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offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.  We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below). 

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Lawyers to be Given Duty to ?Advance Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?. It?s a Recipe for Tyranny Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:49 | Sarah Phillimore
Lawyers are set to be given a new professional duty to "advance equality, diversity and inclusion" by the Bar Standards Board. It's a breach of human rights and a recipe for tyranny, says barrister Sarah Phillimore.
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offsite link Wuhan Institute of Virology May Have Also Released Polio, New Research Claims Fri Sep 06, 2024 09:00 | Will Jones
The Chinese lab that the FBI believes likely leaked COVID-19 may have also released a "highly evolved" strain of polio in 2014, according to a new study from France's prestigious Pasteur Institute.
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offsite link The World is Drowning, Says Antonio Guterres. Send Lots of Money Fri Sep 06, 2024 07:00 | Chris Morrison
The "surging seas are coming for us all", UN chief Antonio Guterres warned last week. The only solution is to send him lots of money. Give me a break, says Chris Morrison: there's no evidence sea levels are rising fast.
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offsite link News Round-Up Fri Sep 06, 2024 01:35 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link Germany Could Adopt Rwanda Plan Paid for by U.K. Thu Sep 05, 2024 19:00 | Will Jones
Germany is considering deporting migrants to Rwanda, where it could use asylum facilities paid for by the U.K., after Keir Starmer scrapped the scheme on which the U.K. has already spent at least £318 million.
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International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Aldermaston Big Blockade-Help disrupt illegal work on WMD at Britain’s nuclear bomb factory!

category international | anti-war / imperialism | event notice author Thursday September 11, 2008 06:04author by Trident Ploughsharesauthor address Aldermaston, Berkshire, England Report this post to the editors

In 2006/7, Faslane 365 saw well over 1000 arrests during a year-long blockade of the Trident submarine base in Scotland . Last Easter, AWE Aldermaston saw its biggest demonstration in two decades as 5000 people surrounded the base to mark the 50th anniversary of the first Aldermaston march.

Trident Ploughshares now invite you to a major blockade of the Berkshire nuke factory, where billions of pounds are currently being spent developing new warhead facilities that will scupper nuclear disarmament for another 50 years. Help us uphold international law by blockading this factory of death in what promises to be a colourful celebration of life and people power. There is a role for everyone. This event is supported by CND.

For further details, see:

Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

"Non-violence is stronger than any weapon. If humanity does not end the atom bomb I do not think the human species can last." - Gandhi, speaking on the day of his assassination

Related Link:
author by Trident Ploughsharespublication date Wed Oct 01, 2008 18:52author address Englandauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Campaigners to disrupt illegal work on weapons of mass destruction

in Big Blockade of Britain’s nuclear bomb factory

Wednesday, 1 October 2008 - For immediate release

Contact: Daniel Viesnik, media liaison for Aldermaston Big Blockade Mob: 07506 234 091

Trident Ploughshares [1] has called a major non-violent blockade of Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston, near Reading on Monday 27 October 2008 , from 6:30am. The event, which is supported by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) [2], Block the Builders [3] and the Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp [4], is aimed at disrupting work on existing Trident warheads and their successors.

Hundreds of peace campaigners from around the country and beyond are expected to converge on Aldermaston in what is likely to be the biggest day of direct action against Trident nuclear weapons since the Faslane Big Blockade on 1 October 2007 . On that occasion, 171 arrests were made as campaigners celebrated the end of a year-long peaceful blockade of the naval base in Scotland , which resulted in 1150 arrests of concerned citizens from all walks of life resisting nuclear weapons. [5]

On Easter Monday 2008, an estimated 5,000 people surrounded AWE Aldermaston as CND marked the 50th anniversary of the historic first London to Aldermaston march. It was the biggest demonstration seen at the site for two decades. [6] Trident Ploughshares are keen to build on these recent successes.

In March 2007, Westminster voted in principle to retain nuclear weapons and to build new submarines from which to launch them. To date, there has been no vote in parliament on the future of warheads. However, Ministry of Defence (MoD) documents obtained by CND in July 2008 confirmed that contrary to repeated ministerial denials, the government has already made the decision to replace the warheads. [7].

The MoD has already committed billions of pounds to a massive ongoing construction and recruitment programme at AWE, where Britain ’s nuclear warheads are researched, developed and maintained [8]. AWE first outlined its expansion proposals, which it claimed would be on the scale of Heathrow Terminal 5, in its 2002 Site Development Strategy Plan [9]. Building work commenced - on the Orion laser - in 2005 and continues to this day.

A spokesperson for Trident Ploughshares says, “We are unsurprised but nevertheless disappointed at the level of dishonesty and disingenuousness of ministers. The expansion of AWE, continued deployment of Trident and plans to replace it contradict and undermine the government’s stated support for global abolition of nuclear weapons. This is hypocritical, destabilising and breaches disarmament obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which Britain signed 40 years ago. There can never be a lawful or moral use for Trident, so the whole system must be taken out of service immediately. We would rather see AWE used for warhead decommissioning as part of a global Nuclear Weapons Convention, in line with government proposals.”


1. Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

For further information and to arrange interviews, contact:

Daniel Viesnik, media liaison for Aldermaston Big Blockade Mob: 07506 234 091

2. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is one of Europe ’s biggest single-issue peace campaigns, with over 35,000 members in the UK . CND campaigns for the abolition of all nuclear weapons everywhere. Contact Ben Soffa, CND Press Officer: 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859

3. Block the Builders

4. Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp

5. Faslane 365, a year-long blockade of Faslane naval base, Scotland

6. CND The Bomb Stops Here event, Easter Monday 2008

7. CND press release

8. Atomic Weapons Establishment official site

9. AWE site development strategy plan (2005 update)

10. Other relevant links:

The UK ’s secret warhead programme was reported by Ian Bruce in ‘The Herald’, 4 September, 2007

However, the existence of such a programme was denied in a written answer to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Defence, Des Browne MP in response to a question by Dai Davies MP (12 September, 2007)

See also: ‘So, minister, are we developing new nuclear weapons or not? -

Scientists say they are designing a new warhead design, despite government denials’

by Marie Woolf , ‘The Independent’, 29 October, 2006

Some links providing background to the ongoing developments and recruitment drive at AWE:,,4434696-102285,....html,,1690630,00.html,,329744446-1102....html

author by Jailedpublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Monday in Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court at 2.00pm, Dan Viesnik
was sentenced to 14 days in Pentonville Rd. prison for refusing to pay
the fines for his Aldermaston Protest action against the Atomic
Weapons Establishment Dan had continued to
refuse to pay the original 50 pound fine. The fine was increased so
that as of yesteray it was 515 pounds.

Participating in the Aldermaston Protest against nuclear weapons, at
the end of the march he sat down at the entrance to Military Defense
Property refusing to get up voluntarily.

Dan is a regular volunteer at the London Catholic Worker's Community
Cafe and a Peace Activist
The magistrates adjourned briefly to consider the 14 - 28 day penalty
as prescribed by law for non payment of fines. The Chief Magistrate
stated that they were not taking a position on Dan's action, but gave
him a 14 day prison sentence. Dan had read a compelling statement to
the Magistrates who were willing to sit & listen without comment. In
his statement Dan quoted Thoreau including the sentence "Our duty is
to do what is right."

The gallery was full of supporters from London as well as Nagase from
the Peace Pagoda in
Battersea Park and a spare American. All stood to honor Dan as he was
escorted out of the courtroom. With hands folded, Dan responded with a
slight bow to the group.

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