Galway Training Days on the Injustice of Debt in the Global South When? Saturday May 10th, 10.30am to 1pm (lunch provided) Harbour Hotel, New Docks Road, Galway City Tuesday May 20th, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Galway One World Centre, Bridge Mills, Dominick St., Galway City Why not take this great opportunity to get up to speed on the injustice of the debt problem in the Global South? This training course is divided into two sessions and will provide participants with a detailed understanding of the debt problem in the Global South, including a full update on the current situation and lots of ideas of what can be done from Ireland to tackle the problem. The course will equip participants to analyse responsibilities in the debt crisis, learn about the current focus of the global debt cancellation movement and discuss what activists in Ireland can do to tackle the problem. Session 1: Will be a half-day training focusing on reviewing progress toward debt cancellation so far, and charting out the many unresolved issues in the current debt cancellation debate. Resource person: Nessa Ní Chasaide (Co-ordinator Debt and Development Coalition Ireland) Session 2: Will be an evening discussion with Lidy Nacpil, the leading debt cancellation activist from the Philippines who has co-ordinated the debt cancellation movement across the Global South for many years. Lidy will provide her unique insights into the challenges facing Southern activists working on the debt issue and outline what kind of solidarity Southern activists are calling for from the rich world. It is hoped that after both sessions, participants will feel confident in discussing the debt problem with others and inspired to continue their involvement with the issue. Course Fee: DDCI / Galway OWC Members: €10 Euro; Non-members: €15; Unemployed / Asylum seekers: free To book a place contact: Heike: Galway One World Centre, ph: 091 530590, Nessa: Debt and Development Coalition Ireland, ph: 01 8571828,