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The Saker
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offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.  We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below). 

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Voltaire Network
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Remembering Everyone Killed by Military Aircraft

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Wednesday August 26, 2015 23:43author by shannonwatch Report this post to the editors

The vintage Hawker Hunter fighter plane that crashed on to a busy roadway during an air show in Shoreham, Sussex on 22 August also performed at recent air shows in Ireland at Shannon, Bray and Foynes. Between them these were attended by up to 150,000 people.

The vintage Hawker Hunter fighter plane that crashed on to a busy roadway during an air show in Shoreham, Sussex on 22 August also performed at recent air shows in Ireland at Shannon, Bray and Foynes. Between them these were attended by up to 150,000 people.

The aircarft might just as easily have crashed on one of these shows causing many deaths including children.

These air shows are designed to have spectacular near misses, and, internationally, all too frequently they lead to spectacular tragedies. They are usually advertised as family outings suitable for children. Commentators have understandably used the phrase that "our thoughts and prayers must be with the families and casualties." Our thoughts should also be directed at the very many victims of fighter aircraft and killer drones that are occurring daily in the Middle East, and on whether all such air shows involving military aircraft should be prohibited in the interests of public safety. Knowing the dangers involved, it is irresponsible for parents to bring children to such air shows, and it is also inappropriate that families should be "enjoying" the spectacle of stunts by aircraft designed and actually used to kill so many people, the majority of whom in recent wars have been innocent civilians.

Our thoughts and prayers must be with the families and casualties of the thousands of innocent civilians killed by military aircraft in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Gaza and Syria. Planes presented as entertainment at air shows are anything but entertainment in these places. Take Gaza for example; between July 7 and August 26 last year at least well over 2,000 Palestinians, including over 500 children were brutally murdered in Gaza as a result of Israeli bombing. This is the brutality that military aircraft are designed to inflict. Air shows attempt to sanitise it and to distract from the reality of what fighter planes do. And what they do is kill people.

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author by Tpublication date Wed Aug 26, 2015 23:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It should be noted those killed were not even at the air show and were simply passing by the airshow on the nearby road.

author by Right Said Fredpublication date Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I see you conveniently omit the Russian airstrikes in Chechnya - but then leftards always think that only the big bad USA, UK, NATO or Israel can do any wrong.

author by fredpublication date Thu Aug 27, 2015 22:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The russians didn't start that shit in chechnya. The US were pumping in arms and money and stirring up the jihadists in that place for a long time, as came out when people went into the background of the boston marathon bombers.

There is no comparison to be drawn with the outright invasion of Iraq on a deliberately false pretext or the invasion of Libya or the debacle in afghanistan (when it was well known the 9/11 attackers were nearly all saudis). Us behaviour is military imperialism. The russians tend to act mainly in self defence against the plots of the US to weaken them and surround them with bases and hostile vassal states. Witness the 5 billion pumped into Ukraine to destabilise it leading to the nazi coup and thousands of deaths, all intended to mire russia in shit on it's borders.

The US and NATO couldn't give a crap about all the innocent lives lost in Ukraine at the hands of the likes of the nazis in the Azov battallion, who are happy to shell civilian targets using unguided ballistic rockets.

author by Right Said Fredpublication date Fri Aug 28, 2015 13:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The land grab of Crimea being one of those "acts of self defence" I suppose. God you loonies are full of it.

author by fredpublication date Fri Aug 28, 2015 17:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, you'd prefer the shelling to death of the population of crimea by kiev nazi azov brigade
followed by US takeover of the deepwater base there.

as it stands, citizens of crimea are safe and sound without a drop of blood shed.
Not the american way really.

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