Independent Media Centre Ireland

Let It Snow!

category national | sci-tech | opinion/analysis author Friday December 17, 2010 17:12author by Sean Crudden - imperoauthor email impero at iol dot ieauthor address Jenkinstown, Dundalk, Co Louthauthor phone 0879739945

Let It Snow. Let It Snow

The much trumpeted discovery of RNA and DNA copperfastened in the public mind the discrete, "quantum" characteristics; in a sort of "digital" understanding of human genetics. It may have blinded us to qualitative effects and the incalculable genetic fallout from widespread prescription of neuroleptics and other pharmaceuticals. One of the tragically serious ironies of this is that people of otherwise very high genetic perfection are often the most prone to "mental illness."

The crown princes and aristocrats of spin and snow smother us with sham talk of "recovery" and a vision for change. I am mentioning no names and I do not want to accuse anyone of deliberately trying to mislead the public or restrict mental patients in their current limbo. But readers of indymedia who are sufficiently interested should familiarise themselves with people like John Saunders. I am not telling you what conclusion you should draw. In any case if you have read this far you are perfectly well capable of making up your own mind.

Letterfrack, Artane, The Magdalen Laundries, clerical child abuse; all these things pale into insignificance compared to the inestimable damage, destruction, degradation wrought in the name of psychiatry on three generations of mental patients. And things are not getting better; the problem is getting more widespread and as methods improve the distress of patients is increasing.

There is one further point I wish to make and I do not want to spoil your Christmas. Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to see the inside of a family court knows that the procedures in there are slipshod, annoying; and frequently the judge seems to imagine himself to be a psychiatrist. Needless to say many psychiatrists see themselves as judges. What I am driving at is the widespread confabulation of law and psychiatry which, I think, goes a long way to preserve the stasis and perpetuate abuse.

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author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sun Dec 19, 2010 14:24author address author phone

I recognise what you are saying sean, but I dont think you can second Artane, Letterfrack and the archipelago of torture, enslavement, rape and sustained abuse into any relative insignificance.

They are all connected, and stem from a culture of superstition and fear maintained in the pursuit of power, in church, politics, gardai, legal and medical professional solidarity convinced of its own sanity, as surely as the banal evil of those other concentration camps delineated by Hannah Arendt. Maintained not least, and still, despite the emergent information, by our mainstream media, who have no problem, as with Saturday's Irish Times where Mary Raftery on page 17 lists and names the

'Archbishops, bishops, chancellors, vicars general, parish priests - the list of senior clerics who knew of Walsh's serial sexual abuse of children is virtually endless.'

Then on page 19(editorial and letters)we are fed

'The effectivenes of propaganda campaigns to deaden consciences and enforces(sic) conformism that fears to question what is claimed to be a settled issue has apparently worked.'

And whence this moral certitude and righteous anger against the deadening of conscience and the ensuring of a conformism that fears to question?

Some radical anarchist?Some socratic heretic interrogating the recieved wisdom of a moribund social heirarchy?

Well no. Its a Fr. Tom Kelleher launching his early retaliation to the human rights verdict in Europe that has mildly rebuked Eire Inc for forcing a woman sick with cancer to resort to leaving the country for health services denied by his church's domination of the propagandised Irish psyche.

Out of six letters on the topic, Modom has printed ONE from a woman.

And one from a representative of the institution described by Mary Raftery on the preceding page and whose 'cover-up' the paper's editor purportedly found 'breathtaking'.

Perhaps its the Smirnoff, Modom.

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