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Case Calamity and Conjab Corruption: Time to Tell the Truth about Covid Vaccines:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On (28th of Sept) Ireland was hailed as the best in the world for “Covid turnaround” (1). Yet, compared to this time last year there has been a significant increase in cases, ICU & hospital admissions (2). Since we began creating this video a few days ago, the 2021 figures quoted cases have risen and it won’t stop there; it’s simply not possible as we have already seen these case numbers prior to Winter, so what really lies ahead? Why are countries with the highest vaccination rates reporting the highest case figures? (3). Has the “successful” rollout created a bigger problem? (4). Why are we STILL being lied to? Why when you die with Covid you die OF it, but when you die post vaccine, it has nothing to do with the vaccine? Can we trust those advising us to take the shot…and give it to our kids? Have they any conflicts of interest or a questionable past? What is really happening in our nursing homes? (5*) In the coming months & years the truth will emerge. Ireland’s dark past of immense suffering inflicted upon our vulnerable incorporated within it a disturbing relationship with Big Pharma (6). In a Late Late Show from many years ago, Leo Varadkar asked Micheal Martin what he thought of Big Pharma carrying out vaccine trials on children in mother and baby homes. His response was “These children should not have been used for vaccination trials and I think it’s unacceptable that they were” (7). All that is behind us now though- or is it? Just a few days ago Martin stated that he has “no issue in principle with 5 to 11 year olds being vaccinated” against Covid 19 (8), in light of the vaccine being recommended by Pfizer, the Pharma Giant with it’s own damning past (involving child deaths, bribing doctors & more) (9). Given the clear issues of contradiction around informed consent, how is the present situation much different to the past? (how can true informed consent be obtained when long term data has not emerged & we must ask were people truly advised that the shots are not approved?) (11*). People of Ireland, take off the blinkers; as well as the masks. Tomorrow, 1st of October 2021, the booster leg of Ireland’s Covid journey begins. What side of our country’s history will you be on when the clock strikes 12? Are we facing a new dawn or the darkest night? Sources for video can be found below… (1) (2) (3) (4) Dr. Jessica Ro, Viral Immunologist & Computational Biologist speaking (as part of a panel of selected Doctors & scientists) before the FDA Vaccines & related Biological Products Committee (17/09/2021). The FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration, and is a federal agency of the Department of Health & Human services (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (more links to Pfizer’s past in video sources below) (10) Covid Vaccines are NOT approved, they have conditional marketing authorisation: Source: Health Products Regulatory Authority of Ireland (HPRA): Page 4 (11) https://www Sources: Music: Musical Pocket Watch from “For A Few Dollars More”at (1968) (32 to 49 seconds) Quotes Dr. Jessica Rose, Viral Immunologist & Computational Biologist speaking (as part of a panel of selected Doctors & scientists) before the FDA Vaccines & related Biological Products Committee (17/09/2021). The FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration, and is a federal agency of the Department of Health & Human services. Dr. Jessica Roses’ testimony (excerpt): Source: For full FDA Committee meeting (approx 8 hours long): 1HSE claim: “Every Covid 19 Vaccine, makes a difference…” (55 seconds to 1 minute): Case numbers 24th September 2020 – 234 cases (The number of people in hospital for Covid 19 treatment was 94 at this time not one person in Ireland had received any Covid 19 Vaccines and yet cases were low). Source: : Source: Case Numbers on 24th September 2021-1,377 cases (The number of people in hospital for Covid 19 treatment was 286, fully vaccinated figure stands at 90.2% of the adult population, and 7,035,048 doses have been administered in Ireland)* Source: From Monday the 13th of September 2021:* 7,035,048 doses have been administered in Ireland. 90.2% of the adult population are fully vaccinated. Additional information: 90% of all eligible adults have received one dose. ~89.3% of 16+ are now vaccinated. 75% of the overall population have received at least 1 dose. Source: 2HSE Claim: “Helping to reduce the amount of serious illness caused by Covid 19…” (1 minute to 1.05): Pre vaccine rollout, Intensive Care Unit figure on 24th September 2020 stood at 16 patients with Covid 19. Source: After 90.2% of adults have been fully vaccinated against Covid 19, Intensive Care Unit figure on the 24th of september 2021 stood at 61 patients with Covid 19. Source: Pre vaccine rollout the number of those receiving ventilator treatment for Covid 19t on 24th September 2020: 5 patients. Source: After 90.2 percent of adults have been fully vaccinated against Covid 19, those receiving ventilator treatment for Covid 19 on the 24th of September 2021: 36 patients. (again, not a single person in Ireland had received any covid 19 vaccine). Source: 3(1.06 – 1.12) 41,096 deaths linked to the Covid vaccines: Sources: EUDRA VIGILANCE (The European Medicines Agency’s European Union Drugs Regulating Authority) Up until September 11th 2021: 24,526 deaths have been linked to the Covid 19 vaccines (and 2,317,495 injuries have been linked to the Covid 19 vaccines). VAERS ( The Vaccine Adverse Events Warning System is the U.S is a national early warning vaccine safety programme established to detect possible safety concerns regarding vaccines). Up until September 10th 2021: 14,925 deaths linked to the Covid 19 vaccines (and 701,559 injuries have been linked to the Covid 19 vaccines, in addition there have been 60,741 hospitalisations linked to the Covid 19 vaccines). CARD SCHEME ( The Yellow Card Scheme is the U.K official Medicines Healthcare and Regulatory Authority website for reporting side effects and deaths linked to vaccines, medicines and medical aids). Up until the 8th of September 2021: There has been 1,645 deaths linked to the Covid 19 vaccines (and 1,196,813 injuries linked to the Covid 19 vaccines). is estimated that only 1 to 10 percent of adverse events are reported, evidence of this can be found here for VAERS: Source: Source: and here for Yellow Card: Source: *We did not find any links pertaining to underreporting on EUDRA at the time of publishing.We have written to EUDRA to ask them what level of underreporting they estimate to be occurring in relation to Covid 19 Vaccines and other medicines and why there is no information regarding this online. It is difficult to imagine, given the vast underreporting in both the U.K. and the U.S, that EUDRA has a 100% reporting rate for adverse events. The probability that European healthcare professionals differ from their U.K and U.S counterparts so much that they manage to attain a 100% reporting rate appears questionable, particularly when it is taken into consideration that in Ireland there is no obligation on G.Ps to report adverse events (see #5). 4(1.13-1.17) “Drug Companies Secretly Pay Millions to Irish Healthcare Professionals” (07th January 2019) Source: Additional similar sources: “Irish Doctors get 5 MILLION in Secret Payments from Drug Firms” (05th January 2020) Source: “How Doctors and Hospitals Cash in from Big Pharma- Big Firms Pay Almost One-Third of HSE Doctors” (06th November 2016). Source: 5(1.19-1.25) Doctors & pharmacists are paid 25 euro per single shot of Covid 19 Vaccine administered, 50 per double dose if Covid 19 vaccine administered & 10 administration fee per shot of Covid 19 vaccine administered: Source: Source: No obligations to report side effects: As reported by Irish G.P. Dr. Marcus de Brun: “…and there is no obligation for us to report side effects.” He also states: “We GPs were paid more to give these emergency vaccines than we have ever been paid for ANY vaccine in the history of the state, we made more on Covid than Dr’s anywhere in the EU……Nor are we obliged to take it either.” Source: 6(1.26.-1.31) Pfizer’s Criminal History: Sources: “Big Pharma Coughs up 2.3 Billion” (03 November 2009) https://ww “Crimes of Covid Vaccine Maker Well Documented” (18th November 2020) of-covid-vaccine-maker-pfizer-well-documented/:
“A Trustworthy Vaccine” The Corporate Research Project: “Pfizer’s Corporate Rap Sheet” National Institute of Health (NIH) PMC US National Library of Medicine/ National Institutes of Health “Tough on Crime? Pfizer and the CIHR” “Nigeria Sues Pfizer for 7 billion over ‘Illegal’ Tests on Children” (5th June 2007) lth.healthandwellbeing1 “Pfizer Pays Out to Nigerian Families of Meningitis Drug Trial Victims” (12th of August 2011) “Drug Breach Ends in Biggest U.S. Drug Fine” (02 September 2009) “Pfizer Says Covid Vaccine Sales to Top 33.5 Billion, Sees Need for Boosters” (28th July 2021) 7(132-1.36) “Court Hears GSK “Directed and Controlled” the HSE during Swine Flu Rollout” (09th of October 2019)“allegations that the Minister and the HSE encouraged vaccination when it was aware the Pandemrix vaccine was not as safe as other vaccines.” “The High Court has heard claims that vaccine makers GlaxoSmithKline “directed and controlled” the Health Service Executive during the procurement process for the Pandemrix.” “GSK had said certain terms in its contract were non-negotiable and said vaccines ear-marked for Ireland would be given to another country if the terms were not agreed.” “Senior Counsel Dermot Gleeson said GSK had anticipated legal action over the Pandemrix vaccine before it was sold to Ireland.Mr Gleeson said “unusual” contractual clauses insisted upon by GSK showed the pharmaceutical company had anticipated being sued.” “The court has heard that GSK insisted on being indemnified by the HSE against any legal action arising from the vaccination programme in 2009.” “Senior Counsel Dermot Gleeson said the documents showed GSK was also insisting on a clause which meant the HSE could not settle any cases or say anything about it or the vaccine even if it was the right and cost-effective thing to do. This, he said, amounted to an “unconstitutional agreement” and was “profoundly disquieting” whereby an agent of the State was yielding its power to conduct its own litigation with a citizen of Ireland. He said the most remarkable clause of the contract was GSK’s insistence that it could give confidential information to the HSE’s lawyers but the HSE would not have access to that information.” “They (GSK) anticipated litigation and here they were providing detailed arrangements to control the litigation and to control the way in which the barristers were employed by the HSE,” Mr Gleeson said adding: “It lets the cat out of the bag that GSK expected litigation. “The agreement between the GSK and the HSE amounted to a “constitutional conspiracy” where the rights of a citizen are affected.Mr Gleeson said the clause required the HSE to subordinate their best constitutionally directed instincts and advice to GSK.” “An agent of the State was being directed and controlled by a foreign pharmaceutical company.” “It is also claimed the HSE entered into an indemnity agreement with GSK in 2009 as a condition of the company supplying the vaccine.” “It is also claimed that the Irish Medicines Board – now the HPRA – wrote to the Department of Health in September 2009 noting there was no safety data available with the swine flu vaccines and no data was yet available from clinical trials which were then underway.” Slide After # 7: (1.37-1.43) HSE has a questionable relationship with Big Pharma Sources: “How Doctors and Hospitals Cash in from Big Pharma- Big Firms Pay Almost One-Third of HSE Doctors” (06th November 2016): https://www. *Covid Vaccines are NOT approved, they have conditional marketing authorisation: Source: Health Products Regulatory Authority of Ireland (HPRA): Page 4 8(1.44-1.47) 2020 CSO Stats show mortality figures were broadly in line with previous years (631 more than 2019, deaths 2020: 31,765, deaths 2021: 31,134. Natural increase in the population 2020: 4,468) Source: 9(1.48-1.55) November – December 2020 151 elderly people died Vaccine rollout began in January 2021 In January- February 2021 557 elderly people died (from a selected sample of 60 nursing homes in Ireland) The overall mortality figures for 2020, for those nursing homes, can also be found here at Health Freedom Ireland: Source: 10(1.56-2.02) Children have a two in a million chance of dying from Covid even with underlying conditions; fatality is rare. “Children’s Extremely Low Risk Confirmed by Study” Source: Source: 2: “SARS-CoV-2 is very rarely fatal in CYP, even among those with underlying comorbidities. These findings are important to guide families, clinicians and policy makers about future shielding and vaccination.” In particular, for boys the risk associated with the vaccine is greater than risk from covid. Source:SARS Cov- 2 MRNA Vaccination Associated Side Effects in Children” “New Study: Vaccine Side Effects 6 Times More Dangerous Than Covid 19 Hospitalisation for Teenage Boys” 11(2.03-2.07) Follow the money! THINK. 12(2.07-2.2.20)Tony Holohan Admits There is Limited Safety & Efficacy Data on Boosters EMA Has Not Approved Boosters Source: “Holohan Warns Boosters Not Approved by Regulators” (14th September 2021) “Dr Holohan outlined the restricted evidence around boosters so far in a letter to Health Minister Stephen Donnelly, saying people need to know boosters have not been approved by the European medicines regulator. However, he gave the green light to offer booster shots to residents in long-term care over 65, and to people over 80 living in the community, following an assessment by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (Niac).” “The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not authorised additional or booster doses for any Covid-19 vaccine to date. Dear (& other mainstream “news”entities), we declare we are not “anti-vax” or “right-wing” or “conspiracy theorists” or and attempts to spread misinformation by applying spurious & misleading terms to the makers of this video may result in legal action being taken against you. We are pro truth however. Try it sometime. |