of defense force personnel, including heavily armed riot squad officers, have been deployed to ensure compliance with the rules. An additional 500 troops will patrol Sydney’s residential areas from Monday, as NSW’s law enforcement agencies launch their stay-at-home operation. Roadblocks have been installed, with police stopping drivers to check their identification documents in a major compliance exercise.

So do people still think this is all okay for something no worse than the common flu ?

And here is a video clip of basically the same thing. Fascist police state is what springs to mind here.

Click to Play Video   or   download   1.8 Mb

Download: VID_New_Australian_Restrictions.mp4 1.8 Mb

author by Tpublication date Tue Aug 31, 2021 01:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You will get to play Russian roulette at least once if not twice every year with these vaccines if you want to keep the freedom doled out to you. All in the plan.


author by Awarenesspublication date Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is NOT a drill…. This stuff IS happening.


Download: vid_20210910_094844_189.mp4 15.44 Mb

author by Robert Jamespublication date Fri Nov 26, 2021 09:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The public have been under a full psychological warfare type of assault for months and all elements of the state, medical establishment, media and social media and more recently celebrities have been brought to bear to urge or really coerce you and if that doesn't work, shame you into taking what they call the Covid-19 vaccine. What they neglect to tell you is, it is not a vaccine as is conventionally known and is actually experimental gene therapy. It is experimental due to the fact proper clinical and animals studies have not been done and it has been brought in under contrived emergency measures and it is gene therapy because it inserts messenger RNA (mRNA) into your cells to get your own body to make a copy of the Covid viral spike protein.

author by Crazy catpublication date Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Article from Pepe Escobar in the Alt World:

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