Indymedia monthly meeting minutes
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Tuesday February 21, 2006 14:20
by PaulB - 1 of Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group

Minutes of the monthly indymedia meeting of 12-Feb-06
Just over a week ago, the Indymedia collective resurrected their monthly meetings after a lapse due to general Christmas busyness. The following is a general outline of the discussion on each of the topics on the agenda. Some of these issues have been fleshed out further on the editorial mailing list but the following reflects the discussion at the meeting. There was also a feeling that a lot of the discussion/decisions etc. should be deferred to a better attended meeting in the future
Minutes of meeting Sunday, February 12th at 1400.
In attendence: 3 people (incl. 2 eds)
1. Oscailt 3.0
2. Gender/women new category?
3. Revolt video
4. Editors & non-editors replies to queries
5. html use
6. Monthly imc meetings
7. 'Airbrushing' stories
8. AOB
1. Oscailt 3.0:
Unfortunately, no technical people were present to explain some of the new features of the upgraded version of Oscailt. Nonetheless, an uninformed discussion took place.
Some of the positive comments on the new version:
a) Possibility for bigger photos v. welcome.
b) Increased security also v. welcome against trolling etc.
c) Symbols if there are audio/video content.
d) Related links to each story; link to previous stories by Mr. (or Ms.) X.
Some of the negative comments/other issues:
a) Logout button for editors is very small and not easy to find.
b) Stories moving too fast has this been resolved?
c) Pastel green is very '80s appalling colour.
d) Doesn't look like an indymedia site: recognisable indymedia logo should be clearly visible & prominent.
e) The four photos at the top right of the site are too small - are
they randomly generated or wha'?
2. Gender/women as new category:
As posted to the editorial list discussion on possibility of new section on gender issues/women's issues.
a) Suggested that we put the proposal out to the readership to invite their input and feedback on a possible new category.
b) Nobody was specifically opposed to the category.
c) Also suggested that the editorial collective think about creating a feature/series of features around Women's Day on the 8th of March.
3. Revolt video:
Discussion of possible collaboration/co-operation between indymedia and Revolt Video.
a) The suggestion was made that Revolt Video should receive support and assistance from indymedia Revolt Video have a room in Abbey St. this could be used as a resource for activists and indymedia.
b) Since the mooted indymedia collaboration with Seomra Spraoi has not occurred at this point, it was suggested that the imc could support the Revolt Video financially and in terms of tech. support.
4. Non-editors replying as editors:
a) The standard reply used by editors is "1 of IMC" this is an individual response should a standardised reply for editors be created?
b) Editorial list is not the space for general discussion it should be used for specific editorial matters.
c) When non-editors are perceived as editors should the editorial collective take action on this? If so, what action is appropriate?
d) This is another instance of netiquette issues causing difficulties on the lists.
5. Use of html:
Again, no technies present
Nonetheless, all present supported the use of a specific font or colour for making editorial comments on stories, to ensure clarity that it is an editorial comment as opposed to part of the original story/comment.
6. Monthly meetings:
a) All at meeting in favour of monthly meetings
b) It was suggested that the indymedia editorial collective publish an event notice of the meeting at least a week before the meeting: such an event notice to include an open, public agenda.
c) It was suggested that all meetings should be open and public. At first there were doubts from some quarters about this, but after some discussion all present agreed that it was a good idea.
d) It was suggested that the minutes should be published on the newswire after those present have read & approved them.
e) A couple of other issues to be clarified:
- Should there be a quorum at meetings?
- Can decisions be made at meetings or do they need to be brought to the editorial list?
7. 'Airbrushing' stories:
a) This relates to the recent hiding and unhiding of a story on the newswire
b) Story did not appear to be correct at time of publishing
c) If author asks for story to be brought down it should be brought down; story was also infactual at time of publishing
d) Eds should have respect for wishes of people who wanted story hidden
e) It should be noted that this was already discussed on the editorial list, but only one side of that debate was represented at the meeting. Therefore the points made above are not representative of both sides of the argument; instead they only represent one perspective on the matter defer issue to agenda of future meeting?
f) The point was also made that there should be trust in the decision making process for editor's actions
8. AOB:
a) Hospitality of host was generally praised by all
Nice food too.
b) Finance all seems to be good attendees didn't really have much info
c) In general it is good to have new active contributors on the editorial mailing list
d) Should have more editors on the site very few in attendance at meeting unfortunately (but obviously everyone is busy). There was general agreement that it is important to get monthly meetings going again.
If anyone is interested in being involved in indymedia or following editorial matters, then why not Get Involved?
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Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2The minutes should include the names / nicknames of the
attendees. I only say this as I remember asking for an objection
to a point of policy at a meeting and for it to be recorded. It gives
a more three dimensional aspect to proceedings.
Re International women's day, 8/03/06. Good idea to feature it,
though it would be nice to see the agenda at Wynn's hotel expanded
to include Arts, broadcast, literature etc.
Re Tech, mailing lists are excellent sources of info. subscribe now.
Do you know when the site will be translated into other languages?