Listen to "g20 Radio" 24/7 music and content from g20 uprising and its aftermath A project of "blast furnace radio" pittsburgh, pa. Streaming URL: if it does not work, cut and paste into your fav Blast Furnace Radio has been broadcasting out of Duncan and Porter House in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since 1999. In addition to playing music, news, and interviews with activists and artists from around the world, we’ve donated our time and energy to many of the Emergency Community Broadcasts featured on MicroRadio.NET. We’ve also helped coordinate feeds originating from insurrections in such far flung locales as Philadelphia, New York City, Cincinnati, Boston, Washington DC, and Quebec City. Feed back welcomed just email us @ Listen to "g20 Radio" 24/7 music and content from g20 uprising and its aftermath A project of "blast furnace radio" pittsburgh, pa. Streaming URL: if it does not work, cut and paste into your fav Blast Furnace Radio has been broadcasting out of Duncan and Porter House in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since 1999. In addition to playing music, news, and interviews with activists and artists from around the world, we’ve donated our time and energy to many of the Emergency Community Broadcasts featured on MicroRadio.NET. We’ve also helped coordinate feeds originating from insurrections in such far flung locales as Philadelphia, New York City, Cincinnati, Boston, Washington DC, and Quebec City. Feed back welcomed just email us @ Community / Organization Links: G20 Bed & Breakfast: Blast Furnace Radio (and TV): G20 Media Support: Pittsburgh G20 Resistance Project: Pittsburgh G20 Partnership: The Pittsburgh Summit 2009: