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Come, Ethical Bombs? Mon Mar 10, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
When bombing civilians becomes 'ethical' but heating your home doesn't, it's clear that ESG was never about ethics at all, says Ben Pile. Just power and control.
The post Come, Ethical Bombs? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
News Round-Up Mon Mar 10, 2025 00:57 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Trans Doctors Can Use Lavatories of Their Choice, Says Hospital Trust Sun Mar 09, 2025 19:32 | Richard Eldred
A London hospital trust is letting trans staff pick their own toilets and changing rooms despite Health Secretary Wes Streeting vowing that biological sex would matter under a Labour government.
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Despite its commitment to equal pay, the BBC pays senior managers who are LGBT, ethnic minorities, disabled or female more than their straight, white, male counterparts.
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Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate Choice Sun Mar 09, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred
Britain's self-inflicted decline began in March 2020 when our leaders surrendered to lockdown hysteria instead of standing firm, says Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35Local farmer asks – just what effect will G8 have?
December 7, 2012 at 6:19 pm
Will ability to tend for animals be curtailed?
A LOCAL FARMER living close to the Lough Erne Golf Resort has expressed concern over just what effect the G8 summit being held there could have on him, and other farmers in the area.
Richard Ireson, who lives between Monea and Derrygonnelly owns 30 acres of land – and has claimed that security and exclusion zones could have a very negative effect on his ability to farm normally during June of next year.
I think its best to concentrate on hosting the Alternative G8 Conference in Dublin, with the focus on the 1913 Lockout and how can we re-radicalize the capital. One day of protest in Fermanagh will be enough, as its unlikely to do any good anyway.
From a protest point of view, Fermanagh is very vulnerable to the type of blockade protests used in Stirling eight years ago. Then, translators and support staff were prevented from reaching the summit by blockades on the smaller roads, and remarkably, the main M9 motorway which was shut for 12 hours.
The last thing Cameron wants is for anything to disrupt his showcase summit. If it all goes smoothly he can tell the world that the G8 has strength, support and success. If, on the other hand, protests plague it, the message sent to the world will be one of international working class solidarity, resistance and dissent. Isnt it worth some consideration?
In case anyone is unsure, the purpose of the G8 summit is to aggressively promote the expansion of corporate interests, such as the development of the fossil fuel industries (including fracking and drilling in the Arctic) and privatisation of public industries (including health and education). The G8 is NOT about ending world hunger, tax avoidance or corruption, no matter what spin the PR people put on it from year to year.
As far as I know, the G8 is all about furthering the aims an ambitions of the "Money Power Psychopaths" (and their whores in governments all around the world, including the UK and Republic of Ireland governments), and about spreading their lethal and frequently fatal "Mad Banker Disease".
The G8, and their disease-ridden whores, should be kept out of Ireland? -- if my information if correct, that is?
Related Link:
"Money Power Psychopaths, Mad Banker Disease, Democracy will rise superior to the money power, Human Rights Ireland":
According to the article , the G8 summit will be taking place "in" Lough Erne . I see this as a positive sign - hopefully they will make a big splash.
Seriously, June is only five months away . I haven't seen sign of any Irish counter-mobilizations being prepared other than the Alternative G8 conference planned for Dublin , which i have only read about here on indymedia .
There was a statement issued by an autonomist group of activists on UK indymedia last year ; they didn't want to put out a mobilization call because they are not based in Ireland . Surely it's time for Irish groups to step up to the mark on this?
Statement from Stop the G8 regarding the summit in Northern Ireland next year
STOP G8 | 11.12.2012 13:51 | G8 2013 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World
We are an autonomous group of activists who have been meeting over the past 6 months to organise a resistance to the G8 summit. We have already put out a call out for a week of action against the G8. We have decided to adopt the PGA hallmarks, and we try to organise non-hierarchically using consensus, respecting the autonomy of groups and individuals involved.
When we heard that the summit would be held near Enniskillen in County Fermanagh we decided to release this statement.
As we are not based in Ireland we do not feel we are able to make a call out for a mobilisation in Ireland. We are continuing to organise a week of action to coincide with the summit and as a part of this there will be a convergence in London. We do not want this to preclude any action at the summit and we would like to support and work with groups that have similar aims and principles to ourselves. We understand that the political focus in Ireland may be elsewhere and want to know if our network can show solidarity with mobilisations against the EU presidency or the G8 summit. We are stronger together and we are all part of the same anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist struggle.
I haven't heard that the Alternative G8 will be in Dublin. I just said above it should be. I think the Brits and free staters will try to keep it locked away safely on a campus like Coleraine. Thats what they did when the G8 was on in Scotland. They will not want thousands of foreign activists in Dublin, where they might give uppedy ideas to the natives.
Sorry I misread you there . If that is the case then -as far as I can see -there are no plans whatsoever in place to oppose the summit . A call is usually put out to international activists from activists in the country hosting the summit to protest against the G8 . Fermanagh is in Ireland so it is surely up to activists here to put out such a call .
I think its well past time that somebody started organising for this. It is a huge opportunity that we should not miss. Perhaps those interested in forming a committee would post something on this thread.
The 39th G8 Summit, Lough Erne, Northern Ireland. 13-14 June 2013
I agree ,An DD . I believe that the summit is going to be on the agenda at the next CDC meeting , but CDC is still a small group . Any international call out would have to be endorsed by a wider committee.
Eirigi , SWP, Socialist Party , WSM , CPI , Pb4P, I've checked the websites of all these anti-capitalist groups for a mention of the forthcoming summit of capitalist heads of state . There’s nothing on any of them that I can see. The IAWM makes no mention of the summit despite the fact that the participants will consist mainly of war criminals . The international Indymedia project originated in the anti-globalization movement, and yet indymedia ireland’s events listing has nothing on it about any planned protest against the summit .
Should they reveal their plans to the RUC?
Its on the eirigi site.
thanks activist . I checked eirigi's site , but didn't see anything there -will check again . No , I don't think people should tell the police about what they intend doing , but I do think it's important to put out a call to international anti-capitalist groups to come to Ireland to protest the summit. I'd like as wide a range of anti-capitalist groups in Ireland to endorse that and to do it as soon as possible so as to allow groups from abroad to arrange plans for coming to Ireland. The comment from UK indymedia (see my comment above ) shows that the left in the UK do not want to call for an international mobilization along the lines of previous mass protests held at other G8 venues in the past .They quite rightly do not see it as being their call . The summit is being billed as taking place in the UK with David Cameron hosting. This is an exercise in British hegemony over the six counties that needs to be challenged . The best way to do that in my opinion is by putting out a call opposing the summit from Ireland .
If you think there is the momentum & energy & enthusiasm to stage a protest in Fermanagh with all the trimmings - convergence space, camping grounds, independent media space and so on - then why not call a meeting Joe and put it up on the indymedia calendar? There are several spaces in Dublin that you could use for such a gathering.
Not much point in bitching about other people not doing anything.
I personally think going to the G8 in Fermanagh would be a colossal waste of time / energy / resources, there are much more relevant things to get angry about - but what do I know.
I’m not bitching, just pointing out that there hasn’t been any attempt to mobilize for the G8 summit to date .I didn’t mention convergence space, camping grounds, independent media space in any of my comments , but these things have been organized for G8 protests in other parts of the world, why not for a protest in Ireland ?
If the presence in this country of the world’s leading war criminals doesn’t make you angry , look at what’s happening in Greece at the moment and consider the fact that those attending the summit are responsible for creating conditions that are leading to the return of fascism in Europe . They are the trusted representatives of the international banking system - the architects of financial disaster and ruin for the people of this country and the rest of the world .
It’s these people who are ultimately responsible for the colossal sapping of your personal “time, energy and resources”, ex. Judging from how you write, you have obviously felt yourself to be part of the opposition to the new world order at some time in your past. Time to reconnect,perhaps?
I don't think anybody is seriously suggesting that the Alternative G8 be held in Fermanagh. That would be just a waste of time and effort. It needs to be in the capital, Dublin, where it can have the maximum effect in mobilizing the Irish people. I also commend the British Left for recognising that this Alternative G8 needs to be hosted by the Irish Working Class.
An Alternative G8 centered in the capital with a week of country-wide , anti-capitalist activity preceding it, and attended by opponents of the G8 from around the world . Political discussions, cultural activities , activist workshops , a céilí mór at the end. It could revitalize the left in this country .
Joe, find a meeting space, book it yourself, and call a meeting. Put it up on Facebook, put it up on the calendar here, get the ball rolling on it, you've got the energy, follow through with it.
Don't worry Comrade Ex, a meeting will be called in the next week or so. Hopefully we will see you there.
Good to see the shift in attitude from Comrade Ex . We will certainly take some of your advice on board Comrade - convergence space, media space etc. I'm not so sure about facebook though. A lot of people don't like it .
there is mention of a weekend anti imperialist festival/conference in this months Saoirse
This is from the Saoirse website .
"The decision by the British
Government to host the G8
Summit in Co Fermanagh on
June 17 and 18 is highly
symbolic and presents an
opportunity for progressive
forces to make the important
connection between the old
imperialism in the shape of
British occupation of the Six
Counties and the new
imperialism represented by the
economic colonisation of the 26
Counties by the EU/ECB/IMF
Republican Sinn Féin
will be holding an alternative
Anti-Imperialist Forum on the
weekend before the G8 summit
to present national as well as
international alternatives to
these twin imperialisms."
I was unable to attend ,but would be interested to hear if any mention of mobilizing for the G8 summit was made at last night's European Counter-Summit in Liberty Hall, Dublin.
G8 Capitalist Circus Coming to Fermanagh in 2013
Stop G8. Let's get moving: London meetings this month. ( "united kollectives")
The Stop G8 network has come together to resist the 2013 G8 summit. We are planning a week of action in London this June 10-18. We want to make this a major event that will help revitalise resistance to capitalism in the UK and beyond. For this we need lots more people and groups to get involved. Please come along to our meetings in London this month (details below) and join us.
Stop G8
Stop G8 is a network made up of autonomous groups and individuals. There are no leaders or “central committee”. On this page you can find out more about how we work, and what we believe. (There are a number of local Stop G8 groups in towns and cities across the UK)
On June 10-18 we are organising a week of action and events in London. London is at the heart of global capitalism. The corporations, banks, hedge funds, and billionaires looting our world have names and addresses. They are in the glass towers of the City, and behind unmarked doors in Mayfair and Knightsbridge. London is the money-laundering den of dictators, the playground of the super-rich. But London is our city too. A city of hope, resistance, and struggle...
One Common Struggle: publicity for StopG8 action week June 10-18
Call-out for week of resistance 10-18 June. Spread the word. Get leaflets to download, print and distribute in your area.
One common struggle.
This June the leaders of the G8 (the world’s richest countries) are meeting in Northern Ireland. As economic crisis bites, and the planet burns, the bosses and their politicians are celebrating business as usual. Capitalism: a system that kills, exploits, and degrades the many for the profit of a few.
On June 10-18 we are organising a week of action and events in London. London is at the heart of global capitalism. The corporations, banks, hedge funds, and billionaires looting our world have names and addresses. They are in the glass towers of the City, and behind unmarked doors in Mayfair and Knightsbridge. London is the money-laundering den of dictators, the playground of the super-rich. But London is our city too. A city of hope, resistance, and struggle.
Capitalism is killing us. Unemployment, cuts, and the rise of fascism in the “West”. Poverty, colonialism, brutal exploitation in the “Third World”. War and famine for profit. Private prisons, police checks, CCTV to keep us scared and controlled. Life robbed of meaning and beauty, our dreams and our dignity for sale.
Don’t ignore. Don’t wait. For our friends and loved ones, for our communities, for our planet, for everything they’re trying to take from us. The time is now. Let’s come together, and fight. One common struggle.
Join us on the streets.
June 11: Big day of action in Central London.
June 17-18: G8 Summit, Enniskillen, North of Ireland.
June 10-18: Week of actions, talks, meet-ups, films, games, concerts, and more, all over London and beyond.
#stopG8 - One common struggle
We believe that any mobilisation at the summit in Enniskillen needs to be started locally. The StopG8 network will support a locally organised mobilisation.
someone know some ?
just an example of an poster
Republican Sinn Féin will be holding an Irish Anti-Imperialist Forum as a counter to the
G8 Summit in June. The Anti-Imperialist Forum/Republican Alternative to the
G8 will take place in Belfast on June 14 and 15. The forum will discuss all
aspects of imperialism both in terms of British imperialism in Ireland as well
as the new imperialism of the EU, ECB and IMF as experienced by the people of
the 26 Counties. Delegates from international anti-imperialist organisations
will provide a world perspective.
It is intended as a forum for political and community activists from throughout
Ireland and abroad to discuss the various political, social and economic
aspects of imperialism from both an Irish as well as an international
perspective. Such a debate can be used to chart a way forward towards building
an Irish and international alternative to the neo-liberal political and
economic policies of the G8 and other trans global imperialist organisations.
More details of the Anti-Imperialist forum will be released over the coming weeks.
The website of the Irish Anti-imperialist Forum 2013 is:
Minister for Justice Alan Shatter is to introduce amendments to legislation currently going through the Houses of the Oireachtas to provide for the shutting down of parts of the mobile phone network. Shatter has told the justice committee that the forthcoming G8 Summit in Co Fermanagh had brought a particular reality to the necessity for legislation in the area
Amendments will be introduced at report stage and involve a change in the name of the bill, which is currently titled the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Bill 2013.
Although the bombs used in last month’s Boston Marathon explosions were reported to have been
“triggered by a remote detonator of the kind used in remote-control toys” ,and , despite the fact that the bombs could have been set off by any number of electronic devices , Alan Shatter yesterday cited the Boston bombs to justify shutting down mobile phone signals in border areas of the south of Ireland for the G8 summit . There have been no reports that I have seen of phone networks north of the border being closed down for the summit, but given the close planning cooperation between the Gardai and the PSNi for the G8 event , it seems likely that there will be a border blackout north and south for the summit . The Irish Sun today refers to a Border blackout that “will hit all mobile signals” next month .
Mindful of the upcoming 39th G8 summit on 17–18 June 2013 at the Lough Erne Resort (, the thought crossed my mind some time back that it might be worthwhile to try and raise the issue of "The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age" in the run-up to this event.
Consequently, some e-mails have been sent in recent days to (among others) the British Monarchy, and to Republic of the United States President Barack Obama.
Correctly or otherwise, I have long believed that "totalitarianism" (frequently and fraudulently dressed-up as "democracy") cannot co-exist for too much longer with "constitutionalism": because of the many, and sometimes very subtle pressures the Internet creates from the viewpoint of the "ruling elites" keeping their many secrets as "secret" as they might like (i.e. well covered-up), and need: for their long-term survival into the future.
One or the other, but not both: not for much longer at least (so it seems to me)?
In other words, "Totalitarianism" or "Constitutionalism" is due to largely die out as a direct consequence of the arrival of "The Internet Age": possibly within the coming few decades?
"If it's not reported, it didn't happen": for many centuries the "ruling elites" have been able to "get away with", and to sustain, their wrongdoing by this very simple mechanism.
Allowing for the arrival of the Internet, will they they be able to do so indefinitely from now on though?
Although reporting of "ruling elite wrongdoing" on the Internet has been considerable, it is still no match for the MSM (Main Stream Media) it seems when it comes to influencing "the people" in significant numbers: i.e. numbers large enough to cause real change in the way governments govern.
However, it's "early days" for the still relatively young Internet, which after all is just a few decades old at the present time; and, "the opera ain't over till the fat lady finishes her final song".
The copy of one of the set of recent e-mails titled "The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age", sent yesterday to Republic (fraudulently so called at the present time in my opinion) of the United States President Barack Obama, can be viewed at:
More e-mails in this particular "set", among them one to the British Monarchy (number 763 on the LIST at the www address immediately below), and one to our own 65 (or so) Republic of Ireland Senators (number 762 on the list), can be viewed at:
Related Link:
"President Obama, British Monarchy, government corruption, crime, cover ups, impunity ..."
"The alliance between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia helped spread the ideology of fundamentalist Sunni Islam all over the globe. The majority of its victims are not citizens of Western countries, but citizens of countries that U.S. elites consider a threat to their economic and geopolitical interests. Many victims of Sunni extremism (often called Wahhabism or Salafism are in fact Muslims (often with a secular leftist or nationalist political background), moderate Sunni or members of Shiʿite Islamic faith."
"Wahhabi ideology serves U.S. interests for several reasons. Its followers’ archaic perception of society makes them reject any kind of progressive social change. Therefore they are well equipped to push back socialist, secular or nationalist movements, whose independence-oriented policies are a threat to America’s geopolitical agenda. Although Wahhabism certainly is not representative of the majority of Sunni Muslims, Wahhabi Muslims are Sunni extremists, which causes them to maintain an extremely hostile stance towards Shi’te Islam."
The above excerpts have come from the following www location:
Related Link:
G8, EU, US, UK, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism ...
I'd say that the most pressing subject is a deep soul searching on the part of the Western Left itself. Its always easy to point the finger at the capitalists, but what can we say about so called Leftists supporting racist lynch mobs and ethnic cleansers in Libya, and Sectarian Cannibals in Syria? Until these questions are answered, the Western Left will remain devoid of any moral or intellectual authority.
I see the gardaí have started hyping up the possibility of riots in Dublin and elsewhere in the Free State.