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Fianna Fails unfettered corruption hurt the young,the old, the sick, and the handicapped.!

category national | politics / elections | opinion/analysis author Saturday February 07, 2004 12:22author by John McDermott - R.F.F.P(remove Fianna Fail party)author email jmcd33 at eircom dot netauthor address Ashtown,Co.Dublin Report this post to the editors

This must be the agreed slogan for all opposition to the current Mafiosi in Leinster House

Despite the absolutely corrupt nature of the present government,nothing stands in their way for a landslide local elections success.
Here's why... Fianna Fails unfettered corruption hurt the young,the old, the sick, and the handicapped.! This must be the agreed slogan for all opposition to the current Mafiosi in Leinster House

.Disgust is the feeling that any decent,concerned citizen must have as the revelations of corruption continue to unroll on a daily basis.There is a danger we will become numbed to it all.The very name "Fianna Fail" is synonamous with the adjective"rotten".The rot stretches from top to bottom.It is sickening to hear the pious exclamations of surprise ...the genteel rebukes...from the current"Godfather",Bertie Ahearn, at the latest revelations.He was ,it seems,at his masters side(C.J.H) , like an obedient ,docile and blind monkey, .. alway "seeing no evil;hearing no evil ;and speaking no evil"! One cute boyo .Look at him now. Ruling the roost .An unchallenged cockerel. His opponents ..feeble and in disarray. Such good fortune to have all his crew exposed at a "historic high "time of imported, american prosperity .(thanks to the I.D.A.- not Berties boys!). Nobody cares who runs the show as long as its a good one. Most of the electorate are doing very nicely. Benchmarking. Job guarantees for life . Fat cat builders and lawyers ...milking the system ,and the national purse. Property owners&landlords never had it so good. The farmers nicely fattened for market.(Pensions from Brussels if they retire early and stop growing so much damn wheat..producing so much milk!etc) . His rural supporters leave the land idle,..plant a few trees,to hide all the "one off holiday homes"(you can build and sell for a nice profit to successful city folk. Planning permission?Rezoning?.No problem!). However if any of the people who are paying for the good life wander from their city cages and stray across the fields on a sunday stroll..shoot them dead. Business folk are happy too...pockets full from gouging (..the dearest country in Europe -and thats official.) Some of them will be a little annoyed of course. The one department that Bertie can now longer control...is out of control!. They have been spreading across the Island of Saints and Scholars like a virus..a plague..The Black Death!. Young, eager beaver,ex college kids on a mission-All those bank accounts ..onshore and offshore ..phantom non -residents..an army of them,-are these kids prey.! They march out from Mount street,and other mission centres countrywide to exact taxes for "The Soldiers." Bertie,like Caeser Augustus,is calling his whole empire,to a census,..a taxation bonanza the likes of which the world has never seen,or will see again.Farmers,bankers ,businessmen,builders,publicans... .All must contribute to the new order..even the rubbish has to pay its share!! All will vote for the Soldiers of Destiny again. Even the wheely bins. !!. They have been shriven of their sins and like good penitents ..take their punishment with a happy heart. Why not? It was long overdue, As for blaming Bertie..the Devil you know...- is better than one you don't! (The Socialist Party..Joe Higgins.. horrors!) "Drink up that pricey pint Bertie..and have another.Let the good times roll I say,There's so much money washing around this town boys..we will probably drown in it!.Stay where you are Bertie,-in Leinster House .your doin a fine job...begobs you may be a bit of a boyo but so are the rest of us...set a thief to catch a thief.. 'shure dodgin the taxman is a national pastime in the land of Erin...and let the man without sin cast the first stone...if ye can find one"! Time to take those advertising restrictions off the other evangelical factions,competing for our souls, Bertie...The present monopolists don’t seem to have done a good job!

author by Brian Dpublication date Sat Feb 07, 2004 17:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nothing to argue with in that huge paragraph. (Ever heard of the 'return' key, John?).
Of course they will be returned, just look at the alternative. What combination of Blueshirts, Labourites, etc. can provide a credible alternative? And on what passes for a 'Left' in this country, who in their right mind would think that any of the SP, SWP, or WP could mount any kind of serious challenge?

author by Sean Walshpublication date Mon Feb 09, 2004 10:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Brian, What about Sinn Fein???

author by Bystanderpublication date Mon Feb 09, 2004 13:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yeah, what about Sinn Fein? Let's replace FFcorruption with the child killers from Sinn Fein. M. Ferris, guns and explosives smulggler, what's a few Omaghs, Enniskillens etc. McGuinness, hear of PIRA in Derry, men, women and children, blown to bits. G. Adams, cannot remember being in the PIRA, not to mention being on the "Army Council". What about the IRA boys and girls who kidnapped, tortured and murdered a 15 year old boy with a mental age of 9. Don't mention Jean McConville! Any debased provo will find a warm welcome in SF. Let's have them in government! If you want to see the real side of Sinn Fein review any of the coverage when bombers, childkillers, etc attend an Ard Comhairle and see how rank and file Shinners wet themselves with excitement. The more brutal the murderers , the more rapturous the reception.

author by jonahpublication date Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...coming from a tax-dodger like you John. You just hate the fact they cought you for 120,000 unpaid tax in 2000.

You're just a vindictive tightwad.... talk about decency - try paying your f*cking tax on time and then maybe you'll get some sympathy.

author by Barmitzvahpublication date Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

To vote Fianna Fail.

As you say "Most of the electorate are doing very nicely."

Sounds like a satisfactory government to me.

author by trollpublication date Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

[from thepost.ie]

Sunday, December 03, 2000 :

3 taxi owners pay £150,000 in owed tax
Sunday, December 03, 2000

By Niamh Connolly

Three taxi plate holders have agreed tax settlements totalling almost £150,000 for undeclared income and Vat, following an investigation by the Revenue Commissioners.

The single largest settlement for £108,684, including interest and penalties, was by John McDermott of 56 Martin Savage Park, Ashtown, Dublin. His occupation is listed in Iris Oifigiu(il as "taxi/landlord".

In total, 13 taxi drivers were penalised by the Revenue Commissioners between February and September, 2000.

Joseph Kavanagh of 38 Golf Links, Coast Road, Malahide, Co Dublin, settled for £29,229, following an audit, for undeclared income tax and capital gains tax. A payment of £10,067 was made following a Revenue audit by Edward Richardson of Red Bog Road, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath, which included interest and penalties.

Ten taxi drivers had to pay £9,350 in total for failing to lodge income tax returns.

Meanwhile, banking sources say taxi drivers are declaring average incomes of between £30,000 and £45,000 on mortgage applications.

Lending institutions frequently accept prepared accounts of earnings which are confirmed by a taxi union representative, according to the banks. John Ussher, president of the Irish Taxi Drivers' Federation, said taxi unions did not have their own accountants. His members used various accountants for tax returns, which were then subject to regular audit.

Ussher confirmed that: "Financial institutions might ask me to confirm taxi drivers' incomes" for lending purposes. "They might ask 'Can a taxi driver earn X, Y or Z?'." He said mortgage applications which indicated incomes of £40,000 would only arise "once or twice a year".

Drivers are to suggest a compromise formula to the government to try and resolve the taxi strike. The deal would involve a compensation package worth £350 million over five years.

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