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Alternative legal advice

category dublin | summit mobilisations | opinion/analysis author Friday April 30, 2004 18:47author by lawyer Report this post to the editors

Legal advice from an anarchist viewpoint for those arrested at May Day

It is now clear that there will be arrests over the weekend - it has always been clear, but they have now started happening.

It is also clear that the 'largest security operation in the State' is pushing the resources of the state to the limits.

There are a number of non-violent ways that we can overburden the state if someone gets arrested. The overridding principle is that if a Guard or soldier is busy looking after you, then he's not out arresting others.

Anyway, here's my my advice - if everyone who is arrested follows it the 'wheels of justice' will soon grind to a halt.

- DO NOT GIVE YOUR NAME TO THE ARRESTING OFFICER. While this gives the policeman a reason to arrest you in the first place, he won't be able to do it himself and someone else will walk free - don't be selfish now, and your fun is just about to begin anyway. You will not be released until they find out your identity, but be pleased with the fact that you are taking up valuable cell space and that some other protester isn't there instead. I suggest staying there without giving your name until at least Sunday night - should then give you Monday to get home. In any event, you may not have a choice, as you might be kept there until court on Tuesday morning, but by chosing this course of action, you are making the choice of who is (or isn't) kept, not them. However, don't give them a false name - that is obstruction and you can be done for it.

- DO NOT CARRY ID/IDENTIFYING MATERIAL. Linked to the above, but if you are arrested, they can search you and they will soon find bankcards (leave the house with enough cash for the day), licenses etc.

- SIT DOWN. Of course, if you are arrested the police can use reasonable force - they aren't allowed to, but often do use unreasonable force, but it takes more guards to use force than if you co-operate. Don't make things more difficult for yourself later by being aggressive/resisting arrest - simply sit down.

- KEEP SITTING DOWN. Don't think that when you arrive in the back of the van or at the station that its all over. By refusing to move, you will be requiring at least two (perhaps more) ijeets to move you everywhere you go - whether its to the interview room, the cell, to see your lawyer - don't move of your own volition. Let them earn their money. Again, they can use reasonable force, and you may be asking for a kicking from the more unreasonable ones, but lie back and think of your comrades who are giving them hell on the outside - you're helping just as much as if you were still there.

- REQUEST A LAWYER. By law you have the right to see one - depending on how long the lawyer takes to get there, it may also be a useful delaying tactic. Change lawyers as often as you feel necessary.

- REQUEST A DOCTOR. Tell them if you are feeling sick, that your injuries inflicted by them are life threatening. They have to get a doctor and you have to be medically examined. Don't trust the doctor - he's on their side, but make sure you outline your whole medical position to him and that it takes as long as possible. And remember - let them take you into the doctor - don't make anything easy for them.

The sheer numbers of those who are willing to protest against the State will bring it down.

author by Goldsteinpublication date Sat May 01, 2004 00:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They have to feed you as well and of course let you rest so when you get to the cop shop get fed, sleep it off for a few hrs and then say the food made you unwell, refusing any help would land them in all sorts of bother and because of recent cock ups (re warrents) they will do everything by the numbers. And for the love of God no curses or anything that can be considered offensive as it is an offence and they will be happy to hang you on it.As they will be charging you with S.F.A. it is a good way to waist time and create stacks of paperwork which may deter our thin blue line from being so quick to lift people in future

author by boy niallpublication date Sat May 01, 2004 07:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The sheer numbers of those who are willing to protest against the State will bring it down. "

700 at the latest count. Very unlikely. Who taught you how to count? Enron?

author by Aran - Sinn Feinpublication date Mon May 03, 2004 17:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It was my understanding that it is illegal to either withhold your name, or give a false name to an arresting cop.As for sitting down, the cops will invariably resort to physical tactics, as was seen on Saturday.They care less about what is legal and illegal than a lot of the people they are arresting especially if the only complaints procedure will be carried out by the cops themselves and end up in the wastepaper basket-good idea about the food though.

author by Car 54 - AGSpublication date Mon May 03, 2004 17:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That's a genius plan. You're outnumbered 10:1 so all you'll do is give some very bored polis an excuse to go to the station for a smoke break. The lads thank you :-)
The witholding the name thing is another product of a genius mind. Week in custody for that man 'till his memory improves. Put him in with someone smelly until he learns to walk again.
Oh, the possibilities.......

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