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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Outrage Over School Textbook Branding Traditional Irish Families As Bigoted While Glorifying Diverse... Sun Sep 01, 2024 13:00 | Richard Eldred
Parents are furious over a new schoolbook that depicts traditional Irish families as backward and bigoted, idealises diverse families and forces children to choose which type of family they?d prefer.
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offsite link Free Speech Union and Fair Cop Threaten Yvette Cooper With Court Action Over Her Calls to Ramp Up Re... Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:00 | Richard Eldred
The Free Speech Union and Fair Cop have threatened the Home Secretary with legal action over her calls to ramp up the recording of 'non-crime hate incidents'.
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offsite link Bank of England Staff Told to Share Pronouns and Use ?Gender Neutral? Language Sun Sep 01, 2024 09:00 | Will Jones
Bank of England staff have been told to share their pronouns at the start of meetings and use "gender neutral" language when speaking to customers.
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offsite link Government?s Private Schools VAT Raid ?Risks Costing Taxpayer £1.8bn? Sun Sep 01, 2024 07:00 | Will Jones
The Government?s VAT raid on private schools risks costing the taxpayer up to £1.8 billion as parents cut their work hours once their children move into the state sector, a report has found.
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offsite link News Round-Up Sun Sep 01, 2024 01:04 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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Voltaire Network
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°97 Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:14 | en

offsite link The New Iranian Foreign Policy Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:12 | en

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offsite link China chooses international law, distances itself from Israel and reunifies the ... Fri Aug 23, 2024 15:18 | en

Voltaire Network >>

eh... Hello There!

category international | summit mobilisations | press release author Friday April 30, 2004 14:46author by author name. - email pirates at planetsearch dot comauthor address Address. Report this post to the editors

Less of this sort of Thing.

A short reflection on the paranoid status of the Irish Government as they prepare for the Sloppy Big Hug of Post May Day European Citizenship of 450,000,000 people, set against the backdrop of the War on Terror and "the Great Satan".

eh Hello there!
believe you know my name.

What's wrong?

I'm logged unto Aras An hUachtarán,
Le Monde, BBC, The Guardian, Indymedia (((I))), the European Comission, Young Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, and search engines all at the same time.
& I can find the time to listen to music as well.
and smoke cigs.

and on the listening is:-

Jordi Savall, viola da gamba maestro!
Sainte Colombe and Tous Les Matins Du Monde, and make that pilgrimage if you can.

Jefferson Airplane.
Some pills make you smaller,
some pills make you taller,
go ask Fianna Fail when they're on fatigue and a wee bit paranoid.

Toumani Diabate & Kulananjan.
"auld georgie's dead, and the last words he said, I don`t want no shortening in my bed"

Pirate Radio sessions in Brixton and Sarf Lahndin, rapping, spinning and doing it, with the music!

Q. Now where do we want to go today?
(you love the Q&A format)
A. The Phoenix Park.

I'm going to publish this now,
and in the finest tradition
come back and anotate in the comment
boxes as the weekend continues...

Now Editors feel free to make use of the comment box, but leave it up a while if you would be as kind, "you could always go over the Q&A in the old HTML and make it like more emphatic" and eh...

I'm not going anywhere.

Now I'll just join the free update lists at those accounts, and go look at the eu2004 bertie techboys site.

Meanwhile, Mr Blair (2) is very pissed.
pissed doesn't mean drunk, no it means angry in american english, wow eh how confused can it be, Mr Blair is very pissed off, use of argot, translate for all the members of the Big Sloppy Hug, (and the maltese)

Mr Blair is Angry.

Q. why is the Prime Minister of the UK angry?
A. oh it could be his job, or his vitamin pills,
or it could be the glaringly obvious evidence of all the ingredients of Tyranny, Camp X, Genocide, and Organised Crime in the internationally unrecognised State of Iraq which is presently occupied by the USA.

I'm not going anywhere.
wish I had HTML.

author by iosafpublication date Sat May 01, 2004 23:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

My left hand is that of an organist of the European Temple Tradition as we all know, and also the one I normally write and shoot my bow with.

My Left Hand is now damaged as a result of a police attack on protesters after an identified infiltrator joined the group in a narrow street and proceeded to throw objects at the Policia Nacional.
I stood between both protesters and police in the internationally recognised and normal way and attempted mediation.

There are still people in the cordoned area of barcelona behind Policia Nacional Lines in a building we shall call them "hostages". For that is popularly what they are felt to be.
Tension amonst the rightwing elements of barcelonan society has been stoked by reports this morning of a prison riot last night. There is no escape from a prison riot, and there is a lot less indymedia and interested parties looking on.
Bertie, the EU 25 states got relogated to past page 14 in the rightwing press. They might be excited because President Zapatero is in Dublin and thing while the ZP is away the pigs can play.

-Might I stress they are not boar.

I can not vouch for the safety of the hostages, and many people with softer heads than I have been hospitalised,
[ I got two wallops of medium strength 40º from end curve of arm extension so no weight carries from a hyperventilating policeman whose eyes locked with mine just long enough for me to "I assure you" recall his smell at a distance of -"classified"]

The area is surrounded by ordinary residents, many of them old, many with children, almost all immigrants.

The theme of todays MayDay
this years Forum Year 2004
being the demand of immigrants for papers.
To which end all the employer and residence associations came out and joined us awalking. And at nightfall they went home, and the youngsters occupied the square in front of the GPO dancing to drums.

In the spirit of the celts whom I represent, i left an umbrella which I chanced upon perched at the lantern above the door to the BCN G.P.O. with a green cross and of course a white X for like your little friends.

I will of course write more.
but with my right hand.
with my left i will be knitting
bones and tissue
with almost filagree precision
according to an ancient and august art.

Oh But we are not all your little friends.

Now some still remember the last time I was accosted by an under trained and over excited policemen who did not respond to international mediation signals or heavy and obviously professional media witness.

And they will go on remembering it till the synapsis snap.

Tonights little dabacle,
mirrors equally orchestrated violence all over the continent as police tired of following around people for a whole shift, decide to end it with a few whallops.

Now I had thought to have gone through this during MayDay RTS in Dublin.

Over excited and aggressive police men don't win either Community Chest or Chance Cards with older than he appears Mr O' as if or his pals.
Oh no.
It gets gone over again and again.
It ends up in newspaper, official report, TV news, and public witness. It stokes resentment and social division. It serves the image and funding of the Police forces no good at all.

It ends in Heavy Weight Political and Judicial Costs and Diplomatic Sour Plums.
But of course the Policia Nacional de España are unique-ish in that they don't get punished.

¿do they?

Now I'm going to drink Whisky, smoke some spliffs, take a draught of very special honey type substance I am privelaged to keep, and go keep all my little eyes on my (comrades/brothers and sisters of faith) who are behind that line. Because if they're there, then they are either Comrades or Brothers or Sisters in Faith, the traditional Spanish/South American type if you're wondering.
The _roman_ one, just like the noblemen.

Nice and Simple.
They could be both.
comrades and so and on.

-now we remember the "geilt" don't we?

=I have just accomplished the resonance of the GPO.
with a surreal umbrella.
no civil war in that Bertie or Michael.

woof woof woof.

Many people noticed our long walk around town,
"for our mammies of South America who are we assure you right now and tomorrow and next week facing much worse that any of us, as they try and do the unavoidable Stop This System so the leaders will do their best to reform it, becuase it is an emergency situation globally, and you're not going to see it all on TV at least this year".

"for our mammies caravans"

And many perceptive people noticed that we were accompanied at all times by a small flock of birds, several seagulls and a lot of pigeons of unusal mottle colour.
It is now dark, and the time of other wingèd creatures, such as the mosquito, fly, bat and others whose names are no longer in the bestiary.

I have made myself clear,
haven't I?

It made good UNICEF 2004 Forum of Universal Cultures Pantomime.

author by critic (as well) - trying to get a bit of good government together. "about time too"publication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 19:28author email thelochnessmonster at planetsearch dot comauthor address phone Report this post to the editors

andnot a mention of the Global Reclaim May Day thing @ all. You'd think from the tone of it, that the 450,000,000 new citizens of Europe (that figure is getting everywhere isn't it, very versatile combines numeric precision with a deft syllabic cadence) were all over paid, over indulged, listened to crap music, and got driven around in limousines, and looked forward to regular fatigue pills/jabs.

Well they're not.
They are really people you don't know that much about. And they all would love a solid brave couragous pan European (without Burluscunt naturally) declaration or argument about a declaration (with Burluscunt naturally) condemning our fellow SuperPower "oh we're not a superstate honest!"
the U (pronouced _you_)
S (pronounced as in the first letter of Snake)
A (pronounced like Asshole, Antichrist, and the two "eh"s in SATAN.

The religious ones would love it Bertie!
Oh you'd have candles lit for you, and voters waving to you from the aisles.
The children of the Commies would love it too! They'd been wetting themselves, all those SERIOUS misgivings they have about being "absorbed"/"bullied"/"bldugeoned"/"tricked" into the
sure there aint no other show in town lads,
what do we call the Western Empire block.

So there you go.
You're going to be brave Bertie.
and you too Pat Cox.
no point in having the little boaties,
if you haven't a cox.
no point in having the balls
if you haven't a cox.
So ye 2 and Romani Prodi,
who's sick to the back teeth of wisdom with Burluscunt, that effin muppet Aznar, and the I assure you very paranoid and dangerous Wookie Bush.

& there!
I didn't mention either the Saudi or the Roosevelts once.
Aren't I improving in the journalistic style with time, I'm going to, so I am, I'm gonna, when the day comes, when I come out of my exile without the to my guts, Bertie, Romani and Pat, to my gut instinct to take a tractor and sliothar and put the fear of Literacy in you.

Now you have my phone number,
if you can't write the declaration,
I will.

Just get it sorted.

author by authorpublication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 19:14author email thelochnessmonster at planetsearch dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bertie, do you and the FF/FG/PDs Ltd Co. get the old tonic / fatigue jabs/pills on the VHI?

Well BUPA aren't giving them 23 million€ so they might just go bankrupt. You could always get a Health Board Doctor instead.

Now might be the time to like change history and the last years of your regime, turn back the clock, undo the past, achieve the impossible, oh-oh
You can't.
That's right, all's done that all's done.
And all's undone that is all undone.

"Hi There!" is copyrighted by the grrrreat
George Bernard Shaw. You may use the phrase "Hi There!" but do be aware he ought be credited as the original author of the versatile work which combines rthymic candence with hopeful vigour and brevity.
Mr Dr Bod Bernard Shaw lived to be very old and was on neither BUPA nor VHI and used the phrase "Hi There!" first during his famous and inspiring moving picture reel message.

Isn't that Joe a mine of useless info?

author by authorpublication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 16:18author email pirates at planetsearch dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

the western one.
comments as always.

Related Link:
author by author - organisationpublication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 15:15author email pirate at planetsearch dot comauthor address addressauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Captain Ziad Khalas of the Iraqi security forces identified the proposed commander of Falluja Killing Fields as the US Marines are now pulling our as Major General Jassim Mohammed Saleh, a veteran of Saddam's republican guard.

"He had Rape Rooms"
George Bush not be confused with George Bush.

You will notice that in the list of cards of most wanted Terrorists of the "they had rape rooms" unacceptable Regime of Iraq dropped on us from a height by
Bush Sons & Ltd Co.
there weren't actually 52.
"not playing on a full deck of cards"
would be an appropriate expression.

In the most wanted Terrorist playing cards issued on Andorra Indymedia there were some missing as well.

I wonder was Major General Jassim Mohammed Saleh, a veteran of Saddam's republican guard, on the card list, hmmmm
Europe could make a useful sloppy big hugs hundred thousand and four hundred and forty nine thousand [pop up message window on my screen] {you get the same screen as I do?} "you have just been linked to the US Atomic Clock for accurate time keeping"
where was I?

ná dúntear
a parc fionn uisce
céad mile fáilte
ná dhiol ná ceanaigh
ná bí gan
caorach dhubh.
Europe is going to
coz Europe has to

Say somthing Sloppy
Big and Hugzy Wugzy
this weekend.

author by author - organisationpublication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 15:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mr Nusseibeh - president of al-Quds University - was released without charge after five hours in custody on bail of 5,000 shekels ($1,100).
He was arrested with four Palestinian workers at the campus who police said did not have the proper permit.
Mr Nusseibeh is a prominent campaigner currently working on a peace plan.
$1,100 doesn't equal 1,100€
for some reason not of their making
Israelis find it difficult to change their money
in neighbouring Europe with which The Ancient Palestine has always shared the Mediterranean.
isn't it odd?
get you pissed.

author by author - organisationpublication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 14:56author email pirates at planetsearch dot comauthor address addressauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Only 500,000,000 barrels of Oil on this Planet.

Their a precious resource as we await any sign of being given "sustainable development" from the planetary leadership.

ná dúntear
An Parc na fuin uisce

There is no perceivable Threat to this Summit, and if there is one, it is because Ireland has so closely associated herself with the current US adminstration and it's highly suspect behaviour in relation to those 500,000,000 barrels of Oil on what is cutely referred to as "our planet".

Smoking Camel,
Lucky Strike, and Stuyvesant,
and of the really good local brands of Tobacco español Nobel, Fortuna and little cigars.

I am over 18 years of age.
I am 33 years of age.

ná dúntear
An Parc na fuin uisce

author by or too many?publication date Fri Apr 30, 2004 14:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

what are you ON about?

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